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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 29,273 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Gravity and Geodynamic Modeling of the Gulf of California; #30361 (2014)

Rediet Abera, Jolante van Wijk, Paul Mann, Dale Bird, Michael Murphy

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... to constrain our models. The 2D gravity models show the cross-section of the basin and crustal structure of the segments including the new oceanic...


Simultaneous imaging of basement relief and varying susceptibility in deep-learning approach

Zhuo Liu, Yaoguo Li

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... relief and susceptibility models will be mapped to a discretized space, and the total-field magnetic anomaly data is calculated following the route...


The Extension of the Ouachita Orogenic Belt into Northern Mexico

Federico A. Moreno, G. Randy Keller, Kevin L. Mickus

West Texas Geological Society

.... The data were reduced to Bouguer gravity anomalies using a density of 2.67 gm/cc and a datum of sea level. To construct the gravity anomaly maps, we...


Processes Involved in Salt-Dome Development II: Thermal, Gravitational, and Chemical Effects: ABSTRACT

I. Lerche, J. J. O'Brien

AAPG Bulletin

... the hydrocarbon window, (c) the magnitude of the negative gravity anomaly associated with a salt dome, that is predicted by an equilibrium model of gravitational...


An Overview of the Structure and Evolution of the Ouachita Orogenic Belt from Mississippi to Mexico; #30234 (2012)

G. Randy Keller

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... gravity anomaly data were gridded and contoured (20 mGal interval). Bolded lines represent the Ouachita-Appalachian frontal thrust fault and the Brevard...


ABSTRACT Crustal-Scale Architecture and Segmentation of the Argentine Margin and Its Conjugate Off South Africa, #90104 (2010)

Blaich Olav A.; Faleide Jan Inge; Tsikalas Filippos

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... by crustal‐scale gravity modelling, is used to reveal and illustrate the whole‐crust architecture, onshore‐offshore crustal structure  correlations...


Geophysical Studies of the Upheaval Dome Area, San Juan County, Utah

H. R. Joesting, Donald Plouff

Utah Geological Association

... of magnetic material at a depth shallower than that causing the main anomaly. A local positive gravity anomaly yielding a residual anomaly...


Structure: PART 1

K. O. Emery, Elazar Uchupi

AAPG Special Volumes

... anomaly near the Laurentian Channel also is controlled by a fault--one that is reflected on the Scotian shelf by the Orpheus gravity anomaly (Fig. 117...


Abstract: Time-Lapse Gravity and Gravity Gradient Monitoring of SAGD Reservoirs; #90255 (2017)

E Judith Elliott

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... models will be integrated with time-lapse gravity and gravity gradient measurements, to isolate fluid migration patterns. As the steam chamber expands...


Abstract: The gravity response of reef islands in the Red Sea and their significance to seismic interpretation; #90254 (2016)

Ahmed Alhani

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... the Bouguer correction. This results in having a “remnant” effect of the reef bathymetry that will also create a gravity anomaly. To gauge the island...


Geophysical constraints on the thickness of the Holyrood Pluton, Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland

H. G. Miller, D. A. Pittman

Atlantic Geology

... d u s i n g t w o - d i m e n s i o n a l gravity and m a g n e t i c m o d e l s . The models are i n t e r p r e t e d to indicate that the m a x i...


Abstract: Mapping a Clastic Sedimentary Strata using Magnetic Data; #90254 (2016)

Ali I. Al-Lazki, Herve Farran

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... ABSTRACT The cost and speed of acquiring Gravity and Magnetic data makes it a commercially viable method to delineate sedimentary basins, especially...


Abstract: South China Sea Crustal Thickness and Oceanic Lithosphere Distribution from Satellite Gravity Inversion; #90310 (2017)

Nick J. Kusznir, Simon Gozzard, Andy D. Alvey, Alan M. Roberts

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...) are controversial. We use 3D gravity anomaly inversion to map Moho depth, crustal basement thickness and continental lithosphere thinning for the SCS in order...


A Potential-Field Interpretation of the Structural Edge of the Cretaceous Hornbrook Basin in Northern California

M. C. Erskine Jr., J. A. Wolleben, D. L. Lawler

Pacific Section SEPM

.... :-... '" ...... ,'-. C ,.... - Bouguer gravity map of a portion L t. ~ of the western United States reduced from the Gravity Anomaly Hap of the United States...


Enhancing the Process of Knowledge Discovery from Integrated Geophysical Databases Using Geo-Ontologies

Shastri L. Nimmagadda, Heinz Dreher, Andi Noventiyanto, Aswin Mostafa, Giuseppe Fiume

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of sub-surface lithology. Gravity anomaly is the departure of the observed gravity from that of the expected or theoretical gravity. Magnetics and micro...


Combined potential field and airborne electromagnetic interpretation to unravel the geological history of the Curaca Valley Region, Bahia, Brazil

P. Letelier, S. Napier, J. Reid, P. Mejia

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... inversion, constrained by the 3D model derived from the gravity interpretation described above. AEM interpretation consisted of a combination of anomaly...


A Methodology for Defining the Base and Geometry of Salt Bodies in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico

Coburn, Gary W.

GCAGS Transactions

...) of the anomaly. The expression of Tzz (the vertical component) more closely resembles the conventional gravity in that the anomaly is shown...


EXTENDED ABSTRACT: The Outer High of the Santos Basin, Southern São Paulo Plateau, Brazil: Tectonic Setting, Relation to Volcanic Events and some Comments on Hydrocarbon Potential; #90022 (2002)

Paulo O. Gomes, Jonathan Parry, Wisley Martins

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..., suggesting that the large wedge-shaped positive gravity anomaly to the south of São Paulo Plateau (Fig. 1) is related to the emplacement of a proto-oceanic...


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