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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,455 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abstract: Microlithofacies Analysis within Cardium Tight-oil Intervals; #90187 (2014)

N. A. Solano, C. R. Clarkson, F. F. Krause, and A. Kantzas

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...Abstract: Microlithofacies Analysis within Cardium Tight-oil Intervals; #90187 (2014) N. A. Solano, C. R. Clarkson, F. F. Krause, and A. Kantzas AAPG...


Abstract: Detecting and Determining Bauxite Layer Depth by Using Multichannel Analyses of Surface Wave Method; #90254 (2016)

Saad Almalki, Majed Almalki, Abdurahman Alanezi, Abdulaziz AlMutairi

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..., Saudi Arabia Abstract The purpose of this study was to obtain a model of shear wave velocity (Vs) by using the multichannel analysis of surface wave...


Numerical Upscaling of Discrete Fracture Networks for Transient Analysis

Vincent Artus

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...Numerical Upscaling of Discrete Fracture Networks for Transient Analysis Vincent Artus URTeC: 3087 Numerical upscaling of Discrete Fracture Networks...


Multiwell Transient Model for Fractured Horizontal Wells with Complex Geometries

Vincent Artus

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... geometries. The model can be applied to numerical Rate or Pressure Transient Analysis in unconventional reservoirs, without being limited to a geometrical...


Visualization of Angular Unconformities and Tectonic Angular Discordance Measurement Constraints by Structural Geometrical Flattening: Case Studies in the Permian (California), Grand Canyon (Arizona), Chad Basin (Nigeria), Algarve Basin (Iberian Peninsula), and the Aegean Sea Basin (Turkey)

Adewale Amosu, Yuefeng Sun

GCAGS Transactions

...Visualization of Angular Unconformities and Tectonic Angular Discordance Measurement Constraints by Structural Geometrical Flattening: Case Studies...


ABSTRACT: Tectono-Sedimentation Analysis of Rift Sediments of West Godavari Sub-Basin and Its Implications for Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Krishna Godavari Basin; #90061 (2006)

Durgaprasad Dabbiru, Sushma Rawat, and Saumitra Gupta

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...ABSTRACT: Tectono-Sedimentation Analysis of Rift Sediments of West Godavari Sub-Basin and Its Implications for Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Krishna...


Abstract: Missing Sections Interpreted as Normal Faults Creating Problems to Geological Interpretation and Field Development, Examples from Strike Slip and Compressional Structures in Venezuela; #90225 (2015)

J-Y. Chatellier, S. Olave, and M.E. Rueda

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... facies on either side of the fault: The Multiple Bischke Plot Analysis has been the only technique leading to the identification of the geological...


Abstract: Seismic Attribute Optimization for Deep-Water Facies Classification in SOM Analysis;

Karelia La Marca Molina, Heather Bedle

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...Abstract: Seismic Attribute Optimization for Deep-Water Facies Classification in SOM Analysis; Karelia La Marca Molina, Heather Bedle Seismic...


Kurtosis and Peakedness: NOTES

R. A. Baker

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... "normalcy" of the distribution at hand. As such, they may be useful in sediment analysis. Geometrical peakedness is better described by fm...


Abstract: Spectral-element Simulations of Elastic Wave Propagation in Exploration and Geotechnical Applications; #90187 (2014)

Lin Zheng, Qi Zhao, Qinya Liu, Bernd Milkereit, and Giovanni Grasselli

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... Summary The spectral-element methods (SEMs) have long been applied to model wave propagation for seismological research by providing more geometrical...


ABSTRACT: Analysis of the Facies Distribution, Internal Architecture, and Development of an Isolated, Microbially-Dominated Carbonate Platform (Terminal Proterozoic Nama Group, Namibia); #90007 (2002)

Erwin W. Adams, Stefan Schroeder, John P. Grotzinger, David S. McCormick, Joachim E. Amthor

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...ABSTRACT: Analysis of the Facies Distribution, Internal Architecture, and Development of an Isolated, Microbially-Dominated Carbonate Platform...


ABSTRACT: Uncertainty Assessment in Static Reservoir Simulation by Using Stochastic and Stratigraphic Forward Modeling; #90013 (2003)

Jean Borgomano, Kees van der Zwan, Georg Warrlich, Paul Van der Geest

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... on the basis of outcrop-calibrated simulation. The calibration data set is based on highresolution stratigraphic analysis of Cretaceous carbonate...


ABSTRACT: 3D Architecture of a Deepwater Turbidite Depositional System from Outcrop and Wells (2): Construction, Visualization and Analysis of Reservoir Models; #90017 (2003)

David Hodgetts, Eirik Vik, David Hodgson, Nick Drinkwater, Stephen Flint

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...ABSTRACT: 3D Architecture of a Deepwater Turbidite Depositional System from Outcrop and Wells (2): Construction, Visualization and Analysis...


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