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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 29,273 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Geophysical Studies of Large Blind Thrust, Valley and Ridge Province, Central Appalachians
Thomas H. Wilson
AAPG Bulletin
... of Exploration Geophysicists Monograph Series 1, 121 p. Perkey, R. A., 1981, Comparison of model-derived and complete Bouguer anomaly gravity profiles...
Abstract: Gravity Survey of the Layang Layang Tertiary Basin in Johore, Peninsular Malaysia
V. R. Vijayan
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... the granitic area surrounding the basin provided regional control. The results show a prominent negative gravity anomaly with a maximum amplitude of 20 mgals...
Abstract: A Comparison of Offshore Namibia Gravity Data With Onshore Magnetic and Gravity Data, by B. Corner and R. Swart; #90933 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Velocity model building assisted by potential field methods: A case study from the Red Sea
Wilson Ibanez, Federico Ceci, Giuseppe Bancala, Andrea Sirtori, Luciana De Luca, Miquel Marin, Vivian Robertson, Briseida Palacios, David Korte
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
.... Subsequently, conversion laws are established to convert velocities into densities, and the velocity models are validated within the gravity domain...
Geophysical Setting of Western Utah and Eastern Nevada Between Latitudes 37°45′ and 40°N
Edward A. Mankinen, Edwin H. McKee
Utah Geological Association
... anomalies indicates that the rocks are probably extensive in the subsurface. A gravity inversion method separating the isostatic gravity anomaly into fields...
A Parsimonious Approach to Gravity Inversion for Salt Shape Delineation; #42417 (2019)
Simone Re, Luca Masnaghetti, Elena Medina
Search and Discovery.com
... and the computed gravity anomaly. A synthetic example, loosely based on the Campeche salt province, is used to illustrate the modelling and inversion...
An AI approach to automated magnetic formation mapping beneath cover
David A. Pratt, K. Blair McKenzie, Anthony S. White
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... total field magnetic anomaly is contributed by this intersecting surface. We approach this problem by mapping the boundaries between contrasting magnetic...
Integrated Basin Subsidence Analysis and the Importance of Whole-Lithosphere Thermal Modeling to Petroleum Systems Analysis
Search and Discovery.com
Structural Interpretation of Gravity Data
W. R. Sype
Tulsa Geological Society
... illustrate the method. Figure 1 is a residual gravity anomaly, developed by removing an estimated regional gravity gradient from the original fairly...
Hydrocarbon Prospect Mapping Using Balanced Cross-Sections and Gravity Modelling, Onin and Kumawa Peninsulas, Irian Jaya, Indonesia
M. Untung, Sardjono, I. Budiman, J. Nasution, E. Mirnanda, L. F. Henage, E. G. Sirodj
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... were tied to offshore seismic profiles and wells. Two dimensional forward gravity models were calculated, using formation densities from well data...
Gravity Exploration on the Central Gulf Coast
Jackie D. Stewart
New Orleans Geological Society
... be correlated to gravity anomalies that will be either positive (maximum) or negative (minimum). The anomaly type for any given structure will depend...
Abstract: Interpretation of Regional Gravity Data across South-Central Peninsular Malaysia
Loke Meng Heng, Lee Chong Yan, G. A. Van Klinken
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... of this gravity anomaly is supported by available aeromagnetic data over the same area...
Gravity Analysis of Caracas Valley, Venezuela; #51062 (2015)
Carlos Izarra, Eduardo Rodrigues
Search and Discovery.com
... recent local surveys carried out by Venezuelan Seismological Foundation (FUNVISIS). A residual anomaly gravity map for the study area was obtained using...
Gravity Anomalies and Petroleum Exploration by the Gravitational Pendulum
M. K. Hubbert , Frank A. Melton
AAPG Bulletin
... of comparing gravity data are discussed with regard to their usefulness for petroleum exploratory work. In flat plains of slight relief any anomaly...
Basement Structure in Northwest Peninsular Florida: ABSTRACT
Neil M. Coleman, Mark T. Stewart
AAPG Bulletin
.... Bouguer anomaly values have been derived for each station and regional gravity components analyzed, using trend-surface analyses. Geologic cross...
Automated detection of ferromagnetic pipelines from magnetic total-field anomaly data using convolutional neural networks
Brett Bernstein, Yaoguo Li, Richard Hammack
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...Automated detection of ferromagnetic pipelines from magnetic total-field anomaly data using convolutional neural networks Brett Bernstein, Yaoguo Li...
ABSTRACT S. Atlantic Crustal Thickness and Ocean-Continent Transition Location Derived from Satellite Gravity Inversion: Implications for Plate Reconstructions and Aptian Ocean Basin Geometry, #90104 (2010)
Kusznir Nick; Alvey Andrew; Gaina Carmen; Torsvik Trond
Search and Discovery.com
... gravity anomaly inversion, incorporating a lithosphere thermal gravity anomaly correction, has been used to map Moho depth, crustal thickness...
Non-Seismic Geophysical Modelling Methods for Realistic Characterisation of 3D Geology in Greenfields Exploration: a Case Study from the Southern Carnarvon Basin, Australia
Helen Gibson, Chloe Burney, Desmond FitzGerald, Matt Zengerer
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... (geology, gravity and magnetics) and determined the most probable geological and rock-property models, via a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach. Model...
Abstract: Developing Carbonate Depositional Models in the Eastern Papuan Basin and the Impact on Prospectivity
D. Holland
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... of the airborne gravity and magnetics, a distinct gravity anomaly was identified as the extension of the Elk structure and allowed targeting of a 71 km 2D...
Insights into Basin Formation and Lithosperic Structure of the Barents Sea; #30093 (2009)
L. Marello, J. Ebbing, O. Ritzmann
Search and Discovery.com
... by the gravity field anomaly. Analysis of magnetic data additionally helps to study the upper basement structure. We present a forward model that allows us...
Abstract: Mapping Southern Australian and Tasman Sea Rifted Margin Crustal Thickness and Ocean-Continent Transition Using Satellite Gravity Inversion
N. J. Kusznir
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... a lithosphere thermal gravity anomaly correction using the method of Greenhalgh & Kusznir (2007). Satellite derived gravity anomaly data (Smith...
Gravity Geophysical Analysis of Spring Locations in a Karstic Desert Basin, Cuatro Cienegas Basin, Coahuila, Mexico
Brad D. Wolaver, John M. Sharp Jr., Juan M. Rodriguez
GCAGS Transactions
... controls spring locations (Fig. 1) by calculating the residual Bouguer gravity anomaly and fitting a simple two-layer inverse geologic model comprised...
Gravity Field and Structure of the Crust Beneath the East Arm of Sulawesi and the Banggai Archipelago
Sardjono, Eddy Mirnanda
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... gives a level of gravity anomaly of about +40 mGal. In Banggai Archipelago, gravity field registered relatively high, reaching up to +80 mGal or higher...
Deep Structure and Evolution of the Carolina Trough: Rifted Margins: Field Investigations of Margin Structure and Stratigraphy
D. R. Hutchinson, J. A. Grow, K. D. Klitgord, B. A. Swift
AAPG Special Volumes
...-dimensional gravity and magnetic models suggest that the crustal structure off North Carolina consists of normal continental crust landward...
The Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies
E. V. McCollum
Tulsa Geological Society
... correction, dominated largely by the mountains, was made and quantitative calculations were applied to the local gravity anomaly that is associated...