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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 29,273 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Experience in Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies for Study of Salt Tectonics of the Peri-Caspian Synclize

Ye. G. Bulakh, V. A. Rzhanitsyn, M. N. Markova, I. N. Shcherbakova, Yu. S. Dezhanova

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... interfaces: 7-fixed from drilling and seismic data, 8-matched according to gravity data, 9-outline of lens of dense inclusions, 10-top of sub-salt...


Imaging Seismic Data with High Resolution Gravity Data.

R. Opfer

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

...Imaging Seismic Data with High Resolution Gravity Data. R. Opfer VIII Simposio Bolivariano - Exploracion Petrolera en las Cuencas Subandinas Imaging...


Application of Digital Computers to Exploration Operations: ABSTRACT

James M. Forgotson, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... installations. Data processing involves filing, sorting, and comparing a large volume of data that require a small number of arithmetical calculations for each...


Athabasca Oil-Sand Evaluation Using Computer and Data-Processing Methods: ABSTRACT

Richard W. Fetzner

AAPG Bulletin

...Athabasca Oil-Sand Evaluation Using Computer and Data-Processing Methods: ABSTRACT Richard W. Fetzner 1967 463 463 51 3. (March) A 4,000-acre oil...


The Application of GOCE Satellite Gravity Data for Basin and Petroleum System Modeling: A Case-Study from the Arabian Peninsula; #120130 (2013)

R. Abdul Fattah, J. A. C. Meekes, S. Colella, J. Bouman, M. Schmidt, and J. Ebbing

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...The Application of GOCE Satellite Gravity Data for Basin and Petroleum System Modeling: A Case-Study from the Arabian Peninsula; #120130 (2013) R...


Structural Significance and Analysis of Mid-Continent Gravity High

Richard L. Coons , George P. Woollard , Garland Hershey

AAPG Bulletin

... value in mapping basement geology. The computer, particularly if used with gravity data, can be useful in the processing of these data. The technique...


A New Crustal Model of the Gulf of Mexico … From Seismic and Potential Fields Data; #30658 (2020)

J. Bain, J. Kegel, Cian O’Reilly

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... to the gravity data in the MGOM. Public domain bathymetry data was used to compute the full 3-D Bouguer correction for gravity data beyond the MGOM. Gravity...


Abstract: Digital terrain model for Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia

B. D. Loncarevic, G. Oakey

Atlantic Geology

..., P.O. Box 1006 Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 4A2 The growth of digital data banks and the development ofnew techniques for processing and analysis of field...


Potential Field Data Acquisition and Interpretation Supporting Exploration Activities in The West Timor Psc Area

Alberto Boz, Mansyur Bakhrudin, Pierluigi Bernardelli, Francesco Coraggio, Arii Ardjuna, Aryo Radityo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and instrumentation characteristics. Data Acquisition and Processing The survey was flown using SGL’s (Sander Geophysics Ltd) airborne gravity system (AIRGrav...


New Onshore Seismic and Gravity Data Confirms the Potential for Giant-Sized Discoveries within the Seram Fold-Thrust Belt of Eastern Indonesia

Kim Morrison

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

...New Onshore Seismic and Gravity Data Confirms the Potential for Giant-Sized Discoveries within the Seram Fold-Thrust Belt of Eastern Indonesia Kim...


The generation of equivalent sources by 3D skeletonization of the migration density field

James Brewster

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... of equivalent sources for processing gravity gradient data. The location of the sources is determined by calculation of the migration density field...


Abstract: Satellites, Virtual Reality and Other Exotics

Simon P. Kendall

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

..., such as seismic, data acquisition and processing, and those approaches which today may be regarded as exotic. In attempting to either image the earth...


A Brief Review of Gravity and Magnetic Data for Malaysia

Mazlan Madon

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...A Brief Review of Gravity and Magnetic Data for Malaysia Mazlan Madon CATATAN GEOLOGI GEOLOGICAL NOTES A brief review of gravity and magnetic data...


The South East Asia Gravity Project: Papua New Guinea

D. C. Manton, J. D. Fairhead

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

...-processing and verification. Land Data GETECH has brought together some 32,000 Papuan land gravity points from over sixty individual surveys and is still...


ABSTRACT: Four Generations in a Decade: Progress in Regional Tectonic Mapping and Petroleum Systems Analysis with Satellite Altimetry Data; #90061 (2006)

William G. Dickson, Mark E. Odegard, and James W. Granath

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...-based tectonic map (the ‘SEAMAGIC’ project) in mid-2000 using among other data, regional gravity compiled in the mid-1990’s. Since then, advances...


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