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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 29,273 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
A Gravity Survey of Perlis, Kedah and Penang
Alan J. Burley, Jamaluden Othman
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...) it is necessary to determine gravity, height and location as accurately as is practically possible in order to obtain a reliable Bouguer anomaly value...
A geophysical and geochemical interpretation of the configuration of the Mount Peyton complex, central Newfoundland
H. G. Miller, S. A. M. Thakwalakwa
Atlantic Geology
... it a t iv e I n t e r p r e t a t io n Gravity The strong positive gravity anomaly of the Mount Peyton 225 complex is a major feature on the gravity...
Abstract: Uranium mineralization in the Moran Lake area of the central mineral belt of Labrador: new models and developments from the Crosshair Exploration project
Timothy Froude
Atlantic Geology
... significant copper, silver, gold, and uranium mineralization, all of which are spatially associated with a significant airborne gravity anomaly...
Abstract: An Isostatic Residual Gravity Map of the Iberian Chain and the Significance of Isostatic Residual Anomalies
Luís Rivero, Joan Guimerà, Ramon Salas, Albert Casas
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: An Isostatic Residual Gravity Map of the Iberian Chain and the Significance of Isostatic Residual Anomalies Luís Rivero, Joan Guimerà...
Interpretation of Marine Magnetic Gradiometer and Multichannel Seismic-Reflection Observations over the Western Ross Sea Shelf, Antarctica
J. C. Behrendt, A. K. Cooper, A. Yuan
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... 1 4 0 0 - n T magnetic anomaly and its conical bathymetric appearance on the seismic-reflection profile (Fig. 8 ) . Magnetic models 1 and 2 (Fig. 8...
Integrated geophysical studies of the basement structures, the Mississippi chert, and the Arbuckle Group of Osage County region, Oklahoma
Olubunmi O. Elebiju, Shane Matson, G. Randy Keller, Kurt J. Marfurt
AAPG Bulletin
... Oklahoma. The prominent gravity and magnetic anomaly studied within this region are related to the mid-continent rift system. However, we cannot substantiate...
Pre-San Andreas Location of the Gualala Block Inferred from Magnetic and Gravity Anomalies
Robert C. Jachens, Carl M. Wentworth, Robert J. McLaughlin
Pacific Section SEPM
... to explain away any anomaly mismatch by burial. To this demanding magnetic constraint are added independent constraints posed by the gravity...
Shortening Values in the Southern Fars Arch of the Zagros: Assessing Uncertainties by Structural and Gravity Sensitivity Analysis, #51668 (2020).
Ralph Hinsch, Martin Vogele, Gholamreza Gharabeigli, Abbas Majidi, Tam Lovet, Ali Asghar Julapour, Gabor Tari, Walter Kosi
Search and Discovery.com
... for constraining the model. Both endmember models manage to approximate the residual measured gravity anomaly in the study area. However, the resulting absolute...
ABSTRACT: East African Margin Ocean-Continent Transition Structure and Location: Offshore and Onshore, by Kusznir, Nick J.; Horn, Brian W.; Granath, James; Alvey, Andy; #90142 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Evaluating the source of the East Point Magnetic Anomaly, southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, based on magnetic, gravity, and seismic data
Lori A. Cook, Sandra M. Barr, Sonya A. Dehler
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: Evaluating the source of the East Point Magnetic Anomaly, southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, based on magnetic, gravity, and seismic data Lori...
Combined Interpretation of Gravity with Seismic and Well Data Using Stripping Technique
Hari Santoso, Achmad Bermawi, Eddy Murhantoro
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... Based on the fundamental concept of gravity anomaly sources and Hammer's idea, we derived a procedure of stripping by selecting several horizontal...
Residual gravity modelling of the Mount Mégantic intrusive complex, Québec, Canada
Maurice K. Seguin, Janusz Frydecki
Atlantic Geology
..., University Laval, Quebec G1K 7P4, Canada Date Received January 25,1990 Date Accepted March 15,1991 A detailed analysis of the residual gravity anomaly...
Abstract: The studies of magnetic anomalies over Davis Strait
Wu Mingxian
Atlantic Geology
... positive magnetic band coincides well with a striking feature of gravity low. These results suggest that magnetic anomalies were produced by sea-floor...
ABSTRACT: Exploration in Mid-Continent Geophysical Anomaly: Rift or Riffraff?, by Jeffrey M. Yarus and Alan Hinks; #91043 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
Crustal Structure of Queen Elizabeth Islands and Polar Continental Margin: ABSTRACT
L. W. Sobczak, J. R. Weber, E. F. Roots
AAPG Bulletin
.... (December) Free-air and Bouguer anomaly maps have been compiled from about 9,000 gravity measurements made throughout the Canadian Arctic Archipelago...
Use of SEASAT-Derived Free-Air Gravity to Interpret the Crustal Structure of Southeast Asia
M. T. Angelich
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... in the satellite-derived free-air gravity anomaly as one moves from Sumatra to Java may be caused, not only by bathymetric changes, but also...
A Revised Reconstruction of The Central Atlantic at Liassic Times; #90017 (2003)
M. Sahabi, J. L. Olivet, D. Aslanian, M. Patriat, L. Geli, L. Matias, J. P. Rehault, J. Malod, M. El Mostaine, M. Bouabdelli
Search and Discovery.com
..., Figure 4. Black lines indicate structural features recognized on the free air gravity anomaly map of Sandwell and Smith (1997). Red lines and dots...
Role of Gravity Data in Offshore Exploration: ABSTRACT
Sidney Schafer, Jack C. Weyand
AAPG Bulletin
...------------------------------ associated with gravity anomalies, it makes sense to be sure there is a gravity anomaly to confirm the existence of a seismic structure...
A Parsimonious Approach to Gravity Inversion for Salt Shape Delineation
Search and Discovery.com
David M. Carpenter and Phillip A. Armstrong
Search and Discovery.com
...). At ~2 km from the Iron Mountains range front, a prominent inflection point in anomaly values occurs and Bouguer gravity anomalies decrease 0.4 mGal...
Analyses of Regional Gravity and Magnetic Anomalies across the Southern Part of the Bengal Basin, Bangladesh, by D. M. Kleinkopf; #90986 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Gravity Modelling of the Liscomb Satellite Pluton
Mitchell Brogan
Atlantic Geology
... mgal anomaly over the Liscomb "Satellite" Pluton. Preliminary gravity modelling suggest a bowl-shaped cross-section for the Liscomb "Satellite" Pluton...
Gravity and Magnetics in South East Asia - Modern Applications
Brian S. Anderson, John E. Bain, Harald van Hoeken, Mark E. Weber
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... for localized, focused density input to gravity models is now possible. A detailed example of a localized conversion of a velocity cube to a density...
Gravity for the Geologist
John L. Bible
Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society
... of the gravity anomaly with depth of influence. The force of gravity is a function of mass and distance. When the subsurface densities are known...