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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,449 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
Natural Gas in Washington, Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Northern Utah
Virgil R. D. Kirkham
AAPG Special Volumes
... evidence has been obtained to confirm such an estimate of displacement. A recent paper on the Rattlesnake field is by A. A. Hammer, "Rattlesnake Hills...
A contemporary review of sedimentological and stratigraphic framework of the Late Paleogene deep marine sedimentary successions of West Sabah, North-West Borneo
Muhammad Jamil, Abdul Hadi Abd Rahman, Numair Ahmed Siddiqui, Noor Azahar Ibrahim, Nisar Ahmed
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... section, SW Sabah. As illustrated by contorted layers (labelled as Con. in figure) with a hammer of 28cm in length (white circle) for scale...
Fossil Cold Seep Limestones and Associated Chemosymbiotic Macroinvertebrate Faunas, Jurassic-Cretaceous Great Valley Group, California
Kathleen A. Campbell, Christine Carlson, David J. Bottjer
Pacific Section SEPM
... foetid odor when struck with a hammer..." (Berkland, 1973, p. 2395). A strong petroliferous odor is characteristic of many fossil-seep carbonate...
The Devonian-Carboniferous boundary at Guar Sanai, Kampung Guar Jentik, Perlis: An updated map and stratigraphic section
Meor Hakif Amir Hassan
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
.... Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 24, 703–717. Davydov, V.I., Korn, D., Schmitz, M.D., Gradstein, F.M. & Hammer, O., 2012. The Carboniferous Period...
Small Lithistid Sponge Bioherms, Early Middle Ordovician Table Head Group, Western Newfoundland
Colin F. Klappa,, Noel P. James
CSPG Bulletin
... by skeletal wackestone (1). Numbers correspond to those of Figure 8. Hammer in centre is 30 cm long. Figure 5. Sponge bioherm (5), basal grainstone layer...
Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palynology of the Calcareous Member, Blairmore Group, Alberta
Indranil Banerjee, Edward H. Davies
CSPG Special Publications
... Member in the Gladstone Creek section. Geological hammer for scale (white circle). g) Very fine, sharp, concentric algal laminae seen in thin sections...
Classic Geology and Reservoir Characterization Studies of Central Utah; Road Logs
Thomas H. Morris, Craig D. Morgan, Marc T. Eckels, Scott M. Ritter, Renee Mauche Faatz
Utah Geological Association
... evolution and the role of climate forcing. Elevation, longitudinal-profile, and Schmidt hammer data indicate that the two lowermost strath...
Sedimentology and Ichnology of the Lower Cambrian Bradore Formation, Coastal Labrador: Fluvial to Shallow-Marine Transgressive Sequence
Richard N. Hiscott, Noel P. James, S. George Pemberton
CSPG Bulletin
... planaires furent probablement deposees durant la migration de bancs transversaux. Des chenaux anastomoses furent developpes directement en direction cotiere...
Bruce R. Van Deventer, M. Dane Picard
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... s t r u c t u r e i s necessary t o d e t e r m i n e t h e c u r r e n t d i r e c t i o n . Hammer l e n g t h i s about 35 cm. P a l e o c u r r e n...
Geology of the Huntley Mill Lake Sill Complex: A Multiphase Peperitic Sill Intruded into Wet Sediments, Jurassic, Northern Sierra Nevada, California
Ulysses S. Hargrove, Richard E. Hanson
Pacific Section SEPM
... by tectonic foliation; elongate shape of bodies is primary. Hammer for scale. C. Clasts and less common fluidal bodies of augite-phyric andesite within...
The Noggin Cove Formation: a Middle Ordovician back-arc basin deposit in northeastern Newfoundland
D. H. Johnston, H. Williams, K. L. Currie
Atlantic Geology
.... Elle a environ 1 km d’epaisseur et est principalement constitute de roches volcanoclastiques mafiques a 1’interieuf d’ampelite et de basalte en...
Synorogenic Sedimentation of Upper Cretaceous Frontier Formation Conglomerates and Associated Strata, Wyoming-Idaho-Utah Thrust Belt
JAMes G. Schmitt
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... Member at Coalville, Utah. Note crudely developed horizontal stratification just below head of hammer. Figure 6. Lenticular body of cobble...
The Influence of Plants and Micro-Organisms on Diagenesis in Caliche: Example from the Pleistocene Ironshore Formation on Cayman Brac, British West Indies
Brian Jones
CSPG Bulletin
... grains detritiques et la precipitation de ciments. La precipitation de certains ciments en toute apparence inorganiques pourrait avoir ete declenchee par...
The Jesse Ewing Canyon Formation, an Interpreted Alluvial Fan Deposit in the Basal Uinta Mountain Group (Middle Proterozoic), Utah
Ivan D. Sanderson, Michael T. Wiley
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... Ewing canyon area. Here at the type t p localily, the Jesse Ewing Canyon Formation consists of en older and ye a younger Sequence separated...
Geology and Geophysics Showing Cap Rock and Salt Overhang of High Island Dome, Galveston County, Texas
Michel T. Halbouty
AAPG Special Volumes
... break by a blow from a hammer and separate after breakage into innumerable crystals. However brittle the sample seemed to be, the mass itself...
Formation of Poikilotopic Calcite-Dolomite Fabrics in the Oligocene-Miocene Bluff Formation of Grand Cayman, British West Indies
Brian Jones, Suzanne M. Pleydell, Kwok-Choi Ng, F.J. Longstaffe
CSPG Bulletin
... et localises ou elle a ete transformee en pulverulite ou remplacee en partie par la calcite. Cette derniere incorpore des structures indicatives de la...
Alluvial Plain Sedimentation in the Pennsylvanian Sydney Mines Formation, Eastern Sydney Basin, Nova Scotia
A.G. Masson, B.R. Rust
CSPG Bulletin
... measured section at Donkin West. Hammer is 35 cm long. End_Page 94------------------------- Figure 4. IHS in cliff exposures of the sandstone...
The Stratigraphy of the Nugget Sandstone
Nancy M. Doelger
Wyoming Geological Association
... in the southern bight of the North Sea: Geol. en Mignbouw, v. 47, p. 245-273. Hubbell, R.G., 1954, Stratigraphy of the Jelm, Nugget, and Sundance formations...
A Gravity Study of the Thermopolis Anticline, Southern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
R.B. Grannell, P.K. Showalter
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... corrections were calculated to Hammer zone F by hand, while outer zone corrections through zone M were calculated by computer. A 108 © 2005 The Rocky...
Sedimentary Evolution of the Miocene-Pliocene Camp Davis Basin, Northwestern Wyoming
Timothy J. Olson, James G. Schmitt
Wyoming Geological Association
... and debris flow, in which "neither turbulence is the lone sediment support agent nor in which deposition occurs en masse". Such flows represent extreme...
Preliminary Report on Gold Mineralization, Petrology, and Geochemistry of the South Pass Granite-Greenstone Belt, Wind River Mountains, Wyoming
W. Dan Hausel
Wyoming Geological Association
.... The hammer handle points southeast in the direction of the top of this units as determined by Bayley (1965b). Chemically, the Roundtop Mountain...
The Pfeiffer Beach Slab Deposits, Monterey County, California: Possible Trench-Slope Basin
Michael B. Underwood
Pacific Section SEPM
... the rock hammer is greenstone. Composition The detrital modes of sandstone at Pfeiffer Beach were determined by point counts, using both stained slabs...
Mississippian Carbonate Deposits of the Ozark Region
Raymond C. Moore
Special Publications of SEPM
... Mississippian. Just then the leader of the excursion came along and marking with his hammer the same place which I had indicated, announced that this contact...
Control of Estuarine Valley-Fill Deposition by Fluctuations of Relative Sea-Level, Cretaceous Bearpaw-Horseshoe Canyon Transition, Drumheller, Alberta, Canada
R. Bruce Ainsworth, Roger G. Walker
Special Publications of SEPM
..., neap; S, spring) analyzed in Figure 10B. Dark layers on foresets represent mud drapes. Hammer (right) for scale. (B) Plot of bundle thickness versus...
Sequence Stratigraphy of an Incised-Valley Fill: The Neoproterozoic Seacliff Sandstone, Adelaide Geosyncline, South Australia
Ian A. Dyson, Christopher C. von der Borch
Special Publications of SEPM
... the geological hammer. Transgressive Systems Tract Several, thin dolostone beds, previously interpreted to be tongues of the Nuccaleena Formation...