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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,455 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Analysis of Fractures and Tectonic Structures in Core, by Byron R. Kulander and Stuart L. Dean; #91030 (2010)
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Integration of Borehole Data for Improved Reservoir Characterization: Reservoir Characterization: Petrophysical Formation Evaluation and Rock Description
Roy D. Nurmi
AAPG Special Volumes
... integrated rather than only being compared for quality control. The geological and geometrical analysis of borehole data sometimes allows...
Abstract: Photogeological and Image Analysis Techniques for the Development of Quantitative, High-resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Models, by J. J. M. Lewis, M. J. Arnot, T. R. Good, and R. Pelling; #90987 (1993).
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Abstract: Innovative Seismic Techniques Applied to the Analysis of Submarine Channels, Lower Congo Basin, Angola, by Luiz Empinotti, Chukwuemeka Phil-Ebosie, Fatima R. Dios, and Marco Morales; #90082 (2008)
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Abstract: Thrusting tectonics in eastern Notre Dame Bay
Paul F. Williams, Karl Karlstrom, Ben van der Pluijm
Atlantic Geology
... Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B. E3B 5A3 Structural analysis of the area.examined has produced sufficient geometrical constraints to allow meaningful...
Anastomosed River Deposits: Potential Hydrocarbon Traps and Fluid Distributions: Abstract
D. G. Smith, P. E. Putnam
CSPG Special Publications
... of thick, narrow stringers of channel sand and laterally extensive, sheet-like crevasse-splay sand. Geometrical analysis of the potential reservoirs...
Geometry and Sequential Development of Ancient Tide-Dominated Shelf Sand Bodies: Abstract
Nio Swie-djin
CSPG Special Publications
... on present day tide-dominated shelves have only been supported by a few examples from ancient analogues. After a detailed facies analysis, most...
Environmental Geometry: Its Effect on and Interaction with Sedimentation: ABSTRACT
H. G. Goodell
AAPG Bulletin
... the rate of application of energy are functions of (1) the geometry of the locus and (2) the relative position of that locus in the geometrical...
Abstract: Construction of a Transversal Section Through the Wells MUC-1E, CRC-7, CRC-6, and CRC-3, El Carito Field, by A. Aponte and O. Gonzalez; #90951 (1996).
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ABSTRACT: Fault Reactivation or Truncation (or both) in Repeatedly Inverted Settings? The Kinematic Test, by E. Tavarnelli; #91021 (2010)
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Abstract: A Process Based Approach to Evaluating Sealing and Transmitting Faults, by A. Aydin, D. D. Pollard, R. D. Myers, and C. Brankman; #90942 (1997).
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Abstract: Sediment Waves: Are They Cyclic Steps or Antidunes?, by S. Kostic; #90088 (2009)
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3-D Trishear: Parameters and Possibilities
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ABSTRACT: Critically Tapered Wedges Above Viscous Detachments: Influence of Detachment Layer Geometry; #90013 (2003)
I. C. Higuera-Diaz
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... thick evaporitic unit. Serial cross-section and detailed mapping of this fold complex provided geometrical constrains such as regional angle...
ABSTRACT: Seismic Characteristics of Leakage from an Under-Filled Structure in the North Sea, Offshore Norway - Diagnostic Criteria for Other Areas?; #90017 (2003)
Gunn Mari Grimsmo Teige, Hege Marit Nordgård Bolås, Christian Hermanrud
Search and Discovery.com
... by several different characteristic features, including degradation of the seismic signals in overburden rocks and a cone - shaped geometrical feature above...
ABSTRACT: Development of Multiphase Karstification in Central Luconia Carbonates Imaging and Modeling the Unpredictable; #90061 (2006)
Spencer Coca, Laurent Bourdon, and Laurent Alessio
Search and Discovery.com
... model that facilitated regional sequence stratigraphic understanding. Geometrical analysis of modelled Karst shows a close resemblance to modern day...
ABSTRACT Time and Style of Deformation of the Kura Foreland Fold-and-Thrust Belt South-East Georgia, #90104 (2010)
Alania Victor M.; Glonti Vakhtang; Enukidze Onise; Lebanidze Zaza; Tsertsvadze Serafion
Search and Discovery.com
... and thrust belt. On the basis of interpreting seismic profile we present the geometrical modeling of growth strata, which has supplied kinematic...
Abstract: Effective Multipoint Geostatistics Applied to Mature Fields for Optimized Model Update, Monitoring and Forecasting; #90314 (2018)
Mahmoud Mersal, Jorge Nieto
Search and Discovery.com
... images for multipoint analysis has become a challenge of major effect in results. Proposed here, the conceptual model and realistic output built from...
Abstract: AI Seismic Method Reveals Hidden Details in Complex Giant Carbonate Field; #91204 (2023)
Mujeeb Oke
Search and Discovery.com
... platform to basin. Pre-Stack Time Migrated (PSTM) seismic data was used as primary input. Various geometrical and trace attributes were extracted...
The Re
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Structural analysis of seismically mapped horizons using the developable surface model
Richard J. Lisle, Juan Luis Fernndez Martnez
AAPG Bulletin
... A new method for the analysis of folding of seismically mapped horizons is described. Based on a model of developable surfaces, the local geometrical...
Fold-Thrust Interactions in the Canadian Rocky Mountains Revisited - A New Kinematic Model and its Implications for Other Shallow Fold-Thrust Belts; #30470 (2016)
Jürgen Kraus, Paul F. Williams
Search and Discovery.com
... Mountain fold-thrust belt: Geological Society Special Publication, v. 349, p. 149–167. Jamison, W.R., 1987, Geometric analysis of fold development...
Reservoir Characterization of Baturaja Formation Soka Field
Tri Iswachyono, M.Aidil Arham, Joan Caroline Lumban Tobing
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., conventional core, petrography, and isotope analysis as the basis of analysis. From 5 wells used in this analysis, there are total 4 conventional cores, 4...
ABSTRACT: Drilling-Induced Fractures: Their Identification and Analysis, by Byron R. Kulander; #91030 (2010)
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