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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 29,273 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Enhancing the understanding of the 3D architecture of the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick
Neil Rogers, Bogdan Nitescu, Steve McCutcheon, Cees van Staal, Anastasia Vandermost, Hernan Ugalde, William Morris, Mike Parkhill, Mike Thomas
Atlantic Geology
... Bouguer gravity anomaly map (linear interval) is interpolated to a 250 m grid. The linear colour intervals are 1.5 mGal. The Bouguer gravity field...
Lecture Notes for American Association of Petroleum Geologists "Short Course" Atlantic City, New Jersey - 4 October 1981: Structure of the Atlantic Margin of the United States
John A. Grow
AAPG Special Volumes
... beneath these basins probably exceeds 5 km in some places. Gravity models across the three northern basins indicate that 8 to 15 km of transitional...
Interpretation of Crustal Structure from Regional Gravity Anomalies, Ouachita Mountains Area and Adjacent Gulf Coastal Plain
J. M. Kruger , G. R. Keller
AAPG Bulletin
.... Gravity models across the anomaly, as well as a gravity model and refraction seismic measurements across the Wiggins arch (Warren et al, 1966...
Possibilities of Using Gravity Surveying to Disclose Large Accumulations of Oil and Gas
L. J. Grdzelov, A. A. Yepifanov, V. K. Makarov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... from the curve of local anomalies’ Δgлok’ a curve of the residual gravity anomaly Δgoct is obtained; this last curve is associated with the position...
Problem of Study of the Internal Structure and Relief of the Surface of the Basement
A. G. Salikhov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
.... Andreyev, B. A., 1960, Development and introduction of methods of analysis and interpretation of gravity survey data: Geofiz. Razvedka, no. 2 2...
Characterization and Evolution of the Professor Valley Salt Body, Paradox Basin, Utah Using Integrated Geological, Geochemical and Geophysical (Gravity) Techniques
Derek T. Scott, Mark R. Baker, Diane I. Doser, Katherine A. Giles
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... (accuracy of < 5 cm). Figure 4. Locations of gravity readings taken in the Professor Valley region superimposed on a map of the free-air gravity anomaly...
Abstract: The Helmut geophysical anomaly: a regional transfer zone connecting Santos and Campos basins, southeastern Brazil
Nolan Maia Dehler, Felipe Domingues da Costa, Leonardo Correia Gomes, Caesar Rigoti, João Alberto Bach Oliveira, Marília Vidigal Sant’anna
Atlantic Geology
... the comparison between the position of such anomaly and gravity-derived modeling and residual maps, it is suggested the magnetic anomaly also corresponds...
Revised Sea-Floor Spreading History of the Argo Abyssal Plain
Dona Mihut, R. Dietmar Müller
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... Jurassic• Lower Cretaceous oceanic crust, the oldest oceanic crust in the Indian Ocean. The recently published satellite gravity anomaly grid from Sandwell...
Preliminary Interpretation of Short-Wavelength Magnetic and Gravity Anomalies on the Southern Ute Indian Reservation, Southwestern Colorado
Michael W. Webring
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...Preliminary Interpretation of Short-Wavelength Magnetic and Gravity Anomalies on the Southern Ute Indian Reservation, Southwestern Colorado Michael W...
Extended Abstract: Crustal Interpretation by Gravity, Magnetics, and Seismic Data over the Gulf of Mexico
John Bain, Jason Kegel, Cian O’Reilly
GCAGS Transactions
..., thus significantly improving the crustal thickness result over previous inversion methods. Figure 6. Merged Bouguer Gravity anomaly map for the entire...
Precise Gravity Survey Across Newport-Inglewood Structural Zone, Long Beach, California: ABSTRACT
William C. Tracy, R.B. Grannell
AAPG Bulletin
..., is in conflict with that of R. F. Yerkes. This fault strand has an associated gravity anomaly of ¢2.25 mgal at the southern end of the survey. The anomaly...
Gravity and Structure of Continental Margin: Oregon to Southeastern Alaska: ABSTRACT
Richard Couch
AAPG Bulletin
...Gravity and Structure of Continental Margin: Oregon to Southeastern Alaska: ABSTRACT Richard Couch 1973 432 432 57 2. (February) Reconnaissance...
A New Kinematic Model for the Formation and Evolution of the West and Northwest Australian Margin
R. Dietmar Müller, Dona Mihut, Stephanie Baldwin
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...). In these models, breakup and spreading starting in the Early Cretaceous circa 125 Ma (magnetic anomaly M10) created the Gascoyne, Cuvier and Perth abyssal plains...
New Inferences on the Structure and Composition of Basement in the Permian Basin Region
K. C. Miller, C. G. Barnes, D. C. Adams, H. Kargi, G. R. Keller
West Texas Geological Society
.... Thick black lines mark the locations of gravity models D-D’ (Figure 4), and N-N’ (Figure 5). Seismic line at Nellie well has the width of the well...
3D Vp-Gravity-Density Modeling Of Irregular High-Vp Diabase Intrusive Bodies And Shallow 3D Very High-Res Reflection Imaging Of Faulted Marine Terraces Of The Southern Irish Hills, California
Search and Discovery.com
Geophysical Setting of the San Fernando Basin, Southern California
V. E. Langenheim, T. G. Hildenbrand, R. C. Jachens, A. Griscom
Pacific Section of AAPG
... margin of the deep basin is not well-constrained by the gravity data, but may dip to the south. Gravity and aeromagnetic models across the eastern...
Newly-recognised Continental Fragments Rifted from the West Australian Margin
S. E. Williams, J. M. Whittaker, R. D. Müller
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... shows the free-air gravity anomaly derived from satellite altimetry (Sandwell & Smith, 2009). Shiptrack geophysical data for the area have been...
Abstract: Bright Spots, Milligals, and Gammas, by Alan O. Ramo, James W. Bradley; #90961 (1978).
Search and Discovery.com
Structure of the Lithosphere in the CarpathianPannonian Region
Miroslav Bielik, Antal dm
AAPG Special Volumes
... high (more than +30 mGal; Figure 2). The stripped gravity map is illustrated in Figure 3.Figure 2. Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the Bekes basin area...
Borehole Gravity: Part 7. Geophysical Methods
Alan T. Herring
AAPG Special Volumes
... gravity, mass, rock volume, and density. Complex geology can be easily modeled so that the response of a range of hypothetical models can be studied...
Triangular impulse tests for stratified gravity inversion
Guibao Liu, Hua-Wei Zhou
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... anomalies (e.g., Li & Oldenburg, 1998; Zhdanov et al., 2004). In particular, layered density models have been extensively used in gravity modeling...
A Preliminary Assessment of the Hydrocarbon Potential of Kerio Valley Basin: Gravity and Magnetic Interpretation
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: OCTek Arctic Gravity Inversion Mapping of Crustal Thickness & Continental Lithosphere Thinning: A Regional Tool for New Ventures Exploration, by Andy Alvey; #90177 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Avondale Field Jefferson Parish, Louisiana
Eugene A. Gibson
GCAGS Transactions
..., Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. The anomaly was discovered by gravity and seismograph methods. The discovery well, Humble's No. 1 Texas and New Orleans...