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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 29,273 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Gravity modeling of a mafic, ultramafic association, Darvel Bay, East Sabah, N. Borneo
D. Beattie
Atlantic Geology
... a positive gravity anomaly of 70 mgal associated with the maflc-ultramaflc suite. Based on pre I lmlnary results, subsurface Interpretations...
Geophysical Anomaly: A Novel Contribution to Integrated Geophysical Interpretation, #42337 (2018).
Julio Lyrio, Paulo Menezes, Jorlivan Correa, Adriano Viana,
Search and Discovery.com
... as gravity, magnetics, and resistivity anomaly maps are mathematically treated to allow reliable combinations. Anomalous regions interpreted from each...
ABSTRACT: Gravity Anomalies in Silurian Pinnacle Reef Trend, Southwestern Indiana, by Lawrence L. Malinconico, Jr., Timothy A. Gognat, and Patrick L. Scher; #91023 (1989)
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ABSTRACT Variations in Rifting Style and Structure of the Scotian Margin Atlantic Canada from 3-D Gravity Inversion, #90104 (2010)
Dehler Sonya; Welford Kim
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...ABSTRACT Variations in Rifting Style and Structure of the Scotian Margin Atlantic Canada from 3-D Gravity Inversion, #90104 (2010) Dehler Sonya...
Abstract: Mackenzie Delta: A Case of One Residual Gravity Anomaly and 16 Dry Exploration Wells; #90211 (2015)
Serguei Goussev, Robert Charters, and John Peirce
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...Abstract: Mackenzie Delta: A Case of One Residual Gravity Anomaly and 16 Dry Exploration Wells; #90211 (2015) Serguei Goussev, Robert Charters...
Looking for a simplified and generalized training set in ML applications for gravity modelling
Luigi Bianco, Ciro Messina, Maurizio Fedi
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... training set for supervised machine learning (ML) methods aiming at gravity modelling. We build synthetic models reproducing only faults, which could...
Geophysical Exploration of a Potential Geothermal Energy Source in Eastern Mexico
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The Tectonic Development of the Southern Beaufort Sea and its Relationship to the Origin of the Arctic Ocean Basin, by Yorath and Norris (1975): DISCUSSION
L. W. Sobczak
CSPG Bulletin
... of the gravity anomaly at Darnley Bay, N.W.T.: Can. J. Earth Sci., v. 8, p. 1037-1042. Wold, R. J., Woodzick, T. L. and Ostenso, N. A., 1970, Structure...
-- no title --
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... Seismological Foundation (FUNVISIS). A residual anomaly gravity map for the study area was obtained using Krigging interpolation after editing and processing...
Gravity and Magnetic Models of the Tomahawk Diatreme, Northern Black Hills, South Dakota
D. D. Everson, W. M. Roggenthen
Wyoming Geological Association
...Gravity and Magnetic Models of the Tomahawk Diatreme, Northern Black Hills, South Dakota D. D. Everson, W. M. Roggenthen 1988 77 84 The Tomahawk...
Kahil Air-FTG® (Full Tensor Gradiometery) Survey, Case Study of Non-Seismic Advances, #41880 (2016).
Elias Al Kharusi, Colm Murphy, Christopher Bellamy and Saada Al-Rawahi
Search and Discovery.com
... 3115.284 3000/15000 Gravity High (Ophiolites) Figure. 5. Gravity anomaly reflecting a possible basin accommodation space (i.e. deep basement). Low...
Abstract: A Study of Gravity Anomalies of Bombay Offshore Structural High and Adjoining Area, India, by D. Rai and V. Ramaswamy; #90933 (1998).
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Uniting the Arctic
Morten Smelror, Oleg V. Petrov
GEO ExPro Magazine
... satellite gravity models (EIGEN 115 GL04C) for quality control of the long wavelengths. The new gravity and magnetic anomaly maps and their derivatives...
The Effect of Density Data in Gravity Interpretation at Endut Mountain in Jawa Barat Province, Indonesia; #40906 (2012)
Achmad Andi Kaswandi, Mohammad Ahmad Alrashid, and Supriyanto Supriyanto
Search and Discovery.com
... m, 500 m, and 1000 m, respectively. We have compared three density of data to show the trend of gravity anomaly. Analysis data revealed...
Abstract: New Gravity and Magnetic Data of the Al Hoceima Bay and Boudinar Basins
Farida Anahnah, Jesus Galindo-Zaldivar, Ahmed Chalouan, Patricia Ruano, Latifa Ameza, Antonio Pedrera, Mohamed Benmakhlouf, Omar Azzouz, Carlos Marin, M’fedal Ahmamou, Angel Carlos Lopez-Garrido, and Ana Ruiz- Constan
Search and Discovery.com
... rocks. In Al Hoceima bay we realised two profiles. Gravity and magnetic models determine the location of two normal fault sets at both sides...
Magnetic Anomalies and Crustal Structure in Eastern Gulf of Mexico
D. I. Gough
AAPG Bulletin
... 55105. Dehlinger, P., and B. R. Jones, 1965, Free-air gravity anomaly map of the Gulf of Mexico and its tectonic implications, 1963 ed.: Geophysics...
Gravity and Magnetism of the Ouachita Structural Belt in Central Texas
Joel S. Watkins, Jr
GCAGS Transactions
...------------------------- Muehlberger, W. R., and Watkins, J. S., 1961, Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the Austin Quadrangle, Texas: (in preparation). Murray, G. E., 1956...
Continental-Oceanic Boundary Deep Structure in a Shear Margin: Western Main Transform, Offshore Veracruz, Southern Gulf of Mexico
Juan R. Roman Ramos, Miguel A. Cruz Mercado, Luis E. Salomon Mora, Carlos Rosas Lara Fernando Sanchez Ferrer, Ed Biegert, Erik Bartsch
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the large gravity anomaly associated with this structure lays an oceanic crust. The basement complex in the deformation zone is likely to be a heavily...
Very High Amplitude Seismic Anomaly in Georges Bank Trough, Atlantic Continental Margin
Robert C. Anderson, David J. Taylor
AAPG Bulletin
..., and the major objective of the study was to determine the major lithologic component of the amplitude anomaly. The three lithologic models in this study...
Mackenzie Delta: A Case of One Residual Gravity Anomaly and 16 Dry Exploration Wells; #10726 (2015)
Serguei Goussev, Robert Charters, John Peirce
Search and Discovery.com
...Mackenzie Delta: A Case of One Residual Gravity Anomaly and 16 Dry Exploration Wells; #10726 (2015) Serguei Goussev, Robert Charters, John Peirce...
Gravity Anomalies in Gulf of California
J. C. Harrison , S. P. Mathur
AAPG Special Volumes
...., the axis of the Gulf of California is associated with a gravity high of about 100 mgal Bouguer anomaly which falls off rapidly to about 0 mgal...
Using Detailed Gravity Surveys to Delineate Buried Glacial Scours in Northern Michigan, Alan W. Hinks and Kevin J. Sullivan, #50204 (2009)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Gravity Mapping of the Coastal Plain of Selangor
C. A. Foss
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Abstract: Gravity Mapping of the Coastal Plain of Selangor C. A. Foss Gravity mapping of the coastal plain of Selangor C.A. Foss Dept. of Geoloqy...
Nature of the Canada Basin–Implications from Satellite-derived Magnetic Anomaly Data
Patrick T. Taylor
Alaska Geological Society
..., Spherical Earth gravity and magnetic anomaly analysis by equivalent point source inversion: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 53, p. 69–83. Williams, C...
Two-stage deep learning for 3D joint inversion of gravity and magnetic
Yinshuo Li, Wenkai Lu, Zhuo Jia, Cao Song
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...) and electrical models (Jia, 2022). Besides, DL-based methods also have been used in inversion of gravity (Zhang, 2020) and magnetic (Guo, 2021) by regarding...