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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,455 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Impact of Heterogeneous Storm Event Deposits on Fluid Flow Behaviour of Late Jurassic Arab-D Reservoir, Saudi Arabia
Search and Discovery.com
Large-Scale Carbonate Slope Gravity Failures: From Stratigraphic Evolution to Numerical Failure Prediction
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Geometry Determination of Channel-fill Deposit Induced by Turbidity Current: A Study from an Outcrop Analogue
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Hybrid Strategy for Porosity Distribution Mapping on a Heterogeneous Reservoir Using Artificial Intelligence Method
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Controls on Compartmentalization Within Supra-Salt Crestal Fault Systems: A Case Study From the Salt Valley Salt Wall, Paradox Basin, Utah
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Geology and Tectonic of the Sulaiman Fold Belt, Pakistan
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A New DFM Dynamic Modeling Workflow Through a Non-Intrusive EDFM Method to Quickly Calibrate Fracture Model With Production Data: Practical Application on a Granite Reservoir Case
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Heatstore: A Numerical Well Testing Workflow For The Preliminary Design Of A High Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (Ht-Ates) System In Geneva
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ABSTRACT: Folding history of shale-cored anticlines in the South Caspian Basin; #90109 (2010)
Idaira Santos Betancor, Juan I. Soto, Carlos E. Macellari, Ismael Sanchez Borrego
Search and Discovery.com
... is a late Pliocene unconformity (~3 Ma) overlaid by the Akchagyl, Apsheron and Gelasian series. Our study focused on the geometrical analysis...
Abstract: Isolated Carbonate Platforms of the Mediterranean Region: Using Surface and Subsurface Analogues to Define Depositional Architectures, Reservoir Distribution and Hydrocarbon Potential of an Attractive Exploration Target; #90310 (2017)
Giovanni Rusciadelli, Livio Burbi, Lorenzo Lipparini, Peter Shiner, Cristiano Ricci
Search and Discovery.com
... and subsurface analogues to enable a better assessment of these targets through geometrical, stratigraphic and sedimentological analysis. Several...
Mapping, Modeling and Evolution of Salt Structure Geometries: Implications for Improved Sub-Salt Exploration, by Markus Mohr, Peter A. Kukla, Janos L. Urai, and Georg Bresser, #40214 (2006).
Search and Discovery.com
Thermobaric Conditions in Zones of Oil and Gas Accumulations of the Southern Oil- and Gas-Bearing Region of Ukraine, #40714 (2011)
Ihor Kurovets, Petro Chepil, Oleksandr Prykhodko, Ihor Hrytsyk
Search and Discovery.com
... (H5000m), values of average geometrical gradients (Ga) at an interval of “neutral sphere” – maximum depth measurement of temperature in the borehole...
A Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Tide Dominated Lower Tarkeshwar Reservoir in the Lakshmi Field (Gulf of Cambay, India) to Enhance Field Understanding and Production Potential, #50647 (2012)
Satyashis Sanyal, Lesli Wood, Ankaj Sinha, Nikhilesh Dwivedi and Stuart D. Burley
Search and Discovery.com
... sequences. Analysis of the vertical stacking patterns in the well logs revealed a series of parasequences through time. Electro-log driven seismic...
Compartment Analysis Using Fault Seal Prediction In Miocene Carbonate Reservoir Of Banggai Basin And Its Implications To Field Development
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The Relationship Of Rock Properties And Elastic Properties By Using Integrated Seismic Quantitative Interpretation Methods To Characterize Carbonate Facies Banggai Basin
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Compartment Analysis Using Fault Seal Prediction in Miocene Carbonate Reservoir of Banggai Basin and Its Implication to Field Development
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Autostratigraphy: A Framework Norm for Genetic Stratigraphy
Tetsuji Muto, Ron J. Steel, John B. Swenson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... resolution of the stratigraphic record. In autostratigraphic analysis of fluviodeltaic deposits, attention needs to be paid to the geometrical patterns...
Tectonic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Migration Synchronization in the Eastern Venezuela Basin / Tacata Area, by José F. Mijares, Maria Silva, Wilfredo Maestracci, and Euries Gil, #10070 (2004).
Search and Discovery.com
Data Mining Methodologies to Reduce the Uncertainty of Reservoir Selection, #41875 (2016).
Jin Fei, Jeffrey Yarus, Richard Chambers
Search and Discovery.com
.... The challenge is to select a few optimal models from these realizations for further analysis. Realizations are often ranked according to various criteria based...
Size Frequency Distributions of Sediments and the Normal Phi Curve
W. C. Krumbein
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... variable in the Gaussian function yields a logarithmic probability law (the normal phi curve) which has all the geometrical properties...
The Limitations of Seismic Modelling of Geological Structures
B. L. N. Kennett
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... the geometrical reflection point whose size varies inversely with frequency. More accurate representa• tions of interface reflection are possible...
Strategy for Capturing the Hydrocarbon Volume Uncertainty in Case of Few Wells
Tan Chun Hock, Lothar Schulte
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and petrophysical analysis of the data suggests channels of low sinuosity flowing mainly in the N-S direction. The 3D seismic shows a low S/N ratio...
Optimizing Completions Strategies Using Low-Cost Data Learning
Antoine Jacques, Clement Daguet-Schott, Anthony Billat, Benoit Brouard
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... heterogeneities, most fractured wells in the industry are completed with a “geometrical design” as opposed to a more “engineered design” which adapts...
Comparison of Three Facies Modeling Methods Applied to a Submarine Fan Deposits
Fikri Yunus, Lothar Schulte
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... geometrical facies bodies. The pixel-based technique uses the Gaussian indicator simulation (GIS) method to produce a spatial distribution of the facies...