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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,489 Results. Searched 197,992 documents.

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Tectonic Control of Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Sedimentation Near Hinge Line of Cordilleran Miogeocline: ABSTRACT

Harold J. Bissell

AAPG Bulletin

...Tectonic Control of Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Sedimentation Near Hinge Line of Cordilleran Miogeocline: ABSTRACT Harold J. Bissell 1973 770...


Transposition--A Somewhat Neglected Mechanism of Sedimentary Emplacement: ABSTRACT

R. Hesse, A. F. King, Harold G. Reading

AAPG Bulletin

...Transposition--A Somewhat Neglected Mechanism of Sedimentary Emplacement: ABSTRACT R. Hesse, A. F. King, Harold G. Reading 1973 783 783 57 4. (April...


Imaging Radar--Tool for Petroleum and Mineral Exploration: ABSTRACT

Harold C. MacDonald

AAPG Bulletin

...Imaging Radar--Tool for Petroleum and Mineral Exploration: ABSTRACT Harold C. MacDonald 1973 792 792 57 4. (April) Remote sensing methods have great...


Cambrian of the Grand Canyon--A Reevaluation: ABSTRACT

Harold R. Wanless

AAPG Bulletin

...Cambrian of the Grand Canyon--A Reevaluation: ABSTRACT Harold R. Wanless 1973 810 811 57 4. (April) The Grand Canyon Cambrian, previously thought...


Microstylolites, Bedding, and Dolomitization: ABSTRACT

Harold R. Wanless

AAPG Bulletin

...Microstylolites, Bedding, and Dolomitization: ABSTRACT Harold R. Wanless 1973 811 811 57 4. (April) Microstylolites are fine dissolution surfaces...


Geology of a Stratigraphic Giant--Messla Oil Field, Libya: ABSTRACT

Harold J. Clifford, Roger Grund, Hassan Musrati

AAPG Bulletin

...Geology of a Stratigraphic Giant--Messla Oil Field, Libya: ABSTRACT Harold J. Clifford, Roger Grund, Hassan Musrati 1979 433 433 63 3. (March...


KOALA--Minicomputer Log Analysis System for Geologists: ABSTRACT

John H. Doveton, Harold W. Cable

AAPG Bulletin

...KOALA--Minicomputer Log Analysis System for Geologists: ABSTRACT John H. Doveton, Harold W. Cable 1979 441 441 63 3. (March) An interactive computer...


Three-Dimensional Aspects of Belize Patch Reefs: ABSTRACT

Eugene A. Shinn, Robert B. Halley, J. Harold Hudson, Barbara Lidz, Daniel M. Robbin

AAPG Bulletin

...Three-Dimensional Aspects of Belize Patch Reefs: ABSTRACT Eugene A. Shinn, Robert B. Halley, J. Harold Hudson, Barbara Lidz, Daniel M. Robbin 1979...


Role of Physical Sedimentation in Carbonate-Bank Growth: ABSTRACT

Harold R. Wanless

AAPG Bulletin

...Role of Physical Sedimentation in Carbonate-Bank Growth: ABSTRACT Harold R. Wanless 1979 547 547 63 3. (March) Carbonate mud banks of central Florida...


Mineralogy and Petrology of Texaco's Hobson Uranium Deposit, Karnes County, Texas: ABSTRACT

Harry M. Dahl, Harold A. Palmer, Christie A. Callender

AAPG Bulletin

...Mineralogy and Petrology of Texaco's Hobson Uranium Deposit, Karnes County, Texas: ABSTRACT Harry M. Dahl, Harold A. Palmer, Christie A. Callender...


Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Upper Cretaceous (Raritan) Sediments of Staten Island, New York: ABSTRACT

Stephen D. Connors, Harold L. Cousminer, Arthur P. Loring

AAPG Bulletin

...Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Upper Cretaceous (Raritan) Sediments of Staten Island, New York: ABSTRACT Stephen D. Connors, Harold L. Cousminer...


Non-Oolitic, High-Energy Carbonate Sand Accumulation: the Quicksands, Southwest Florida Keys: ABSTRACT

Eugene A. Shinn, Charles W. Holmes, J. Harold Hudson, Daniel M. Robbin, Barbara H. Lidz

AAPG Bulletin

...Non-Oolitic, High-Energy Carbonate Sand Accumulation: the Quicksands, Southwest Florida Keys: ABSTRACT Eugene A. Shinn, Charles W. Holmes, J. Harold...


Diagenetic Fabric and Structures in Ordovician Slope Limestones: ABSTRACT

Harold R. Wanless

AAPG Bulletin

...Diagenetic Fabric and Structures in Ordovician Slope Limestones: ABSTRACT Harold R. Wanless 1982 640 640 66 5. (May) The very thin continuous bedding...


Geology and Geothermal Energy Development at Coso KGRA: ABSTRACT

James L. Moore, Carl F. Austin, Harold J. Prostka

AAPG Bulletin

...Geology and Geothermal Energy Development at Coso KGRA: ABSTRACT James L. Moore, Carl F. Austin, Harold J. Prostka 1982 977 977 66 7. (July) The Coso...


Geology and Geothermal Exploration, Southernmost Peru: ABSTRACT

Harold J. Prostka, James L. Moore, Joe La Fleur

AAPG Bulletin

...Geology and Geothermal Exploration, Southernmost Peru: ABSTRACT Harold J. Prostka, James L. Moore, Joe La Fleur 1982 981 981 66 7. (July...


Biostratigraphic Restudy Documents Triassic/Jurassic Section in Georges Bank COST G-2 Well: ABSTRACT

Harold L. Cousminer, William E. Steinkraus, Raymond E. Hall

AAPG Bulletin

...Biostratigraphic Restudy Documents Triassic/Jurassic Section in Georges Bank COST G-2 Well: ABSTRACT Harold L. Cousminer, William E. Steinkraus...


Comparison of Two Holocene Tidal Flats--Andros Island, Bahamas, and Caicos, British West Indies: ABSTRACT

Harold R. Wanless, Jeffrey J. Dravis

AAPG Bulletin

...Comparison of Two Holocene Tidal Flats--Andros Island, Bahamas, and Caicos, British West Indies: ABSTRACT Harold R. Wanless, Jeffrey J. Dravis 1984...


Post-Laramide Uplift and Erosional History of Northern Wind River Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

James E. Conel, Harold R. Lang, Earnest D. Paylor

AAPG Bulletin

...Post-Laramide Uplift and Erosional History of Northern Wind River Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT James E. Conel, Harold R. Lang, Earnest D. Paylor 1985 245...


Wrenching and Oil Migration, Mervine Field, Kay County, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

Harold G. Davis

AAPG Bulletin

...Wrenching and Oil Migration, Mervine Field, Kay County, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT Harold G. Davis 1985 248 248 69 2. (February) Since 1913, Mervine field...


Wrenching and Oil Migration, Mervine Field Area, Kay County, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

Harold G. Davis

AAPG Bulletin

...Wrenching and Oil Migration, Mervine Field Area, Kay County, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT Harold G. Davis 1985 1317 1317 69 8. (August) Since 1913, the Mervine...


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