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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 29,273 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Airbone Gradiometry: Looking Beyond Conventional Gravity
Riki Tasrianto, Vicki Amir, Reki Indrawan, Lionel Summer, Colm Murphy, Haryono Haryanto, Wahyudin Bahri Nasifi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... resolution (Figure 1). the change in gravity caused by the NE, SE, SW and NW edges of the same geological feature. Positive and negative anomaly...
A Brief Review of Gravity and Magnetic Data for Malaysia
Mazlan Madon
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... measurements. Coupled with all the available gravity data offshore (including ship-based and satellite-derived data) a complete gravity anomaly map for the whole...
The Development of Atlantic Canada as a Result of Continental Collision — Evidence From Offshore Gravity and Magnetic Data
Richard T. Hawortht
CSPG Special Publications
... in the potential fields. The Cobequid-Chedabucto fault system is associated with the land fall of a major gravity and magnetic anomaly (the Collector Anomaly...
On the Feasibility of Detecting Potholes and Limestone Pinnacles in Alluvial Mining Areas by Gravity Surveys
C. A. Foss
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... cylinder of excess mass, and similarly that for a pothole is a vertical cylinder of delicicnt mass (see figure I), The gravity anomaly is positive...
Isostatic Gravity Map of Eastern Caribbean Region: ABSTRACT
Sam A. Bush, Patricia A. Bush
AAPG Bulletin
... isostatic gravity map of the Antilles Islands and Venezuelan basin. Negative and positive isostatic anomaly belts of the West Indies island arc...
The Gravity Field in the Taiwan Strait
D.Q. Su, Z.H. Liu, X. Chen, S.L. Young, X.X. Jiang
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... from the gravity surveys, a free air gravity anomaly map of the Taiwan Strait was compiled. In order to obtain a complete picture of the Taiwan Strait...
Gravity's Role in a Modern Exploration Program
Gene Greene
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... to many pitfalls such as anomaly overlap, choice of the proper type of residual map and lack of sufficient gravity stations to adequately define...
Gravity Anomalies Along the Beartooth Front, Montana: Evidence for a Low-Angle Thrust
William E. Bonini, Randy E. Kinard
Wyoming Geological Association
... that analyses of gravity anomalies might provide some evidence to test these models. Gravity Study The senior author and his students have made over...
Thrust Tectonics of the Canning Basin, Western Australia — An Alternative Interpretation
Search and Discovery.com
Transatlantic Correlations of Geophysical Anomalies on Newfoundland, British Isles, France and Adjacent Continental Shelves
R. D. Jacobi, Y. Kristoffersen
CSPG Special Publications
...). Although the anomaly is poorly understood (Diment, 1967; Weaver, 1967; Miller, 1977; Haworth, 1978), most gravity models utilize a thicker, partially...
Abstract: Geophysical modeling in the Cabot Strait - St. Georges Bay area between Cape Breton Island and western Newfoundland, Canada
L. Zsamboki, S. M. Barr, S. A. Dehler
Atlantic Geology
... modeling software; three models extend across the Cabot Strait, two models cover an enigmatic circular magnetic anomaly located 25 km offshore from Ingonish...
Geothermal Investigations in Ustyurt
I. N. Shcherbakova, G. K. Ukolova, M. O. Lakhtionov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
..., whereas that of the gravity anomaly is only 0.3 km. The temperature anomaly is displaced in the direction of dip of the fault, due to dissipation...
ABSTRACT: Porosity Estimation of a Porous Rock Using 4-D Gravity Survey, by W. G. Kadir and D. Santoso; #90913(2000).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Sources of magnetic and gravity anomalies on the Scotian Shelf southeast of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, and onshore-offshore geological correlations using geophysical modeling
Sheri A. Lyon, Sandra M. Barr, Sonya A. Dehler
Atlantic Geology
... models indicate that the southern margin of the linear anomaly is the northern margin of the Orpheus Graben. A south-dipping fault separates rocks...
Comparison of Satellite Altimetric Gravity and Ship-Borne GravityOffshore Western Australia
Asbjorn Norlund Christensen, Ole B. Andersen
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... Abstracts. Featherstone, W., 2003, Comparison of Different Satellite Altimeter-Derived Gravity Anomaly Grids with Ship-Borne Gravity Data Around Australia...
Anomalous Crust Beneath West Florida Shelf
Harold L. Krivoy , Thomas E. Pyle
AAPG Bulletin
...Anomalous Crust Beneath West Florida Shelf Harold L. Krivoy , Thomas E. Pyle 1972 107 113 56 1. (January) A new Bouguer gravity anomaly map...
Gravity and Magnetics for Geologists and Seismologists
L. L. Nettleton
AAPG Bulletin
... negative closure on the north side and a positive closure on the south side. The left side of the figure shows the gravity anomaly for the same area, which...
On the Room Problem in Current Hypotheses for the Origin of the Gulf of Mexico
David J. Hall
GCAGS Transactions
... investigations of continental margins, AAPG Memoir 29, p. 85-112. Lyons, P. L., and N. W. O'Hara, 1982, Gravity anomaly map of the United States, exclusive...
Application of gravity and magnetic techniques to model the geometry of the northern margin of the Onion Creek salt diapir, Paradox Basin, Utah
Julia M. Astromovich, Mark R. Baker, Diane I. Doser, William Houston
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... detachment (top), namakier (middle) and salt shoulder (bottom) models along profile S2. The X’s are the observed free-air gravity anomaly (FAA) values...
Integrated Interpretation of Geophysical Data Over the NW Shelf, Australia (Westralia ACCESS project); #30536 (2017)
Ben Spurgeon, Jonathan Watson, Barrett Cameron, Jennifer Greenhalgh
Search and Discovery.com
... Carnarvon Basin • Public Domain datasets o World Gravity Model 2012 (2 arc-min) from bgi.omp.obs-mip.fr o Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid/EMAG2 v2 (2 arc...
Gravity Measurements East of Black Hills and along a Line from Rapid City to Sioux Falls, South Dakota: ABSTRACT
Daniel Lum
AAPG Bulletin
... which is being supported by a National Science Foundation grant. A simple Bouguer gravity anomaly map was compiled from data of more than 500 stations...
Regional Gravity And Aeromagnetic Anomalies In West Texas
G. R. Keller, W. J. Peeples
West Texas Geological Society
... Bouguer anomaly map (fig. 2). The principal facts (observed gravity, latitude, longitude, and elevation) for the gravity data and details...
Gravity Interpretation of Major Crustal Properties: Abstract
Paul L. Lyons
Tulsa Geological Society
... such large gravity anomaly has a corresponding large magnetic anomaly and, (2) the most probable depth values calculated from selected large magnetic...
Structure and Development of Porcupine Seabight Sedimentary Basin, Offshore Southwest Ireland
D. G. Masson, P. R. Miles
AAPG Bulletin
... and Triassic rock. Gravity and magnetic anomaly models have been used to investigate the nature of the crust beneath the Porcupine basin. These models suggest...