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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,455 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abstract: 3D Reconstruction of a Shale-Cored Anticline in the Western South Caspian Sea; #90137 (2011)


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... and overpressured mud comes from the Maykop Unit (Oligocene-to-Miocene). This study is focused on the geometrical reconstruction of the KAD anticline, in offshore...


Abstract: An Azimuthal-AVO-Compliant 3D Land Seismic Processing Flow; #90171 (2013)

David Gray, Darren Schmidt, Nirupama Nagarajappa, Charles Ursenbach, and Jon Downton

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... Vectors (COV’s) (Cary, 1999). Examples of these four techniques are shown to improve the seismic data before and after azimuthal AVO analysis.. Method...


Abstract: From outcrop analogue to full-field fracture model: the importance of multi-scale fracture size-intensity relationships; #90254 (2016)

Richard R. Jones, Jonathan J. Long, Ken J. McCaffrey

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..., and analysis of satellite imagery can allow fracture data across at least seven orders of magnitude to be acquired from suitable areas of surface...


Abstract: Microseismic Monitoring to Help Understand the Call of the Vaca Muerta Formation; #90255 (2017)

Luis Pianelli, Fernando Coetsee, Juan La Vecchia, Adrian Sanchez

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... to indicate that there is a very good geometrical match between the post-treatment event cluster and the attributes-derived fault volume in the interval...


Abstract: Analysis of Salt Intrusion Shape by Forward and Inverse Gravity Modelling Based on Real, Analog and Synthetic Data; #91204 (2023)

Jan Mrlina, Roman Beranek

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...Abstract: Analysis of Salt Intrusion Shape by Forward and Inverse Gravity Modelling Based on Real, Analog and Synthetic Data; #91204 (2023) Jan...


Abstract: Insights from Timor-Leste Tectonics: Applications for Geologic Studies and Energy Exploration in Central Nevada; #91208 (2024)

Tanner A. Nielsen

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... arc-continent collisions accreted terranes now forming the western Cordillera, enhances our understanding of similar tectonic processes. Geometrical...


Paleoflow Characteristics of a Late Cretaceous River in Utah from Analysis of Sedimentary Structures in the Ferron Sandstone: A Reply

Edward Cotter

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Paleoflow Characteristics of a Late Cretaceous River in Utah from Analysis of Sedimentary Structures in the Ferron Sandstone: A Reply Edward Cotter...


Workflow and Analysis Tools for the Characterization of Fractured Reservoirs

Arnaud G. Lange, Andre Fourno, Matthieu Delorme, Nina Khvoenkova, and Catherine Ponsot-Jacquin, #40424 (2009)

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...Workflow and Analysis Tools for the Characterization of Fractured Reservoirs Arnaud G. Lange, Andre Fourno, Matthieu Delorme, Nina Khvoenkova...


Integrated Workflow for Fracture Characterization ; From Well Bore Analysis, Post-Stack Geometrical Attributes and Pre-Stack Azimuthal Inversion; Case Study for Fractured Volcanic Reservoir Analysis in Jatibarang Field, North West Java Basin

Aji Rahmat Ginanjar, Andreas Wasi Kuncoro, Muhammad Taslim, Tri Sunarno Irianto, Arrie Kurniawan, Oddy Pranidhana

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Integrated Workflow for Fracture Characterization ; From Well Bore Analysis, Post-Stack Geometrical Attributes and Pre-Stack Azimuthal Inversion...


Feasibility Study Methodology for Fracture Analysis Studies Using Seismic Azimuthal Amplitude Variation: Application in Southern Mexico

Alexis Ferrer Balas, Nahum Campos, Jesus Garcia Hernandez

GCAGS Transactions

... be provided by a geometrical feasibility study, followed by convolutional modeling and azimuthal amplitude vs. offset (or angle) analysis (often abbreviated...


Borehole Electrical Imagery, a Power Full Tool in Complex Reservoir Characterization: Abstract

R. Martínez, I. Nieves, M. Frass, J. Piedrahita, C. Rincón

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... cores and Borehole Electrical Imagery, most other logging approaches are only fracture indicators with no capability for any geometrical analysis...


Electrical Imaging

John H. Doveton

Special Publications of SEPM

... and the geometrical analysis of features. Inclined planar features such as fractures or crossbedding surfaces will appear as sinusoidal elements on the images...


Features of Growth Faults

John W. Shelton

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... which results in 'rollover' structures. He then discussed the essential geometrical features of growth faults and compares some examples from...


Two-Dimensional Computer Modeling of Oil Generation and Migration in a Transect of the Eastern Venezuela Basin

O. Gallango and F. Parnaud

AAPG Special Volumes

... the geometrical evolution of a basin in two dimensions, as well as the fluid movement patterns, paleopressure, paleotemperature, hydrocarbon potential...


Sequence, Parasequence, and  Intraparasequence Architecture of the Grassy Member, Blackhawk Formation, Book Cliffs, Utah, U.S.A.

Ciaran J. O'Byrne and Stephen Flint

AAPG Special Volumes

... improved our understanding of the geometrical and spatial relationships of sediment bodies within basin fills and has helped develop methodology...


Lithofacies Maps

Mike Shepherd

AAPG Special Volumes

..., 1996). Modern analogs show the geometrical interrelationship of the various sedimentary bodies; they also permit the width and length of the various...


Abstract: Experimental imaging of a vertical vein using controlled-source seismic interferometry

Kriselle Dias, Charles Hurich

Atlantic Geology

... methods are inadequate in the imaging of steeply dipping targets, due to unfavourable geometrical relationships between the surface sources, surface...


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