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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 29,273 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Continuous Seismic-Reflection Study of Orpheus Gravity Anomaly: DISCUSSION

E. P. Williams

AAPG Bulletin

...Continuous Seismic-Reflection Study of Orpheus Gravity Anomaly: DISCUSSION E. P. Williams 1971 2061 2061 55 11. (November) King, L. H., and Brian...


The Gravity Field of Borneo and Its Region

John Milsom

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... on the evolution of the island. The Java Sea forms part of the continental Sunda Shelf. Subdued patterns of bathymetry and gravity anomaly link Java...


Geologic Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies of West Uzbekistan

B. M. Geyman

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of gravity anomaly: Irbelt zone of the Kul dzhuktau gravity maximum; II-zone of positive anomalies of the Auminzatau Range; III-VI-positive anomalies of Bel...


Integrated Seismic and Gravity Data Modeling: Basement Structure in the Gulf of Mexico

Dale E. Bird, Barbara J. Radovich, Jerry Moon

GCAGS Transactions

... sedimentary basin (Bird et al., 2005). This is because the depth to anomaly source ambiguity associated with gravity data can be reduced by depths from...


Ouachita Orogenic Complex, Central Texas--Geophysical Measurements and Basement Offset: ABSTRACT

H. C. Clark

AAPG Bulletin

.... A broad negative gravity anomaly is related to the overthrust package developed during the collision phase. Broad magnetic anomalies are related...


Deepwater Exploration: The Importance of Crustal Structure

Andy Alvey, Alan Roberts, Nick Kusznir

GEO ExPro Magazine

... basins and rifted margins. Firstly, an adjustment is made for the lithosphere thermal-gravity anomaly associated with the elevated geotherm produced...


Deep Learning Enhanced Joint Inversion for Mineral Exploration Using Airborne Geophysics: Application in Decorah Area

Yanyan Hu, Xiaolong Wei, Xuqing Wu, Jiajia Sun, Jiefu Chen, Yueqin Huang

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

.... For the joint inversion of magnetic and gravity gradient data, the inverted models are the susceptibility and density models, respectively. To the left...


Paleo-Rifts Of the North Caspian Sineklize and their Geological-Geophysical Models

D. M. Murzagaliyev

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of which decreases toward the center of the North Caspian depression. In the gravity field it is expressed by a narrow zone of maximum anomaly, which...


Prospecting for Iron Ore in the Bedong Area, Kedah Using Geophysical Techniques

C. Y. Lee, I. H. Abdoul-Fatah

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

..., including a near-swface one at the northwestern end to account for the small positive gravity anomaly there. Ideally, the three profiles should have been...


Structural Relations Between Marfa, Marathon, Val Verde, and Delaware Basins of West Texas: ABSTRACT

G. R. Keller, K. J. Smith

AAPG Bulletin

... Marathon basin. However, a prominent gravity anomaly is associated with the Ouachita system as it extends from western Arkansas through Oklahoma...


Magnetic Anomalies of the Northern Gulf of California: Structural and Thermal Interpretations: Chapter 22: Part III. Regional Geophysics and Geology

O. Sanchez-Zamora, P. Doguin, R. W. Couch, G. E. Ness

AAPG Special Volumes

... northwest located near lat. 31°N, long. 113.5°W. T is anomaly coincides with a free-air gravity anomaly described by Couch et al. (1991). Figure 4 shows...


A Preliminary Assessment of the Hydrocarbon Potential of Kerio Valley Basin: Gravity and Magnetic Interpretation

Abiud Masinde, Cleophas Simiyu, Innocent Murunga, George Muia, Aaron Waswa, Justus Barongo

Africa Energy and Technology Conference, 2016

... Oil (Hubert, 2016; Peytchev et al., 2016). Gravity data are analysed to determine the dominant anomaly trends, describe structures constraining...


Some Preliminary Gravity Results in Imperial Valley: ABSTRACT

Robert L. Kovach

AAPG Bulletin

...Some Preliminary Gravity Results in Imperial Valley: ABSTRACT Robert L. Kovach 1961 127 127 45 1. (January) Measurements of gravity have been...


Multiphysics monitoring framework for CO2 sequestration in carbonate reservoirs

Taqi Alyousuf, Daniele Colombo, Ersan Turkoglu

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... in gravity values over time that correlate with changes in density distribution and fluid movement within the reservoir. Notably, the gravity anomaly...


The Gravity Field and Tectonics of the Nansha Islands (Dangerous Grounds)

Su Da quan, Chen Xue, Liu Zu hui

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... to differences in geological structure between these three zones. The Zengmu (Sarawak) Basin gravity anomaly province This .province is located...


Polycyclic Rifting - An Interpretation of Gravity and Magnetics in the North West Shelf

V. Anfiloff

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... ', '---....... ""' ~ '' KIMBERLEY ....···...'.. ' .. O A ••• ..........., __.. BLOCK ~ Fig. 3 PILBARA BLOCK --+-- Axis of gravity high Local anomaly Axis of gravity...


Pinnacle Reefs, Their Gravity Response

Edward F. Haye

Tulsa Geological Society

... and loan association or on dividends on common stock. Even if gravity is only partially effective, even if considerable anomaly ambiguity exists, even...


Continuous Sea-Floor Spreading in Red Sea: An Alternative Interpretation of Magnetic Anomaly Pattern

J. L. Labrecque , N. Zitellini

AAPG Bulletin

...., Dynamics of passive margins: Geodynamics Series, v. 6, p. 91-115. Rabinowitz, P. D., and J. L. LaBrecque, 1977, The isostatic gravity anomaly: a key...


A Microgravity Survey over Deep Limestone Bedrock

Samsudin bin Hj Taib

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... a 10 m diameter cavity at 35 m depth indicates that it should produce a detectable anomaly using this grid spacing. These gravity data acquisition...


Hydrocarbon Traps Modeling in Mojokerto Area East Java Region Based on Gravity Data

Ilham Ulil Amri, Tenny Octaviani, Budika Indra

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... were recorded at points in the Mojokerto area, and after appropriate corrections to the gravity calculations obtained Bouguer anomaly contour map...


The Rotational Origin of the Gulf of Mexico Based on Regional Gravity Data: Rifted Margins: Field Investigations of Margin Structure and Stratigraphy

D. J. Hall , T. D. Cavanaugh , J. S. Watkins , K. J. McMillen

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Isostatic gravity anomaly map of part of offshore West Africa with interpreted outer marginal basement high (buried ridge), after Scheupbach and Vail...


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