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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 29,273 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Regional Data Analysis to Determine Production Trends Using a Fuzzy Expert Exploration Tool

Robert S. Balch, William W. Weiss, Shaochang Wo, Darren M. Hart

West Texas Geological Society

... information about subsurface faults. Derivative maps generated from potential fields data like gravity can give depth-dependent structure information...


Simultaneous Joint Inversion as a Salt Detector in South Gabon Land Exploration; #40835 (2011)

Marco Mantovani and Thierry Dugoujard

Search and

... acquired along N-S lines spaced by 250-m E-W tie lines were acquired every 2500 m. After levelling, the gravity data underwent two stages of processing...


Abstract: Mapping Basement Structures in the Peace River Arch of Alberta Using Monogenic Signal Decomposition of Magnetic Data; #90187 (2014)

Hassan H. Hassan

Search and

...Abstract: Mapping Basement Structures in the Peace River Arch of Alberta Using Monogenic Signal Decomposition of Magnetic Data; #90187 (2014) Hassan...


Abstract: Preliminary geomatics analysis of the St. Marys basin, Nova Scotia

T. Webster

Atlantic Geology

..., gravity, and radiometries, geochemistry, and lithological and structural data from parallel field mapping. The goal of the project will be to use...


Mesozoic Salt Diapirism in Southeastern Bahamas as Evidenced by Geophysics; #30352 (2014)

Allan Spector, Samuel A. Epstein, David Schieck

Search and

.... Cuba currently has proven reserves of 181 million barrels of oil. Analyses of gravity, magnetic, and processed seismic data in southeastern Bahamas...


Bouguer Gravity Data and a North South Gravity and Magnetic Profile from the Wiseman Area, Brooks Range, Alaska

D. T. Smith, D. B. Stone, J. T. Dillon

Pacific Section SEPM

... Survey Open-File Report 77-168C, scale 1:1,000,000. , 1984, Digital elevation models improve processing of Alaskan gravity data: in Coonrad, W. L...


60 Years of Innovation

Ken White

GEO ExPro Magazine

... with regard to seismic data acquisition, processing and interpretation. Important Core Strengths Seismic services are a core strength of Prospectiuni...


Potential Field Interpretation and Modelling in the Deep-Water Otway Basin

Yvette H. Poudjom Djomani, Merrie-Ellen Gunning

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

.... New 2D seismic, gravity and magnetic data, acquired during the 2020 Otway Basin Seismic Program, were combined with legacy seismic data to improve...


Characteristics of Crude Oil

W. L. Nelson

Tulsa Geological Society

... of processing paraffinic crudes (usually high gravity) is as large or larger than the cost of processing low gravity crudes. This, coupled with the low price...


Evaluation of Seismic Exploration in Sub-Volcanic Reservoir Area by Synthetic Seismic Modeling

Yulia Nur Fajrina, Muhammad Ghazalli

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Move Out processing. The Raw data will be filtered by spherical divergence, processing NMO with velocity data picked before, DMO then process...


A Microgravity Survey over Deep Limestone Bedrock

Samsudin bin Hj Taib

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... point are the point identification label, the time and the gravity meter reading. o 0 0 o 0 DD~ o 0 0 0 DATA REDUCTION AND PROCESSING When...


Application of Marine Magnetic and Gravity Data in Mapping Basement and Sedimentary Horizons in the Rovuma Basin, Mozambique; #41051 (2012)

Irena Kivior, Sandeep Kumnar Chandola, Lee Poh Kin, S. F. B. M. Zohdi, S. Damte, and Stephen L. Markham

Search and

...Application of Marine Magnetic and Gravity Data in Mapping Basement and Sedimentary Horizons in the Rovuma Basin, Mozambique; #41051 (2012) Irena...


Time-Lapse Geophysics for Mapping Fluid Flow in Near Real Time: Results from a Controlled Mesoscale Experiment

Roelof Versteeg

Special Publications of SEPM

... at high enough frequencies so that one avoids temporal aliasing, and second, processing the data at such a rate that the information extracted from...


Abstract: Contribution of Remote Sensing Data to Exploration Success with Examples from Africa and Asia

Lance Holmes, Matt Densley

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... of these datasets are freely available over the internet for little or no cost, including global satellite marine gravity data, marine bathymetry data...


Reducing Uncertainty in Subsalt Interpretation: A Non-Seismic View from Integration; #40508 (2010)

Markus H. Krieger and Oliver Geisler

Search and

..., and a proven workflow, adjustable to the specific project requirements. Having gravity, magnetic, gravity gradient, EM, and/or magnetotelluric data at hand...


Waterflood Performance Monitoring: 4D-Microgravity and Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) Approach in Tanjung Complex Structure, Tanjung Field, South Kalimantan

Fahmi Bajry, R. Agung I. Wardhana, Reza Rahadian, Adhitya Pratama Lanadito, Wawan Gunawan A. Kadir

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... forces of attraction of gravity due to the mass of the earth and the effects of Earth's rotation. So that the gravity data processing, there are some...


Geophysical Analyses to Map Concealed Faulting in the Wasatch Fault Zone in Northeastern Provo, Utah County, Utah

Alvin K. Benson, Leo T. Brown, Nathan Brett Mustoe

Utah Geological Association

..., Nathan Brett Mustoe 1999 167 180 Interpreted gravity and magnetic data from surveys conducted across the Wasatch fault zone in northeastern Provo, Utah...


Offshore Seepage Mapped from Space High-Grades Unexplored Parts of Southeast Asia Basins

G. Lawrence, A. Fleming, M. Broadley, N. A. Press

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... bit data are selectively compressed to 8 bit and the data are normalised for wind speed using proprietary software. Enhanced processing of raw ocean...


Collaborating on pre-competitive geophysical projects in the Northern Territory, Australia

Tania Dhu, Angus McCoy, Ian Scrimgeour

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... Resources (BMR), now GA, commenced airborne magnetic surveying (Denham, 1997). BMR also commenced a 15 year program to collect ground gravity data...


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