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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,455 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Unravelling North Oman Fractured Reservoirs Using a New Integrated Fracture Characterisation and Modelling Tool, by Pascal D. Richard and George Warrlich; #90082 (2008)
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Abstract: Historical and Seasonal Trends in Flood Conveyance, Tisza River, Hungary, by R. A. Venczel and N. Pinter; #90087 (2009).
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Abstract: 3D Structural Frameworks: The Gold Standard in Subsurface Interpretation, by Thomas Neely; #120140 (2014)
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A New Approach for the Enhanced Interpretation of Marine CSEM Data
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Pore Connectivity and Wettability of Typical Shales in South China: Small Angle Neutron Scattering Study
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Multiphysics Numerical Modeling of a Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoir Analogue
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Abstract: Deformation Style, Sedimentology and Petrology of the Flysch of Tisirene Nappe and Internal Dorsale Calcaire in the Jebha Area (Jebha Sheet 1/50000, Central Rif) : A Preliminary Survey
T. Ben Ali, J.S. Armstrong-Altrin, A. Di Staso, P. Mazzoleni, V. Perrone, M.N. Zaghloul, H. Mhamdi, and G. Barbera
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.... This work is aimed to evidence the structural analysis at micro- and macroscale, coupled with a detailed cartography at 1/10.000 in scale in order...
ABSTRACT Effect of Pore Space Geometry on Electrical Resistivity in Carbonates, #90104 (2010)
Verwer Klaas; Eberli Gregor P.
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... in electrical resistivity. Laboratory measurements of electrical resistivity in carbonates in combination with digital image analysis (DIA) of the pore...
ABSTRACT: Thermobaric conditions in zones of oil and gas accumulations of the southern oil- and gas-bearing region of Ukraine; #90109 (2010)
I. Kurovets, P. Chepil, O. Prykhodko, I. Hrytsyk
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... of 5000m (H5000m), values of average geometrical gradients (Ga) at an interval of “neutral sphere” – maximum depth measurement of temperature...
3-D Reservoir Characterization of the South Buckeye Field, Dundee Formation (Devonian), Michigan Basin, USA; #90131 (2011)
Shawn M. McCloskey and G. Michael Grammer
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... a tie to 3‐ D seismic by utilizing the application of geometrical data from multiple depositional analogs. Paleotopographic highs provided nucleation...
Abstract: Optimization of 3D Land Seismic Survey Design; #90319 (2018)
Abdulaziz Almuhaidib, Van Chuong Do
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..., as the range of possible survey designs continues to increase with the interdependence between different geometrical, operational, cost and productivity...
Abstract: Deep-marine Reservoir Distribution Against the Flanks of a Syn-Depositionally Active Salt Diapir in the Basque-Cantabrian Basin, N. Spain; #90321 (2018)
Zoe Cumberpatch
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... is therefore a useful way to constrain facies and geometrical configurations of these complicated onlaps. The Bakio Diapir, Basque-Cantabrian Basin, N. Spain...
Mapping, Modeling and Evolution of Salt Structure Geometries: Implications for Improved Sub-Salt Exploration, by Markus Mohr, Peter A. Kukla, Janos L. Urai, and Georg Bresser; #90052 (2006)
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Integrated 3D and 4D Characterization and Modeling of Fractured Reservoirs; #120152 (2014)
P. Richard, L. Bazalgette, K. Rawnsley, and P. Swaby
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... on demonstrating the impact of 3D data integration, 3D borehole image (BHI) analysis, geometrical and dynamic (Figure 1) to help constrain the structural...
ABSTRACT: Natural Fracturing of Rocks in the Southwestern Basins of the Algerian Sahara; #90016 (2003)
M. Badsi, D. Bekouche, F. Braik, T. Tenkhi, M.C Cacas
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... step of this work consisted of a data analysis relative to the fractures parameters in order to suggest fracturing models. These data are mainly from...
The Effect of Surface-Gas Interaction on Mean Free Path for Gases Confined in Nanopores of Shale Gas Reservoirs
Yanling Gao, Keliu Wu, Sheng Yang, Xiaohu Dong, Zhongliang Chen, Zhangxing Chen
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... mean free path (MFP) model for the confined gases in nanopores of shale gas reservoirs by taking into account the effects of the geometrical termination...
ABSTRACT: An Original Technique to Characterize Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Utilizing Pressure Transient Analysis, by Elkewidy, Tarek I.; #90135 (2011)
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A Mechanical Field Permeameter for Making Rapid, Non-Destructive, Permeability Measurements: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER
M. A. Chandler , D. J. Goggin, L. W. Lake
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., 1988b, A theoretical and experimental analysis of minipermeameter response including gas slippage and high velocity flow effects. In Situ, v. 12...
An Analysis of Selected Acoustic and Electrical Images for the Discrete Fracture (DFN) in Essex County, Ontario
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3-D Design Philosophy – Part 3: Is Stacking Fold Acceptable?, by Bob Hardage, #40663 (2010)
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