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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 1,489 Results. Searched 197,992 documents.
Mesozoic Biostratigraphic Framework of U.S. Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf: ABSTRACT
Harold L. Cousminer, William E. Steinkraus, Raymond E. Hall
AAPG Bulletin
...Mesozoic Biostratigraphic Framework of U.S. Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf: ABSTRACT Harold L. Cousminer, William E. Steinkraus, Raymond E. Hall...
Abstract: Origin of Oil in the Gulf of Mexico: Exploration and Exploitation Significance, by J. Zumberge, H. Illich, C. Pratsch, N. Cameron, J. Brooks, and S. Brown; #90923 (1999)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Finding Abandoned Sumps, Tanks and Other Oil Facilities, by H. Sugden; #90911 (2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: The Temblor Formation, Success, Trial and Error, by H. Sugden; #90911 (2000)
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Abstract: High Pressure Air Injection from the Cedar Creek Anticline, by G. R. Carlson; #90092 (2009)
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Abstract: Stratigraphy, Depositional Environments and Petroleum Potential of the Three Forks Formation in North Dakota, by Richard Ashu; #90181 (2013)
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Abstract: Correcting Heat Flow Data in the United States to Account for Climate Change, by Godswill O. Njoku; #90182 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Natural History, Geology, and the Civil War Battlefield at Port Hudson, Louisiana; #90117 (2010)
Thomas P. Van Biersel
Search and Discovery.com
... for the early researchers who visited the location and documented it. Among those were Mr. William Bartram, Sir Charles Lyell, and Prof. Harold Fisk. Prof...
AAPG Education Directorate Forum, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, February 19, 2015; - Abstracts, #90239 (2015).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Application of Seismic Attributes in Delineation of Channel Features in Rence Field of Niger Delta, Nigeria; #90255 (2017)
Chinwuko Augustine, Anakwuba Emmanuel, Okeke Harold, Onyekwelu Clement
Search and Discovery.com
... Augustine, Anakwuba Emmanuel, Okeke Harold, Onyekwelu Clement AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90255 © 2016 AAPG/SEG International Conference...
Petrophysical Properties of a Deformation Band Fault Zones in the Entrada Sandstone, Utah; #50861 (2013)
Kyle Fredericks, Laurel Goodwin, and Harold Tobin
Search and Discovery.com
...Petrophysical Properties of a Deformation Band Fault Zones in the Entrada Sandstone, Utah; #50861 (2013) Kyle Fredericks, Laurel Goodwin, and Harold...
Implications of the Age and Distribution of the Late Cenozoic Stratigraphy in Cajon Pass, Southern California
Ray Weldon
Pacific Section of AAPG
... Peak, where the paleomagnetic section was collected. The Phelan Fm overlies both the Punchbowl and the Crowder, and is overlain by the Harold Fm...
Front Matter: Proceedings of the 3rd PNG Petroleum Convention, 1996
Peter G. Buchanan
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... significant oil and gas potential. Of these other basins, the North New Guinea Basin has recently received interest with the award of two new...
The First Frackers - Shooting Oil Wells With Nitroglycerin Torpedoes
Paul Adomites
Petroleum History Institute
...) came to Titusville from New York City in 1864. The Colonel had built himself a reputation as an inventor by devising award-winning dental devices3...
Stratigraphic Architecture of the Bone Spring Formation (Leonardian), Delaware Basin, New Mexico and Texas: An Interim Report
David L. Carr
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... the manuscript. Harold Rogers is acknowledged for his help with a variety of data management and GIS tasks that supported this work. References Adams, J.E....
Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies and Gulf Coast Section of SEPM 65th Annual Convention
Search and Discovery.com
Front Matter: Proceedings of the Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society Volume III, 1976
Maxwell C. Cater, Jean MacDonald
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
...) President - Richard W. Murphy 1st Vice President (Program Chairman) - Herbert A. Young 2nd Vice President (Membership Chairman) - Harold R...
Centrosaurus Remains from the Barnard Quarry Near Rangely, Colorado
Robert G. Young, Harold R. Bollan
Grand Junction Geological Society
...Centrosaurus Remains from the Barnard Quarry Near Rangely, Colorado Robert G. Young, Harold R. Bollan 1991 47 48 Cope, E.D., 1876, Descriptions...
Frontmatter: Proceedings of the Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society - Volume X - 1992
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... Source Basins of Southeast Asia 35 by Harold H. Williams, Fletcher Challenge Petroleum Asia Pie Ltd., Singapore and Martin Fowler, Geological Survey...
Harold Aurand Jr., D.H. Vice
Petroleum History Institute
...ABSTRACT: DOES RECENT HISTORY BEST FIT HUBBERTS CURVE OR MCCABES PYRAMID? Harold Aurand Jr., D.H. Vice 2013 International Symposium on the History...
Discovery of Major Oil Reserves in the Velma Field, Stephens County, Oklahoma
Harold J. Kleen
Oklahoma City Geological Society
...Discovery of Major Oil Reserves in the Velma Field, Stephens County, Oklahoma Harold J. Kleen 1973 336 337 According to Frank Gouin of Duncan...
The Natural Gas Energy Crisis
Harold A. Brown
Oklahoma City Geological Society
...The Natural Gas Energy Crisis Harold A. Brown 1973 406 408 Crude petroleum and natural gas with associated liquids are by far the most valuable...
Front Matter—The Alaska Geological Society 2008 Technical Conference Abstracts Volume
Greg Wilson Conference Chair
Alaska Geological Society
... Engineer (Harold Heinze) P. 21 Anything (and Everything) but Prudhoe! (Robert “Bob” Swenson, State Geologist) P. 22 Prudhoe Bay Field–Cornerstone...
Memorial: Chester Naramore (1879-1961)
Harold Vance
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
...Memorial: Chester Naramore (1879-1961) Harold Vance CHESTER NARAMORE (1879-1961) Chester Naramore was born in Winnemucca, Nevada, on October 6, 1879...
Memorial: Hubert Emil Menger (1906-1987)
W. Carlton Weaver, Hyman V. Corman
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... is survived by his wife, Johnowene Crutcher Menger; daughters and sons-inlaw, Owene and William W. Caruth III, and Roberta and D. Harold Byrd, Jr...