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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 993 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Reef Petrography in the Beaverhill Lake Formation, Upper Devonian, Swan Hills Area, Alberta, Canada

Albert V. Carozzi

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... is represented by light-colored calciluti es containing scattered colonies of Amphipora and of mat-type stromatoporoids. The vertical superposition...


Petrography and Origin of Permian Mccloud Limestone of Northern California

Ferruh Demirmen, John W. Harbaugh

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... sparry calcite with only a thin layer of microcrystalline calcite left as "ghost" outlines of the intraclasts (fig. 13). In other examples...


Citronelle Formation, Northeastern Gulf Coastal Plain: Pliocene Stratigraphic Framework and Age Issues

Ervin G. Otvos

GCAGS Transactions

..., and elsewhere. Paralic-Nearshore Depositional Facies Marsh (1966) indicated that ghost shrimp burrow traces, widespread in ancient and modern shallow...


Western Canada

Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists

AAPG Bulletin

..., the Ghost River, of questionable Devonian age, which in turn overlies, with angular discordance, Middle Cambrian strata. In east-central Alberta, the thick...


Diagenesis of the Maxon Sandstone (Early Cretaceous), Marathon Region, Texas: A Diagenetic Quartzarenite

Earle F. McBride

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... that have feldspar shapes; and 3) oversize patches of calcite (Fig. 5). The latter calcite patches, although generally showing no ghost outlines...


Folded Faults and Sequence of Thrusting in Alberta Foothills

P. B. Jones

AAPG Bulletin

...: Canada Geol. Survey Mem. 254, 100 p. Fitzgerald, E. L., 1962, Structure of the McConnell thrust sheet in the Ghost River area, Alberta: Alberta Soc...


Cenozoic Migration of Alaskan Terranes Indicated by Paleontologic Study

R. von Huene, G. Keller, T. R. Bruns, K. McDougall

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... Ma Late Cretaceous ±5 ° N 42° N paleomagnetic position of the Ghost Rocks Fm. 40 ±9 ° N . Table 2—Comparison of absolute paleolatitude positions...


Carpathian Foredeep Basin (Poland and Ukraine): Its Sedimentary, Structural, and Geodynamic Evolution

N. Oszczypko, P. Krzywiec, I. Popadyuk, T. Peryt

AAPG Special Volumes

.... 39, p. 520527.Gasiewicz, A., 2000, Comparative study of major element geochemistry of gypsum-ghost limestones and selenite lithofacies from...


Structure, Seismic Data, and Orogenic Evolution of Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains

A. W. Bally, P. L. Gordy, G. A. Stewart

CSPG Bulletin

.... Reflection data show that for its entire width of about 80 miles, the Rocky Mountain fold belt is underlain by the gently westward dipping extension...


Glossary of Formation Names of Southwestern Alberta

F. G. Fox

CSPG Special Publications

... Ghost River Formation (Walcott 1921) Type locality: Ghost River canyon, north of Lake Minnewanka. Derivation of name: From Ghost River. Character: (deWit...


Major Depositional Cycles and Regional Correlations of Upper Cretaceous Rocks, Southern Colorado Plateau and Adjacent Areas

C. M. Molenaar

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

..., in New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 25th Field Conference, Ghost Ranch (central-northern New Mexico), p. 279–282. Cobban, W. A., and Reeside, J...


Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic implications of enhanced Holocene discharge from the Mississippi River Based on the sedimentology and geochemistry of a deep core (JPC-26) from the Gulf Of Mexico

Efthymios K. Tripsanas, Aristomenis P. Karageorgis, Ioannis P. Panagiotopoulos, Eleni Koutsopoulou, Theodore D. Kanellopoulos, William R. Bryant, Niall C. Slowey


..., which fits well within radiocarbon resolution limits with the MWF 1a (18.7–19.1 cal ka) of Aharon (2003). Unit 3 (2.31–3 m) consists of ghost-layered...


The Hayfield Sandstone Play: The Characterisation of a Mesoproterozoic Sourced, Proterozoic Sandstone Reservoired, Tight Oil and Gas Play in the Beetaloo Sub-Basin

Carl Altmann, Brenton Richards, Alexander Coté, Cassandra Bein, Elizabeth Baruch-Jurado, Les Jenkinson

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... of siderite nucleation sites, possibly near chemical reaction-limiting feedstock. Speculative evidence of potential ‘ghost grains’ have been observed...


Sediment Economics of Upper Cretaceous Sandstones Rocky Mountain Region

Alonzo D. Jacka

Wyoming Geological Association

.... The "convergence" probably represents the inland reflection of an embayment in the shoreline whose position was farther to the east at that time. Later...


Characterization of chert in the Dammam Formation (Eocene), Kuwait: Clues to groundwater silicification processes

Fikry Ibrahim Khalaf,, Médard Thiry, Anthony Milnes, Rehab Alnaqi

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... the dissolution of residual carbonate elements after silicification is not known. “Ghost” structures inherited from the host dolostone include remnants...


Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy and Micropaleontology of the Crowsnest Pass - Waterton Area, Southern Alberta Foothills

John H. Wall, R. K. Rosene

CSPG Bulletin

..." by Webb and Hertlein (1934) in their study of the Ghost River section, the member has, however, yielded specimens of Dunveganoceras, the late Cenomanian...


Exploration of the Rio Tinto Gossan, Northeastern Nevada: How Prospector S. Frank Hunt Discovered the Mountain City Copper Mine

Laurence P. James

Utah Geological Association

..., Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 607. Carr, S.L., 1972, The Historical Guide to Utah Ghost Towns: Salt Lake City, Western Epics, p. 24–27...


Caledonian and Pre-Caledonian Intrusive Rocks of Ireland: Chapter 25: Central Orogenic Belt

James C. Brindley

AAPG Special Volumes

... (Fig. 5). General relations suggest that its roof slopes rather gently eastward, and this belt of "ghost stratigraphy" may be developed in relation...


Exploration for Oil Accumulations in Entrada Sandstone, San Juan Basin, New Mexico

Richard R. Vincelette , William E. Chittum

AAPG Bulletin

... in interpreting crude-oil analyses: U.S. Bur. Mines Tech. Paper 610, 34 p. Stapor, F. W., Jr., 1972, Origin of the Todilto gypsum mounds in the Ghost Ranch area...




Williston Basin Symposium

... recrystallized centers, and sometimes internal ghost structures. These grains are of indeterminate origin. Blue-green, tubular algal filaments...


Reduciendo el Efecto del Estrato Somero en Datos Sísmicos de Reflexión: Un Ejemplo de la Cuenca del Catatumbo. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Reducing the Effect of the Stratum Somero in the Reflection of Seismic Data: An Example of the Catatumbo Basin.

Dany Rueda, William Agudelo, Germán Ojeda

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... of the Stratum Somero in the Reflection of Seismic Data: An Example of the Catatumbo Basin. Dany Rueda, William Agudelo, Germán Ojeda Reduciendo el...



New Orleans Geological Society

... tubes, ghost shrimp-cemented circular burrow walls are abundant at shallow subtidal-intertidal level. The humate sandstone beds act as aquiclude...


Early Diagenetic Dolomites and the Origin of Dolomite-Bearing Breccias, Lower Monterey Formation, Arroyo Seco, Monterey County, California

Robert E. Garrison, Stephen A. Graham

Pacific Section SEPM

... mostly in the range of 5 to 15 microns (Fig. 8C). Poorly preserved microfossil tests occur as ghost-like outlines in a dolomite mosaic (Fig. 8B...


Helical crustacean burrows: Gyrolithes ichnofabrics from the Pliocene of Lepe (Huelva, SW Spain)

Fernando Muñiz, Zain Belaústegui


... (unit 8) ichnofabrics described herein. This architectural change exemplifies the plasticity and/or versatility of the burrowing behavior...


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