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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 28,119 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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ABSTRACT: Oil Quality Prediction in the Sonda de Campeche, Mexico

Luis M. Medrano Morales, Ciro Díaz Salgado, José C. Gallardo García, Manuel Machorro Jiménez, Rodrigo Maldonado Villalón, Jorge Pacheco Muñoz, Pedro Peña Sánchez

GCAGS Transactions

... modeling evaluates source rock maturity predicting the oil quality based on geological, geophysical, and geochemical interpretation. The information...


Transatlantic Correlations of Geophysical Anomalies on Newfoundland, British Isles, France and Adjacent Continental Shelves

R. D. Jacobi, Y. Kristoffersen

CSPG Special Publications

...Transatlantic Correlations of Geophysical Anomalies on Newfoundland, British Isles, France and Adjacent Continental Shelves R. D. Jacobi, Y...


WebGeochem: Alaskan Geochemical Data Online - Abstract

Diana Jozwik, Lawrence K. Freeman, Laurel E. Burns

Alaska Geological Society

... is a part of the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys’ (DGGS) digital geologic database project. This project established a spatially...


Abstract: Status of Deepwater Exploration in Malaysia

Chua Beng Yap

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... into consideration the high geological/geophysical risk and very high economic investments required in deepwater and ultra-deepwater exploration, PETRONAS designed...


Exploration Policies in Kansas, 1928-1948

Edward A. Koester

Tulsa Geological Society

... and geophysical methods with no reliance on any particular exploratory tool. Cooperation between the district office and the head office and faith...


The Alaska Volcano Observatory Website–a Tool for Information Management and Dissemination - Abstract

Seth Snedigar, Cheryl Cameron, Chris Nye

Alaska Geological Society

... eruption information, bibliographies, and rich information about other Alaska volcanoes. The internal half of the website hosts diverse geophysical...


Kinematic History and Tectonic Evolution of the Amerasian Basin: Investigating Palaeo-Plate Boundaries around the Chukchi Borderlands - Abstract

Kelley Brumley, Bernard Coakley, Wesley Wallace, David Stone

Alaska Geological Society

... of utilizing traditional geologic and geophysical oceanographic techniques in ice-covered waters. While the kinematic development of the Eurasian Basin is well...


Structural Styles in Trinidad, Field Trip Guide

Rafi Ahmad

Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago

... microplates and large tranSCLlrrent displacemem belween the crustal segments that oonstilLl1e the Caribbean plate. Aecenf otlshol'e drilliog. geophysical...


Abstract: New geologic map of the Kuskokwim Bay region of southwest Alaska

Nora Shew, F. H. Wilson, C. P. Hults

Alaska Geological Society

..., geophysical, and mineral deposit data. Digital methods were used to compile both bedrock and surficial geology and create a rich database of geologic...


Abstract: Exploration Opportunity--The Product of Applied Technology

J. E. Finley

GCAGS Transactions

... application of surface geology, reconnaissance subsurface and geophysical techniques, and prospect definition by intensive refraction and reflection seismic...


Abstract: Quaternary sediments of southeast Baffin Shelf

D. B. Praeg, B. MacLean

Atlantic Geology

..., N.S. B2Y 4A2 Quaternary sediments of the southeastern Baff in Island continental shelf have been mapped using a combination of geophysical profiling...


Estimating the Lithologic Composition of the Terrigenous Lower Cretaceous Sediments of the Peri-Kuma Region

A. A. Safontsev, I. M. Tanasevich

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... 408 412 Vol. 4 (1960) No. 7B. (July) 1. Dakhnov, V. N., 1955, Interpretation of geophysical logs of boreholes: GONTI. 2. Per’kov, N. A. and Korshikov...


Memorial: Ernest Willard Fosshage (1908-1955)

Harry A. Britt Jr.

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... in the mirlthirties. T wo children together with his wife survive him. Ernest Fosshage began his professional career as a seismograph computer with the Geophysical Res...


ABSTRACT: A Marine Geologic Map Series of California

M.P. Kennedy, H.G. Greene, S.H. Clarge Jr., R. McCarthy

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... of California Division of Mines and Geology, the State of California Coastal Commission, and the United States Geological Survey. Geologic, geophysical...


Abstract: Geology & Geophysics of Texas State Waters (GOM) a 2-1/2 Million Acre Overview

Stanley M. Leventhal

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... to view a composite picture of an area rather than in fragments is a geological and geophysical asset. The set of maps described above provide...


The Hoop Area: New Testing Ground for Geophysical Technologies

Bent Kjølhamar

GEO ExPro Magazine

...The Hoop Area: New Testing Ground for Geophysical Technologies Bent Kjølhamar Technology Explained The Hoop Area: New Testing Ground...


Abstract: Regional Tectonic Implications of the Lithoprobe East Marine Deep Seismic Reflection Line Across the Northern Canadian Appalachians

G. Stockmal

Atlantic Geology

... by recent geological and geophysical observations, although the relative partitioning of Taconlan versus Acadlan shortening remains a problem. Atlantic...


ABSTRACT: Frontier Basins of Bering Sea

Alan K. Cooper, Michael S. Marlow, David W. Scholl

Circum Pacific Council Publications

..., and Navarin) has been exten­ sively covered by geophysical surveys. Exploratory wells in this province have not discovered economic hydrocarbon deposits...


Sea Floor Dynamics on the Labrador Shelf: Abstract

H. W. Josenhans, John Zevenhuizen

CSPG Special Publications

...Sea Floor Dynamics on the Labrador Shelf: Abstract H. W. Josenhans, John Zevenhuizen 1986 334 335 Recent geological-geophysical studies...


ABSTRACT: Structure Imposed on New Hebrides Island Arc by Subduction of d'Entrecasteaux Zone, a Major Submarine Mountain Chain

Michael A. Fischer, Jean-Yves Collot, Jacques Recy, Jacques Daniel

Circum Pacific Council Publications

.... Recently, considerable new geologic arid geophysical information— including dredged rock samples, seismic refraction and multichannel seismic reflection data...


ABSTRACT: GEOTEC„A Promising Energy Alternative

Carla S. Gerrard, George H. Gelb, Allen Lowrie

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... reconnaissance has shown a promising resource at the base of three clustered volcanoes on Adak Island, located along the Aleutian arc of Alaska. Geophysical...


The Maitland Gas Discovery - A Geophysical/Petrophysical Case History

K. H. Sit, P. M. Hillock, N. W. D. Miller

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...The Maitland Gas Discovery - A Geophysical/Petrophysical Case History K. H. Sit, P. M. Hillock, N. W. D. Miller The Maitland Gas Discovery...


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