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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,455 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Forward Modeling to Improve Seismic Acquisition Design
Paula A.C. Barbosa, Jose A. Jaramillo, Jose H. Olaya
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... concentration produces an increment in reflection amplitude and in geometrical spreading factor, due to the number of rays involved. A detailed analysis...
An analytical model for squirt flow and viscous shear relaxation in porous rocks
Yury Alkhimenkov
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... if all the geometrical properties are re-scaled by any fraction. The analytical model is based on the modified frame concept (cracks are saturated...
Chapter 12: Increasing Interpreter Capability in Structurally Complex Settings through Combined Fieldwork, Interpretation, and Geocellular Modeling
John G. Solum, Stephen J. Jolley, Benjamin D. Meyer
AAPG Special Volumes
... Sciences, v. 6, p. 743–757. Dee, S., Freeman, B., Yielding, G., Roberts, A., Bretan, P., 2005, Best practice in structural geological analysis: First...
On the Characterization of Porosity and Permeability in Limestones; #120055 (2012)
Philippe Gouze
Search and Discovery.com
..., as well as their scale dependence or independence. Others variables can be defined. The same approach can be used to relate geometrical parameters...
Abstract: Dynamic Characterization of Fracture Geometry through Bayesian Inversion of Production History; #90063 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com
The Logarithmic Spiral: Definition and Expression of a New Graphical Representation of Results in Sedimentological Analysis
Pierre Weydert
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...The Logarithmic Spiral: Definition and Expression of a New Graphical Representation of Results in Sedimentological Analysis Pierre Weydert 1976 Vol...
A Quick Look on Litho Classification Using Combination of Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis of Seismic Attributes: A Case Study on Boonsville Field
Abdi W.S., Leonard J.I. Lisapaly
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... cluster, if they are “close” according to given distance (in this case geometrical distance). The definition of distance varies from one analysis...
Quantification of pore structure and its effect on sonic velocity and permeability in carbonates
Ralf J. Weger, Gregor P. Eberli, Gregor T. Baechle, Jose L. Massaferro, Yue-Feng Sun
AAPG Bulletin
... properties. We introduce a digital image analysis (DIA) method that produces quantitative pore-space parameters, which can be linked to physical properties...
Abstract: Physical Modeling for Azimuthal AVO Over a Simulated Fractured Medium; #90174 (2014)
Faranak Mahmoudian, Gary F. Margrave, and Joe Wong
Search and Discovery.com
... data, and to verify the suitability of physically-modeled data for AVAZ (amplitude variation with azimuth) analysis. Our model consisted...
The competition of oil and gas for trap space and seal capacity
Martin Neumaier, Jan de Jager, Ben Kurtenbach
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... predictions requires careful analysis and filtering and may not do justice to variations in charge and prospect-specific geometrical aspects and seal...
Reservoir Modeling, Fault Seal Analysis and Volume Uncertainty Estimation Using Experimental Design and Monte Carlo Technique of a Prospect Within Attaka Field
Yuniyanto, Mark Feit, Lothar Schulte
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Reservoir Modeling, Fault Seal Analysis and Volume Uncertainty Estimation Using Experimental Design and Monte Carlo Technique of a Prospect Within...
Seismic Facies Analysis Using Generative Topographic Mapping; #41717 (2015)
Satinder Chopra, Kurt Marfurt
Search and Discovery.com
...Seismic Facies Analysis Using Generative Topographic Mapping; #41717 (2015) Satinder Chopra, Kurt Marfurt Seismic Facies Analysis Using Generative...
Rock Physics Based Quantification of Carbonate Pore Type Effect on Permeability Heterogeneity: Application to the Wolfcamp Formation, Permian Basin; #51480 (2018)
Adewale Amosu, Yuefeng Sun
Search and Discovery.com
... modeling Amplitude Versus Offset (AVO) analysis on rock samples with different pore types and show that the effect of different pore types is more...
Application of Trend Analysis to Pre-Morrow Surface, Southeastern Hugoton Embayment Area, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas
Martin W. Schramm, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
...Application of Trend Analysis to Pre-Morrow Surface, Southeastern Hugoton Embayment Area, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas Martin W. Schramm, Jr. 1968...
Analogue Modeling of the Monterrey Salient and the La Popa Basin, Northeastern Mexico
Mariano Cerca, Rodrigo Portillo-Pineda, Dora Carreon-Freyre
GCAGS Transactions
... prove that the complex geometrical patterns of deformation in the studied area can be assessed by a feasible and mechanically simple analysis...
Application of random forest algorithm to predict lithofacies from well and seismic data in Balder field, Norwegian North Sea
Hoang Nguyen, Bérengère Savary-Sismondini, Virginie Patacz, Arnt Jenssen, Robin Kifle, and Alexandre Bertrand
AAPG Bulletin
... learning. This paper used a supervised learning algorithm called random forest to detect a relationship between seismic data and geometrical data...
Tetonic Patterns in the Appalachian-Ouachita-Oklahoma Mountain Complex
William F. Tanner
Oklahoma City Geological Society
..., 1958). Out of the model work, field work, and geometrical analysis reviewed briefly above, the present writer has evolved an analytical approach...
Autogenic Hiatus in Fluviodeltaic Successions: Geometrical Modeling and Physical Experiments
Arti Tomer, Tetsuji Muto, Wonsuck Kim
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Autogenic Hiatus in Fluviodeltaic Successions: Geometrical Modeling and Physical Experiments Arti Tomer, Tetsuji Muto, Wonsuck Kim 2011 207 217 Vol...
Combined Interpretation of Gravity with Seismic and Well Data Using Stripping Technique
Hari Santoso, Achmad Bermawi, Eddy Murhantoro
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... better definition of structure in deeper horizons, gravity analysis combined with seismic and well data is interpreted by a so-called "Stripping...
Selection of Geological Models for Uncertainty Assessment with a Novel Streamline Approach, #40567 (2010)
Michael D. Hogg, G. Michael Shook, Michael Pyrcz,
Search and Discovery.com
... flow behavior. The simulations are simple single phase cases requiring minimal resources. Analysis of streamline data are performed with proprietary...
Estimation of Gas Reservoir Boundary by AVO Analysis
Alfian D. Santoso, L. Hendrajaya, F. Makhruf, Purwoko, S. Ardisasmita
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... located at the subsurface reflector point. Therefore in geometrical correction should be applied carefully at beginning of AVO analysis, to conserve...
Chapter 23: An Integrated Approach to De-Risking Exploration and Appraisal in Structurally Complex Fold-and-Thrust Belts: Application to the Incahuasi Field (Bolivia)
Jean-Francois Ballard, Vincenzo Spina, Francis Clément, Pierre-Emmanuel Lardin, Jean-Marc Moron, Jean-Marc Fleury, Patrick Chaffel
AAPG Special Volumes
..., to subhorizontal, close to the hinge (Figure 6d). The geometrical analysis of shallow wells such as Lagunillas X-1 and the Pincal X-1 allows interpretation...
Southwest Palawan, Philippines: A Case Study in Seismic Imaging and Interpretation of Complex Structures
Philip M. Rimando, Geronimo A. Manuel, Raymundo A. Reyes, Jr.
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... geometrical problems not adequately handled by what is considered conventional or industry-standard sequence of processing seismic data. The proper...
Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo (AVGMP)
... evidence of the general stress system that we assume to be present. Figure 16.: Analysis of wrench fault system. 21 Figure 17.: Application of Moody...
Bridging the Gap Between Reservoir and Seismic
Mike Branston
GEO ExPro Magazine
... than weeks. The core of the software is a model which describes the geometrical structure and properties of the PSDM target of interest. This model...