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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,449 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.

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Geology of the Rancho El Papalote Area, Chihuahua, Mexico

Richard C. Capps

AAPG Special Volumes

.... N., et al, 1975, Rock-color chart: Geol. Soc. America, 11 p. Hawley, J. W., 1969, Notes on the geomorphology and late Cenozoic geology...


Paleokarst in an Upper Devonian Reef Complex of the Canning Basin, Western Australia

Annette D. George, C. McA. Powell

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..." limestone layers containing tubular cavities oriented perpendicular to bedding. Stratigraphic top is towards base of block. Hammer in center of block is 35...


Evaluating and Hy-Grading Wolfcamp Shale Opportunities in the Midland Basin, #110213 (2015).

A. D. James

Search and

...) @ 12/28/2014 New Record IP – 1,594 Boepd (24-hour) 3 net rigs currently running Hammer-Rock Tank Area  Wolfcamp consists largely of organicrich deep...


The Oil Fields of Russia: Chapter 15 - Administration of Oil Properties

Arthur Beeby Thompson

Other Technical

..., a slotter, several drilling machines, pipe and bolt screwing machine, 1--ton power hammer and a fan. (5) The boring department is generally conducted...


Resume of Knox Dolomite Drilling and Development in Kentucky

Frank Fisher

Appalachian Geological Society

..., Chepultepec, and Copper Ridge. Portions of the Copper Ridge Dolomite emit an oily odor upon breaking the rock with the hammer. Certain cherts...


Big Tancook Island: Transition Rocks of the Goldenville-Halifax Formations

Peter Wallace

Atlantic Geoscience Society Special Publications

... footwear is a must. The island is private property, so respecting the rights of others is a foregone conclusion, do not sam­ ple, hammer, or otherwise...


Quaternary Changes in Sea-Level in the South China Sea

Buddhadeb Biswas

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

..., Haile, 1970, Hammer et aI., 1967, Scrivenor, 1949, Suggate, 1968, Tjia, 1970, Walker, 1956, Ward, 1971, etc.). Indications of climatic deterioration...


Wave-Cut Erosion Surface in the Wichita Mountains

William F. Tanner

Oklahoma City Geological Society

..., exposed west of Elk Cre ek in the northeast quarter of Sec. 7, T. 5 N., R. 18 W. The geologic hammer has been included for scale. Sketched from...


Testing evolutionary dynamics on first lower molars of Pliocene Ogmodontomys (Arvicolidae, Rodentia) from the Meade Basin of southwestern Kansas (USA): A landmark-based approach

Federica Marcolini, Paolo Piras, Robert A. Martin


... with cross-validation) between two groups was performed on all RWs to extrapolate a discriminant function to be tested with ANOVA (Hammer and Harper...


Corpus Christi Bay - Another 3D Success

Robert M. Rice

GCAGS Transactions

... mapper, Matt Hammer. Matt’s maps speak for themselves. I would like to take credit for the “clue” well, but Alan Costello and Don Kersting had already...


Devonian System

J. Marvin Weller

Kansas Geological Society

... brown with iron oxide. The beds are massive and hard but disintegrate into a mass of loose grains when struck sharply with a hammer. Moulds...


Mid-Mesozoic Paleontology of the Rabbit Valley Area, Western Colorado

Harley J. Armstrong, Walter R. Averett, Marjorie E. Averett, Elizabeth S. McReynolds, David G. Wolny

Grand Junction Geological Society

.... Walter R. Averett using hammer and chisel to quarry Averett Iguanodon. Cervical vertebrae are being worked on in well-silicified sandstone boulder...


Kutubu Pipeline Project: Reprints from The Australian Pipeliner

Graham Tait, Brian Wickins, Charles Rottier, Peter Tuft, Kay Turnbull, David Head, Geoff Hughes, Claire Bowley

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

... were driven using an ICE 416 L vibro hammer and IHC S 90 hydraulic hammer. The soil was excavated to depth using dredging pumps in the wet...


Environmental and ecological variability of Middle Devonian (Givetian) forests in Appalachian Basin paleosols, New York, United States

Jason S. Mintz, Steven G. Driese, Joseph D. White


... staining. D) Plan view of the root trace from Figure 3C. Hammer 5 35 cm long. Images presented in duplicate as both uninterpreted and interpreted...


Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Cantua Sandstone Member of the Lodo Formation, Vallecitos Area, California

Tor H. Nilsen, Thomas W. Dibblee Jr., Tully R. Simoni Jr.

Pacific Section SEPM

... -------1 Fisherman Bay "\ Gualala o , , eN I.J) Fort Ross 0'", Poi nt Reyes,,'" San Franci sco Bay Point San ~edro Vallecitos -~'""- Hondo Creek...


Back Barrier and Shallow Marine Depositional Facies Spring Canyon Member, Blackhawk Formation

Diane L. Kamola, James D. Howard

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

... sequence, Gentile Wash. A small amount of foreshore is seen above the hammer. Overlying the trough zone are the subparallel, gently seaward dipping beds...


The Bituminous Sandstones of the Asphalt Ridge Area, Northeastern Utah

Robert E. Covington

Utah Geological Association

... to the fact that the sand grains are coated with water. The tar sands have a resilience and tenacity (see figure 2) which will make a geologic hammer...


Environmental controls on the distribution of late Paleozoic bryozoan colony morphotypes: An example from the Permian of Tasmania, Australia

Catherine M. Reid


... Eurydesma coquina, Bundella Formation (Darlington Limestone), Maria Island. Hammer 5 33 cm long. B) Well-preserved productid brachiopods, Malbina...


Unmanned Aerial Systems, Geology’s Newest Aerial Technology1

Emily Erz

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... includes: a hand lens, compass, rock hammer, writing instrument and a field notebook, paired with a love for the outdoors and the desire to understand...


Paleoecologic assessment of an edrioasteroid (Echinodermata)…encrusted hardground from the Upper Ordovician (Maysvillian) Bellevue Member, Maysville, Kentucky

René A. Shroat-Lewis, Michael L. McKinney, Carlton E. Brett, David L. Meyer, Colin D. Sumrall


... of the theca. Two different analyses of spatial distribution were performed using Paleontological Statistics (PAST) software (Hammer et al., 2001). Method...


Upper Pennsylvanian sediment dispersal and paleochannel orientation in the western part of the Sydney Coalfield, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

P. Mcl. D. Duff, S. Forgeron, H. W. van de Poll

Atlantic Geology

..." bedded sandstone, reflecting oversteepened crossbedding, just southeast of. Point Aconi, Sydney Coalfield. Hammer is 33 cm long. Fig. 4 - Detail...


Depositional Environments and Sedimentary Facies of Foliate Serpentinite Breccias, Wilbur Springs

Christine Carlson

Special Publications of SEPM

.... Rounded, polisheci clasts in hammer for scale. cobble-size and tectonically foliate serpentinite breccia; Detrital gastropod shell in bedded...


Geological Resources Utilized By The Prehistoric Society Of Casas Grandes, Northwestern Chihuahua

Rex E. Gerald

West Texas Geological Society

... the hammerstones that weighed on the average 552 grams, or just less than a modern 20 oz. claw hammer. It is assumed that these tools were used in chipping...


Salt Dome Uplifts of the Southeast Kara-Kum and Age of the Sediments Composing Them

R. E. Ayzberg, N. N. Kamyshev

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... off a strong H2S odor with only a weak blow of a hammer. On a basis of structural-tectonic properties these limestones can be divided into two groups...


The Gunung Wayang-Windu Geothermal Area in West Java

S. Sudarman, R. Pujianto, B. Budiarjo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...) and Bouguer and Hammer Chart terrain corrections (zones B to L) were completed. The resulting Bouguer gravity has a root mean square error of about...


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