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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 29,273 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Havent I Seen That Somewhere Before?

David Sagi, Simon Campbell, Peter Webb

GEO ExPro Magazine

... scale and to allow a sufficient pool of comparison material requires excellent, internally consistent data coverage. The gravity and magnetic datasets...


Fusion of Airborne Gravity and Magnetic Images for Improved Detection of Structural Control; #41550 (2015)

Hassan Hassan, John Peirce

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... surveys, magnetic data are collected as well. Although the magnetic data acquired during gravity surveys generally have lower spectral and spatial...


The Optimum Use of Gravity in Exploration

Frederick E. Romberg

GCAGS Transactions

..., and against too great dependence on auomatic data processing. Hammer, Sigmund, 1945, Estimating ore masses in gravity prospecting: Geophysics, v. 10, p...


Abstract: Sub-Basalt Integrated Geophysical Study Islandmagee, Northern Ireland; #90171 (2013)

M. Best, R. Charters, K. Morrison, and C. Nahas

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... and geological structures with hydrocarbon potential. The ERT/gravity data were integrated with high resolution aeromagnetic data purchased form the British...


Abstract: Sub-Basalt Integrated Geophysical Study Islandmagee, Northern Ireland; #90171 (2013)

M. Best, R. Charters, K. Morrison, and C. Nahas

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... and geological structures with hydrocarbon potential. The ERT/gravity data were integrated with high resolution aeromagnetic data purchased form the British...


Understanding Basement Controls on Basin Development: Constraints from Gravity and Magnetic Data.

Duncan R. Cowan, Linda A. Tompkins, Terry Tyler

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... to overcome some of the ambiguity. Pre-processing of magnetic and gravity anomaly data is essential so that a direct comparison of the two anomalous fields...


Use of SEASAT-Derived Free-Air Gravity to Interpret the Crustal Structure of Southeast Asia

M. T. Angelich

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... here how Haxby derived the free-air gravity signal from the SEASAT altimetry data. The processing procedure followed by Haxby can be found...


High-Resolution Landsat for Geophysical Studies: ABSTRACT

Clyde Hubbard, Brian Fine

AAPG Bulletin

..., marsh, and other factors which affect operations cost. Data-processing techniques which permit the extraction of depth over coastal waters make...


Abstract: Gravitational Study of the Hastings Salt Dome and Associated Faults in Brazoria and Galveston Counties, Texas; #90285 (2016)

Francis C. Okocha, Wesley A. Brown

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... the geomorphology of the Hastings Salt Dome and its environs. Data processing will be carried out using the Geosoft OASIS montaj software. The gravity readings...


Integrated Interpretation in the Deep Water Gulf of Mexico Examples from the TGS Phase 45 Deep Water Reconnaissance Program

Brian S. Anderson, John E. Bain , Dr. David Hall, Rob Brooks

GCAGS Transactions

... gravity meters: Geophysics, v. 50, p. 840-845. End_of_Record - Last_Page 26-------- ADVANCES IN DATA ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY...


Kahil Air-FTG® (Full Tensor Gradiometery) Survey, Case Study of Non-Seismic Advances, #41880 (2016).

Elias Al Kharusi, Colm Murphy, Christopher Bellamy and Saada Al-Rawahi

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... in 2003. The multi-component data was processed with the latest processing techniques to enhance S/N ratios for better representation of subsurface...


A New Global Satellite Gravity Dataset for Screening and Evaluating Offshore Basins in S.E. Asia

J. Derek Fairhead, Ian Somerton, Graham Gifford

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the continental margins of the world. New processing methods have re-picked, edited and transformed the altimeter data from the ERS-1 and GEOSAT satellites...


The interpretation and integration of old seismic with new gravity data „ an example from the northern Perth Basin

Sergey Shevchenko

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...The interpretation and integration of old seismic with new gravity data „ an example from the northern Perth Basin Sergey Shevchenko TECH TALK...


Abstract: Application of Landsat Analysis for Geologic Exploration in Texas

Ken M. Morgan

Abilene Geological Society

.... Remote sensing was especially effective when integrated with other sources of information such as seismic, gravity, magnetics, and well log data. When...


Airbone Gradiometry: Looking Beyond Conventional Gravity

Riki Tasrianto, Vicki Amir, Reki Indrawan, Lionel Summer, Colm Murphy, Haryono Haryanto, Wahyudin Bahri Nasifi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of the gravity gradient tensor is to increase the clarity of the true gravity signal from the full data during processing. Brewster (2008 and 2015...


Mackenzie Delta: A Case of One Residual Gravity Anomaly and 16 Dry Exploration Wells; #10726 (2015)

Serguei Goussev, Robert Charters, John Peirce

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... refraction seismic and regional gravity modeling (Stephenson et al., 1994). Gravity Data Acquisition and Processing The gravity data used in this study...


Gravity's Role in a Modern Exploration Program

Gene Greene

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... analysis and personal work stations, can gravity data contribute to a modern exploration program? The answer is definitely yes! The following...



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The Effect of Density Data in Gravity Interpretation at Endut Mountain in Jawa Barat Province, Indonesia; #40906 (2012)

Achmad Andi Kaswandi, Mohammad Ahmad Alrashid, and Supriyanto Supriyanto

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... of survey points, and the density trend obtained. Method Gravity data processing sequence apply are as followed (see Figure 3). The data obatained...


Abstract: Extending Existing Technology to Explore Near Surface Geology With New Techniques in Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation; #90310 (2017)

Marianne E. Parsons, Darren Burrows, Chris Van Galder

Search and

..., Processing and Interpretation Marianne E. Parsons¹, Darren Burrows¹, and Chris Van Galder¹ ¹CGG, Morlaas, France. ABSTRACT Airborne gravity...


Is There Any Room for Gravity in Petroleum Exploration? Lets Open the Door Again!

Sergey Shevchenko

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

...’s oil and gas industry. Most of the gravity data in Australia were collected in the 1960s and 1970s. Only government agencies and a few exploration...


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