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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Paul H. Price , Herbert P. Woodward

AAPG Bulletin

... those in which the crude stone hammer was the principal weapon down to the present war wherein all sciences contributing to mastery of air, land...


X-Ray Study of the Sedimentary Pyrite of Western New York: NOTES

John E. Izard, Charles V. Clemency

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... hammer, mixing the material after every 10 blows, and dumping and mixing after every 50 blows. At the end of this procedure only 3.7 g remained...


A Florida Sabellariidae Reef and its Effect on Sediment Distribution

Ralph Gram

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...-tidal interval on the 28th and 29th of May 1966, using SCUBA seaward of the reef. Samples of the entire height of the reef were collected using hammer...


Tidal Origin of a Precambrian Quartzite--the Lower Fine-grained Quartzite (Middle Dalradian) of Islay, Scotland: REPLY

George De Vries Klein

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... using a five-pound sledge hammer. The fresh samples showed that the contact TABLE 1. Evolution of twentieth century stratigraphic nomenclature...


Short Distance Fluvial Rounding of Volcanic Detritus

T. H. Pearce

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... by Gregory (1915), Taljaard (1940) and Kuenen (1947). For example, Gregory reports that a hammer scar, made by clipping a sandstone rock, exhibited...


Biofacies and Development and Differential Occlusion of Porosity in A Lower Cretaceous (Edwards) Reef

Alonzo D. Jacka, John P. Brand

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... represented in Edwards reef complex and subjacent biostromes at Fluvanna quarry. FIG. 7. Sledge hammer rests on contact between paleovadose zone (VD...


Geophysical Exploration Comes of Age

Sigmund Hammer

AAPG Bulletin

...Geophysical Exploration Comes of Age Sigmund Hammer 1952 1318 1322 36 7. (July) My title, "Geophysical Exploration Comes of Age," has been chosen...


Developments in Arkansas and North Louisiana in 1952

S. A. Womack, Jr. , Howard R. Shaffer

AAPG Bulletin

... Hammer No. 1, the Sikes dome in Winn Parish by the Brown Paper Company's Fee well No. 4, End_Page 1454------------------------------ Table IV...


Cyclic Deposits and Hummocky Cross-Stratification of Probable Storm Origin in Upper Cretaceous Rocks of the Cape Sebastian Area, Southwestern Oregon

Ralph E. Hunter, Edward H. Clifton

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... commonly is asymmetric, inclined more steeply FIG. 5. [Grey Scale] Hummocky cross-stratified sandstone of cycle 4 (at level of hammer on right side...


The Effects of Callianassa Bioturbation on the Preservation of Carbonate Grains in Davies Reef Lagoon, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Alexander W. Tudhope, Terence P. Scoffin

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... were employed: air-life excavation (Shinn 1968), sediment coring by hydraulic jack-hammer (with subsequent resin peeling), resin casting of burrow...


Synsedimentary Slides and Bedding Formation in Apennine Pelagic Limestones

Walter Alvarez, Roberto Colacicchi, Alessandro Montanari

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., Gubbio. Irregular, stylolitic pseudobedding, some nucleated on Zoophycos feeding burrows, is characteristic of the uppermost Cretaceous. Hammer...


Resedimented Conglomerates in the Bottomsets of Gilbert-type Gravel Deltas

George Postma , Thomas B. Roep

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Geologiske Undersogelse, Bull. 128, 108 p. RAVENNE, C., AND BEGHIN, P., 1983, Apport des experiences en canal a l'interpretation sedimentologique des depots...


A Mechanical Field Permeameter for Making Rapid, Non-Destructive, Permeability Measurements: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

M. A. Chandler , D. J. Goggin, L. W. Lake

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... or poorly indurated rock, this may be do e by using a file or the chisel end of a rock hammer to smooth a spot. When the rock to be measured is well...


Island Arc Carbonates from the Silurian Heceta Formation of Southeastern Alaska (Alexander Terrane)

Constance M. Soja

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and more massive limestones. A. Section B (loc. 30-38); scale = 15 cm. B. Section D (loc. 58); hammer = 39 cm. End_Page 239...


Turbidite Channel/Overbank Deposition in a Lower Devonian Orogenic Shale Basin, Fortin Group of Gaspe Peninsula, Northern Appalachians, Canada

Reinhard Hesse, Edward Dalton

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Formation (hammer for scale is 30 cm long). A) Close-up of channel fill at Locality 4b showing (scoured) sandstone/slate contact (approximately...


Upper-Flow-Regime Stratification Types on Steep-Face, Coarse-Grained, Gilbert-Type Progradational Wedges (Pleistocene, Southern Italy)

Francesco Massari

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... body progrades leftwards. Hammer is 35 cm long. FIG. 4. [Grey Scale] Example of massive foreset bed with thin inversely graded basal division. Note...


Sedimentology and Diagenesis of Miocene Colemanite-Ulexite Deposits (Western Anatolia, Turkey)

Cahit Helvaci , Federico Orti

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...). Scale (lens cap), 6 cm. G) Flaser-shaped nodules of colemanite (arrows) within laminated, bedded limestone. Hammer for scale (Kestelek deposit...


Chapter 27: Architectural Relationships Between Channels, Levees, and Debris Flows: Isaac Channel 6, Castle Creek South, Lower Isaac Formation, Windermere Supergroup, British Columbia, Canada

P. R. Gammon, R. W. C. Arnott, G. M. Ross

AAPG Special Volumes

... facies (S1). Note the upward-coarsening from mudstone (M) to sandstone (S), before an abrupt reversion to mudstone. Hammer is 30 cm (12 in.) long; top...


Chapter 55: Miocene Channel-fill Deposits, Tempa della Pantanella, Italy

A. Valente, G. Cavuoto, G. Nardi, L. Martelli

AAPG Special Volumes

...: A) amalgamated, non-channelized, coarse-grained sandstones (hammer circled for scale), B) basal scour (dotted line) of a coarse-grained channel overlying...


Preferred Clast Orientation in Volcaniclastic Mass-Flow Deposits: Application of a New Photo-Statistical Method

David Karatson, Orsolya Sztano, Tamas Telbisz

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... for discussion). Figure 5. Lag breccia of the Aso-4 ignimbrite on the northern caldera rim of Aso caldera, Kyushu, Japan. Hammer (encircled) for scale...


Chapter 71: High-resolution Correlation of a Coarse-grained, High Net-to-gross Sheet System: Kongsfjord Formation, Nålneset Peninsula, Norway

Nicholas J. Drinkwater

AAPG Special Volumes

... sandstones. Facies are typically S3-Ta(b) (after Lowe and Bouma). Hammer for scale. Figure 4. Scour (1.5 m [4.9 ft] deep) of amalgamated sandstones...


Chapter 17: Lobe, Channel-lobe, and Channel Deposits, Lok Kawi, Northwest Borneo

Paul D. Crevello, Howard D. Johnson, Felix Tongkul, Martin R. Wells

AAPG Special Volumes

... in A and C is 15 cm (6 in.) long; hammer in B is 30 cm (12 in.) long. Figure 4. Upper part of Megasequence II illustrating the overall FU/TnU trend...


Siliciclastic Stromatolites and Other Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures in an Early Devonian Barrier-Island Environment (Muth Formation, NW Himalayas)

Erich Draganits, Nora Noffke

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...) Oblique view of domal stromatolites of bed Mc4 showing their onion-like internal structure and the continuous layering across several domes. Hammer...


Genesis of Lower Cretaceous "A" Sandstone, Reconcavo Basin, Brazil

Edward J. Bauer

AAPG Bulletin

.... [Grey Scale] Very thick- to thick-bedded "A" Sandstone outcrop along Jacuipe River, 38°37^prime42^Prime W. Long., 12°27^prime57^Prime S. Lat. Hammer...


Lower Devonian Limestone of Post-Hunton Age, Turkey Creek Inlier, Marshall County, South-Central Oklahoma: NOTES

Thomas W. Amsden , Gilbert Klapper , A. R. Ormiston

AAPG Bulletin

.... Fig. 2. [Grey Scale] Tan, dolomitic siltstone (hammer) above and Turkey Creek limestone unit below (arrow points to contact). West side of Turkey...


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