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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 29,273 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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A Report on the Renaissance of Gravity in the Deep Water Gulf of Mexico: A Practical View of Integration Methods

Brian S. Anderson, Mark E. Weber, John E. Bain

Houston Geological Society

.... The reason behind this increase is improvements in gravity data resolution, increasingly difficult seismic imaging challenges, and better tools...


Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) of Turner Valley Airborne Gravity Data in the Foothills of Alberta, Canada; #41581 (2015)

Hassan Hassan

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...Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) of Turner Valley Airborne Gravity Data in the Foothills of Alberta, Canada; #41581 (2015) Hassan Hassan Empirical...


Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Using Gravity and Magnetic Data to Define 3-D Seismic Survey Areas for Fault Related Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoir Identification, #90116 (2010)

Alan W. Hinks, Robert L. Schulz, Eric R. Johnson

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...Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Using Gravity and Magnetic Data to Define 3-D Seismic Survey Areas for Fault Related Hydrothermal Dolomite...


Full Spectrum Falcon … Measuring wide broadband airborne gravity data

Chris van Galder

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... navigation system and CGG’s proprietary processing software to produce the gravity data necessary to complement the Falcon system. For the sGrav data...


Near Surface Imaging using Joint Seismic Gravity Inversion

Teguh Suroso, Boko Nurdiyanto, Trilaksita B. Nugraha, Lita Novitasari, Heri Winarto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... traveltime and gravity data as inputs and minimizes an overall objective function in a single inversion run to obtain near surface velocity and density...


Abstract: Integrated Interpretation of Potential Field and Reflection Seismic Data from the Orsa Area of the Siljan Impact Crater, Central Sweden; #90255 (2017)

Harbe Muhamad, Christopher Juhlin, Alireza Malehmir

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... gravity data points provided by the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU). The gravity data were reduced to a 170 m datum following the standard data...


ABSTRACT: Revival of Potential Fields in Search for Hydrocarbon; #90007 (2002)

K. Mallick, K. K. Sharma

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... innovations in data reductions not withstanding, the first and perhaps the most crucial step in gravity and magnetic data processing is the removal...


Abstract: Integrated Open-Source Geophysical Processing and Visualization; #90211 (2015)

Glenn Chubak and Igor Morozov

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... while focusing on three key aspects of this framework: its data processing, software development, and collaboration models. Processing System SIA...


ABSTRACT Gravity Gradiometry and Seismic Data Integration: A New Technology Being Used to Develop Emerging and Mature Plays in the Gulf of Mexico, #90104 (2010)

Bate Duncan J.; Nuttall Peter; Hope Jackie; Kilner Ben; McGrail Adrian; Radovich Barbara

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...ABSTRACT Gravity Gradiometry and Seismic Data Integration: A New Technology Being Used to Develop Emerging and Mature Plays in the Gulf of Mexico...


Abstract: Geothermal Exploration: High-Resolution Airborne Technologies in East Asia

Jonathan Watson

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... of 250 m and tie line spacing of 3 km. Fast track processing (within 24 hours) allowed the data to be analysed prior to further infill acquisition...


Abstract: Comprehensive Technology for Complex Targets Research with Electromagnetic, Gravity, Magnetic and Seismic Data and its Applications; #90319 (2018)

Zhi Zhao, Dechun Li, Zhao Li

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...Abstract: Comprehensive Technology for Complex Targets Research with Electromagnetic, Gravity, Magnetic and Seismic Data and its Applications; #90319...


EXTENDED ABSTRACT: From 2 Dimensional to 3 Dimensional: Modeling the Western Gulf of Mexico Using Recently Acquired Long Offset Seismic and Gravity Data

Parsons, M., Price, A., Bain, J., Mulcahy, S., and Pawlowski, R.

GCAGS Transactions

... this area for the period mid 2003 to present. In the seismic processing of the initially acquired lines, 2 dimensional gravity data was used...


Abstract: Interpretation of High Resolution Gravity and Magnetic Surveys for Oil and Gas Exploration

Clive Foss

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... of gravity and magnetic fields and enables new processing techniques to be applied, just as in the switch from "20" to "30" mode in seismic. The result...


Integration of Magnetotelluric, Gravity and Seismic Data for Sub-Volcanic Imaging

Jeremy Gohitua MacArthur, Muhammad Fikri Putra, Nuha Malihati, Husnia Nur Annisa

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Magnetotelluric data is processed using Occam 1D method and seismic is done by conventional precessing integrated data of each processing of gravity...


Near-Surface Characterization for Seismic Exploration Based on Gravity and Resistivity Data; #41892 (2016)

Jan Mrlina

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... after including gravity data into the processing procedures is demonstrated by significant changes in horizons smoothness and sharpness without too...


Abstract: The gravity response of reef islands in the Red Sea and their significance to seismic interpretation; #90254 (2016)

Ahmed Alhani

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... ABSTRACT The complex nature of the Red Sea subsurface represents a true challenge for seismic data acquisition, processing and interpretation...


Gravity and Magnetics in South East Asia - Modern Applications

Brian S. Anderson, John E. Bain, Harald van Hoeken, Mark E. Weber

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... advances in the acquisition, processing, and interpretation of gravity and magnetics methods now enable the use of these data for solving a wide...


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