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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,455 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Integrating Depositional Facies and Stratigraphy in Characterizing Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoirs: Trenton Group of the Albion-Scipio Trend, Michigan Basin; #90131 (2011)

Marcel R. Robinson and G. Michael Grammer

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...‐dimensional distribution of reservoir facies within the Trenton Group of the Albion‐Scipio  trend area. Subsurface core description, analysis, and wire...


Abstract: Comparison of Fracture Analysis Methods at Multiple Scales from Outcrop Analogues; #90254 (2016)

Sotirios Kokkalas, Richard R. Jones, Jonathan J. Long, Sebastien Gilment, Caitlin Woods, Sandra Vega, M. Wilkinson

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...Abstract: Comparison of Fracture Analysis Methods at Multiple Scales from Outcrop Analogues; #90254 (2016) Sotirios Kokkalas, Richard R. Jones...


Abstract: Combined Seismic Attribute Analysis and Structural Restoration as Effective Tool for Prediction of Fault Geometry at Depth and Fracture System Modeling: Case Study From the Lublin Basin (South East Poland); #90310 (2017)

Mateusz Kufrasa, Lukasz Slonka, Piotr Krzywiec

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...Abstract: Combined Seismic Attribute Analysis and Structural Restoration as Effective Tool for Prediction of Fault Geometry at Depth and Fracture...


Relationships between Fracture Patterns, Geodynamics and Mechanical Stratigraphy in Carbonates (South-East Basin, France); #120071 (2012)

Juliette Lamarche, Arthur P. C. Lavenu, Bertrand D. M. Gauthier, and Yves Guglielmi

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.... Structural and geometrical analysis of fractures, including joints and veins. Numbers 1 to 9 refer to outcrops 1 to 9 located in figure 1 (7A for Rustrel...


Integrating Depositional Facies and Stratigraphy in Characterizing Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoirs: Trenton Group of the Albion‐Scipio Trend, Michigan Basin; #50591 (2012)

Marcel R. Robinson and G. Michael Grammer

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... of the Albion-Scipio trend area. Subsurface core description, analysis, and wire-line log data establish depositional facies, a sequence stratigraphic...


Construction of Geological Sections of Folds with Steep-Limb Attenuation

William Daniel Gill

AAPG Bulletin

... of the "Method of Tangents" (Coates, 1945) is considered to be the most direct and the most flexible method of deriving geometrical control from...


Stratigraphic Traps: Quantitative Approach Based upon a Producing Field Database, #40436 (2009)

Jean Gerard

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... imaging of the stratigraphy. Therefore, detailed sequence stratigraphy analysis calibrated by core data and biostratigrahical results must...


ABSTRACT: Analytical modelling of rounded hinge fault-bend folding: geometry and deformation distribution; #90011 (2002)

Stefano Tavani, Fabrizio Storti, Francesco Salvini

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... the number of constant dip panels in the hangingwall (Suppe, 1983; Jamison and Pope, 1996). The increased geometrical complexity of the resulting anticline...


ABSTRACT: Geomorphology and Evolution of the Lower Cretaceous Carbonate Platform Margin, North Oman; #90051 (2006)

Peter MA Driessen, Henk Droste, Poppe de Boer

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... platform Figure 3. Depositional model for the high-angle, concave clinoformal reflectors. Source: Hanford and Loucks, 1993. Geometrical analysis...


Abstract: Controls of the Pre-Existing Structures on Post-Jurassic Deformation Within the Porcupine Basin, Offshore West Ireland; #90310 (2017)

Muhammad Mudasar Saqab, Efstratios Delogkos, Conrad Childs, John Walsh

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... Geosciences, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. ²Fault Analysis Group, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. ABSTRACT Over the NW...


Abstract: Calculation of Threshold Capillary Pressures from Irregular Pore Geometries Taken from Unconventional Reservoir Rock Images; #90319 (2018)

Alimohammad Anbari, Evan Lowry, Mohammad Piri, Jinhong Chen

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... are identified using physical and geometrical criteria. Finally, thermodynamic analysis is performed to determine the most favorable fluid configuration among all...


Abstract: The Attenuation Effects of Surface-Wave Propagations on Rockmass Using SASW Method

Suharsono, Abdul Rahim Samsudin

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... to the subject of attenuation of motion resulting from the geometrical and material dampings on soil medium. However, there are very few studies available...


Bayesian analysis of deep marine channel geometry from seismic data

Tong Wang, Celine Scheidt, Tapan Mukerji, Junling Fang

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...Bayesian analysis of deep marine channel geometry from seismic data Tong Wang, Celine Scheidt, Tapan Mukerji, Junling Fang Bayesian analysis of deep...


A geometrically based method for predicting stress-induced fracture aperture and flow in discrete fracture networks

Kevin Bisdom, Giovanni Bertotti, and Hamidreza M. Nick

AAPG Bulletin

.... M., G. Zhao, and A. M. Johnson, 1991, Analysis of minor fractures associated with joints and faulted joints: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 13...


Fault and Fracture Detection in Unconventional Reservoirs: A Utica Shale Study

Hesham Refayee, Hardeep Jaglan, Steve Adcock

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., are not directly visible in seismic sections and time slices. Therefore, a combination of geometrical attributes (i.e. a multiattribute set) is needed...


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