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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 29,273 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Gulf of Mexico tectonic history: Hotspot tracks, crustal boundaries, and early salt distribution

Dale E. Bird, Kevin Burke, Stuart A. Hall, John F. Casey

AAPG Bulletin

... tracks, confirming that salt was deposited during continental extension and not after ocean floor had begun to form. A prominent gravity anomaly along...


Imaging a mafic underplate in 3D: an example from the east Albany…Fraser Orogen and Yilgarn Craton margin

Lucy Brisbout, Ruth Murdie

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... anomaly that extends along the margin of the orogen (Fraser and Pettifer 1980; Figure 1b). The change in gravity between the Fraser Zone...


Gravity Studies of the Victoria Land Basin and Iselin Bank

F. J. Davey, A. K. Cooper

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... Lee in 1 9 8 4 and data from other U.S., West German, and New Zealand sources have been compiled to produce a free-air gravity anomaly map for the Ross...


Effectiveness of High-Accuracy Gravity Surveying for Direct Exploration for Hydrocarbon Pools in the Western Part of the Yenisey-Khatanga Downwarp

G. Ya. Cheblukov, A. V. Solov’yev

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... as −0,23 mgal. Consequently, the effect of a gas-pool, oil-pool, or reservoir anomaly should be found in the gravity field; this, however, has not yet...


4D Microgravity Monitoring in a Mature Waterflood Field: A Case History at Minas Field, Central Sumatra

Afifudin, Wing B. Yudhiarto, Susanti Alawiyah, Syarkowi, Wawan G. A. Kadir

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and accurate. In 4D microgravity technology, data are measured repeatedly in the same location, with time offering the fourth dimension. “Anomaly gravity...


Abstract: A Gravity High in Darvel Bay

Patrick J. C. Ryall, Dwayne Beattie

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... statlons were located along the road from Kunak to Lahad Datu. The resulting BOuguer anomaly map shows a broad gravity high of at least 60 mgal which...


Abstract: Implications of structural studies in eastern Notre Dame Bay: evidence for an allochtonous Dunnage Zone

K. E. Karlstrom, B. A. van der Pluijm, P. F. Williams

Atlantic Geology

.... Published gravity models account for the observed anomalies using slabs of ophiolitic material (density 2.9 - 3.0 gm/cm 3 ) both at the _surface...


Correlation of Sedimentary Basins Across the North Atlantic as Obtained from Gravity and Magnetic Data, and Its Relation to the Early Evolution of the North Atlantic: Chapter 9: North Atlantic Perspectives

J. Verhoef, S. P. Srivastava

AAPG Special Volumes

... reconstruction (Figure 5) at anomaly K time was obtained as follows. At first, we obtained the Bouguer anomalies from the free-air gravity data after...


Abstract: Gravity measurements in Pictou County, Nova Scotia

K. Howells, J. W. F. Waldron

Atlantic Geology

... of the Stellarton graben. The Stellarton graben anomaly lies at the head of a gravity embayment extending southwards from the large area of more negative gravity...


Bouguer Gravity Map of Tulsa County, Oklahoma

Craig Ferris

Tulsa Geological Society

... in Sec. 26, T 21N - R 13 E. Fig. 1 is the Bouguer gravity map made in 1946. Jones (1955) has reported on the gravity and magnetic anomaly associated...


Abstracts of Theses: Statistical Examination of Gravity Anomalies Over Preglaciated Terrains

Ayla Weston

CSPG Bulletin

...) The statistical analysis of gravity data over the central part of the Canadian Shield and the compilation of free-air anomaly and isostatic anomaly maps...


Gravity Profile of South Florida Shelf: ABSTRACT

Woodson R. Oglesby

AAPG Bulletin

.... Sunniland field is probably a compactional anticline, with approximately 80 ft of closure and 180 ft of structural relief. The gravity anomaly overlying...


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...user Simultaneous Joint Inversion of Seismic and Gravity Data for Long Offset Pre-Stack Depth Migration in Northern Oman D. Colombo1, M. Mantovani2...


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...user Simultaneous Joint Inversion of Seismic and Gravity Data for Long Offset Pre-Stack Depth Migration in Northern Oman D. Colombo1, M. Mantovani2...


Abstract: A Gravity Survey of Florida Bay and the Lower Keys

Mahlon M. Ball, Woodson R. Oglesby

GCAGS Transactions

... depicted are: 1) The western rim of the South Florida Basin, with gravity values increasing toward the Basin's center. 2) A large minimum anomaly...


Gravity Survey of Florida Bay and Lower Keys: ABSTRACT

Mahlon M. Ball, Woodson R. Oglesby

AAPG Bulletin

... depicted are: (1) the western rim of the South Florida basin, with gravity values increasing toward the basin's center; (2) a large minimum anomaly...


Gravity Modeling of the Wyoming Thrust Belt at 45° N. Latitude

John A. Morel

Wyoming Geological Association

... There is a wide range of possible models that can describe a given gravity profile. Although a given mass distribution produces a uniqgue profile...


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