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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 29,273 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Combined potential field and airborne electromagnetic interpretation to unravel the geological history of the Curaca Valley Region, Bahia, Brazil
P. Letelier, S. Napier, J. Reid, P. Mejia
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... these concepts, we present a case study from the Curaçá Valley Cu region in Bahia, Brazil. A large geophysical data set including airborne gravity, magnetic...
Regional Gravity and Magnetic Interpretation over East Coast-Pegasus Basin, New Zealand; #30437 (2015)
P.S. van Heiningen, L. De Luca, I. Guerra, S. Panepinto, K. Hayo, S. Klug, M. Uzcategui Salazar
Search and Discovery.com
... by local density variations, the observed gravity data have been subjected to a processing, which involves a series of corrections resulting...
Abstract: Geological Applications of Computerized Virtual Reality, by J. E. Robinson and D. M. Richers; #91012 (1992).
Search and Discovery.com
Fluid Movement Monitoring Base on Time-Lapse Microgravity Anomali Data (Case Studies in Sumatra)
Dian Pratiwi, Muh. Sarkowi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... ANOMALI DATA (CASE STUDIES IN SUMATRA) Dian Pratiwi* Muh. Sarkowi* ABSTRACT Time-lapse microgravity method is the development of the gravity method...
Exploring the Sub-Salt Play in the Frontier Amadeus BasinInsights from Regional 2D Seismic and Potential Field Data
Emma Hissey, Jennifer Clifford, Tim Debacker
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... acquired in the 2013 AMSAN seismic survey and key well locations. Seismic line AMSAN13b-04 highlighted in red. Processing Processing of the seismic data...
Abstract: New Dimensions for Seismic Interpretation, by K. Vozoff, K-M. Strack, A. M. Ziolkowski, and F. Wenzel; #91015 (1992).
Search and Discovery.com
Geology and Geophysics: Ever the Twain Shall Meet
Don C. Lawton
Search and Discovery.com
... models only by integrating all sources of geophysical and geological data in consultation with the explorationists. Gravity modelling, a less commonly used...
Geology and Geophysics: Ever the Twain Shall Meet
Don C. Lawton
Search and Discovery.com
... models only by integrating all sources of geophysical and geological data in consultation with the explorationists. Gravity modelling, a less commonly used...
A Gravity Analysis of West-Central Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana
Forrest Wilson , James A. Noel
GCAGS Transactions
... for the gravity stations and Bouguer values were so obscure as to be nearly undecipherable. To facilitate processing the mapped data, a grid was drawn over...
ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon Exploration in Sub-Basalt Basins around Peninsular India, by Misra, Kiran S.; Misra, Anshuman; #90155 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Subsurface Structure Interpretation of Eastern South Serayu Basin using GGMPlus (v.2013) Gravity Data Analysis
Novita Triswi Handayani, Sudarmaji, Mochamad Nukman
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... the source of these gases. This research is conducted by processing gravity disturbance and free fall acceleration of GGMPlus v.2013 gravity data...
SG14: The COCORP Seismic Reflection Traverse Across the Southern Appalachians - Data Acquisition and Processing
Frederick A. Cook, Larry D. Brown, Sidney Kaufman, and Jack E. Oliver
AAPG Special Volumes
...SG14: The COCORP Seismic Reflection Traverse Across the Southern Appalachians - Data Acquisition and Processing Frederick A. Cook, Larry D. Brown...
Accurate Depth Conversions Reduce Risk
Larry C. Luton, Corine Prieto
GCAGS Transactions
... is influenced by available data, lithology and the geophysical acquisition and processing parameters. Our example illustrates the prospect resolution...
A Preliminary Assessment of the Hydrocarbon Potential of Kerio Valley Basin: Gravity and Magnetic Interpretation
Abiud Masinde, Cleophas Simiyu, Innocent Murunga, George Muia, Aaron Waswa, Justus Barongo
Africa Energy and Technology Conference, 2016
... et al., 2009). II. DATA PROCESSING METHOD Gravity and magnetic methods are based on Verduzco et al. (2004). An Isostatically corrected map (Fig 1...
Abstract: The Role of Geophysics in the Development of Malaysia's Petroleum Industry
Ahmad Said
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... for the surveys both onshore and offshore. High-speed digital computers have revolutionized the geophysical (in particular seismic) data processing...
Abstract: A Case History on 3D Seismic Imaging in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production, by R. C. Cole, J. C. Deknatel, S. M. Devries, R. East, P. P. Gelderblom, P. Gerritsma, D. J. Smit, and M. Vanderveen; #90942 (1997).
Search and Discovery.com
Expanding Foothills Exploration in Muskwa-Kechika: An Integrated Approach using full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry, Magnetic Gradiometry, LIDAR, Digital Mapping, and GIS, #41538 (2015).
Mark A Davies, Joseph Barraud, Neil Dyer, and Wayne Wheeler
Search and Discovery.com
... unattainable high resolution airborne gravity gradiometry, magnetic gradiometry, and LIDAR data. This combined dataset reveals new and detailed information...
3D Vp-Gravity-Density Modeling Of Irregular High-Vp Diabase Intrusive Bodies And Shallow 3D Very High-Res Reflection Imaging Of Faulted Marine Terraces Of The Southern Irish Hills, California
Search and Discovery.com
Single Channel Seismic and Geopotential Data Collection and Processing
Andrew J. Stevenson, Jonathan R. Childs
Circum Pacific Council Publications
...Single Channel Seismic and Geopotential Data Collection and Processing Andrew J. Stevenson, Jonathan R. Childs © CircumPacific Council for Energy...
ABSTRACT: The Gulf Offshore Satellite Applications Project, by Frederick B. Henderson, Irwin Supernaw; #91003 (1990).
Search and Discovery.com
Regionals and Residuals in Seismic Prospecting for Stratigraphic Features: ABSTRACT
M. B. Dobrin, W. G. Rimmer
AAPG Bulletin
... tilting, seismic indications from such features can be so obscured that special data processing techniques are required to make them readily recognizable...
Simultaneous Joint Inversion of Seismic and Gravity Data for Long Offset Pre-Stack Depth Migration in Northern Oman, #41569 (2015).
D. Colombo, M. Mantovani, M. De Stefano, D. Garrad, Hussain Al Lawati
Search and Discovery.com
...Simultaneous Joint Inversion of Seismic and Gravity Data for Long Offset Pre-Stack Depth Migration in Northern Oman, #41569 (2015). D. Colombo, M...
Bringing Australian Geophysical Data onto a High Performance Data Node at the National Computational Infrastructure, #70210 (2016).
Jingbo Wang, Irina Bastrakova, Ben Evans, Carina Kemp, Ryan Fraser, Lesley Wyborn
Search and Discovery.com
... available collections of Australian airborne magnetic, gamma-ray, seismic, electromagnetic, magnetotelluric, and gravity data sets. The total size...
Extended Abstract: Multiclient Study of Barrow-Dampier - Beagle Basins
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... commenced with the acquisition and processing of 136,000 line kilometres of high resolution aeromagnetic data by WGC. The survey area is outlined in Fig. 1...
Clari-Fi Broadband Processed 2D Seismic in Portugal and the Mid-North Sea High
Sindre Jansen, Will Bradbury, Bent Erlend Kjølhamar, TGS
GEO ExPro Magazine
... of gravity and magnetic data during processing highlighted the areas in the 29th Round that required more focussed processing effort in order to provide better...