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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 29,273 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abstract: Delineation of the Cocagne Subbasin, eastern New Brunswick based on new ground gravity data

K. E. Butler, J. Evangelatos

Atlantic Geology

... this area along a pronounced magnetic anomaly that is now recognized to bisect the Cocagne Subbasin gravity low and to be co-linear with the trajectory...


ABSTRACT Crustal Thickness and OCT Location for the Central and Equatorial Atlantic Rifted Margins Derived from Gravity Inversion, #90104 (2010)

Kusznir Nick; Alvey Andrew

Search and

... Kusznir, Nick  ; Alvey, Andrew   (1) Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom.     Satellite gravity anomaly...


ABSTRACT: Geophysical Evaluation/Remote Sensing of Basins in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions Geophysical evidence for near east-west sea floor spreading and the formation of the Grenada Basin

Bird, D.E, Hall, S.A., Casey, J.F.and Millegan, P.S.

Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago

.... Similar analyses of gravity and seismic data also support this orientation. Calculated Bouguer anomaly maps show a broad gravity high over the basin...


Precambrian Basement Geology of the Permian Basin Region of West Texas and Eastern New Mexico: A Geophysical Perspective

Donald C. Adams, G. Randy Keller

AAPG Bulletin

... gravity and magnetic study of west Texas, in W. J. Hinze, ed., Utility of regional gravity and magnetic anomaly maps: Tulsa, Society of Exploration...


Abstract: Interpretation and Modeling of Time-Lapse Seismic Data: Lena Field, Gulf of Mexico

D. H. Johnston, J. J. Shyeh, J. E. Eastwood, ] M. Khan, and L. R. Stanley

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

.... The time-lapse differences for the B80 reservoir are compared with production data, geologic models, flow simulations, and forward seismic models...


Gravity of Northern Channel Islands: ABSTRACT

John K. Aldrich

AAPG Bulletin

...Gravity of Northern Channel Islands: ABSTRACT John K. Aldrich 1969 470 470 53 2. (February) The northern Channel Islands form a regional gravity high...


Part III. Regional Geophysics and Geology

AAPG Special Volumes

... California. The new Bouguer gravity anomaly map for northwestern Mexico is presented; it incorporates approximately 15,000 new measurements...


Abstract: Continent-Ocean Boundaries...The End of the Line?; #90310 (2017)

Lucia Perez Diaz, Graeme Eagles, Nicola Scarselli

Search and

... mapped continental shelf gravity anomaly. Secondly, we conclude that estimated continent ocean boundaries are of limited use in developing or testing...


A Gravity Analysis of West-Central Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana

Forrest Wilson , James A. Noel

GCAGS Transactions

... of vertical prisms with square cross sections were calculated. A theoretical gravity map drawn from the models is almost identical to the residual gravity...


Unraveling the tectonic elements of the Bengal Basin through the analysis of gravity and magnetic data

Md Iftekhar Alam, Andrew Katumwehe, Ashraf Uddin, Salman Abbasi

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... anomalies. Here, the anomalies are derived from the available earth global gravity models EGM2008, DTU10 with 1ʹx1ʹ resolution terrain corrections derived...


A Regional Gravity Survey of the Sanpete-Sevier Valleys and Adjacent Areas in Utah

Robert P. Brown, Kenneth L. Cook

Utah Geological Association

... compiled into a complete Bouguer gravity anomaly map with a contour interval of 2 milligals. The complete Bouguer values correlate well with the known...


The Gravity Method: Part 7. Geophysical Methods

T. R. LaFehr

AAPG Special Volumes

...The Gravity Method: Part 7. Geophysical Methods T. R. LaFehr 1992 411 412 ME 10: Development Geology Reference Manual The purpose of gravity...


Chapter 6: Location of the Suture Zone Separating the Great Arc of the Caribbean from Continental Crust of Northwestern South America Inferred from Regional Gravity and Magnetic Data

Joan Marie Blanco, Paul Mann, Luan Nguyen

AAPG Special Volumes

... and Methods Gravity and Magnetic Datasets Garcia (2009) generated gravimetric anomaly maps and total magnetic field maps for Venezuela using low-orbit...


Which anomaly should I drill? Using spatial statistics to inform exploration in covered IOCG terranes

Laszlo Katona*, Adrian Fabris

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

..., generating polygon datasets representing populations of locally anomalous gravity and magnetic intensity. Taken as simple anomaly polygons...


Anomalies Indicate Potential

Aslak Myklebostad, Svein Ellingsrud

GEO ExPro Magazine

... likely resistive alternative models. Of the three observed anomalies, Anomaly 2 exhibits the characteristics that are most commonly observed as resulting...


Abstracts: Advances in SGL AIRGrav Acquisition and Processing; #90173 (2015)

Luise Sander and Stephen Ferguson

Search and

... resolution. Figure 1 shows the gravity data superimposed on the derived terrain model for a small region of the survey. Figure 1: Bouguer gravity anomaly...


Simultaneous Joint Inversion of Seismic and Gravity Data for Long Offset Pre-Stack Depth Migration in Northern Oman, #41569 (2015).

D. Colombo, M. Mantovani, M. De Stefano, D. Garrad, Hussain Al Lawati

Search and

...Simultaneous Joint Inversion of Seismic and Gravity Data for Long Offset Pre-Stack Depth Migration in Northern Oman, #41569 (2015). D. Colombo, M...


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