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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Halokinetic rotating faults, salt intrusions, and seismic pitfalls in the petroleum exploration of divergent margins
Carlos L. Varela, Webster U. Mohriak
AAPG Bulletin
... and sediment systems. Differential loading on the salt layer results in pressure gradients that also influence salt movement toward the core of salt structures...
Remediation of Hydrocarbon Contamination
Eric Eslinger, Uriel Oko, Jacqueline A. Smith, G. H. Holliday
Special Publications of SEPM
...), or on a plastic ('"poly"") covered with a layer of sand (perhaps 8" thick layer). The liner is liner bermed to prevent runoff. The goal is to accelerate...
An Outcrop Example of Large-scale Conglomeratic Intrusions Sourced from Deep-water Channel Deposits, Cerro Toro Formation, Magallanes Basin, Southern Chile
Stephen M. Hubbard, Brian W. Romans, Stephan A. Graham
AAPG Special Volumes
... is 14 cm [5.5 in.], and the average is 34 cm [1.11.5 in.]). In one locality, a thin (10-cm; 4-in.) sandstone layer is preserved at the edge...
Origin, Sedimentary Features, and Significance of Low-Angle Eolian "Sand Sheet" Deposits, Great Sand Dunes National Monument and Vicinity, Colorado
Steven G. Fryberger, Thomas S. Ahlbrandt, Sarah Andrews
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in wind velocity, but this effect may result from instrument error at low wind velocities since the transducer in the sand trap weighed to the nearest...
Characterization, architecture and controls of Cold Lake marginal-marine oil sands: the Grand Rapids Formation (Upper Mannville) of east-central Alberta, Canada
Hugo Pouderoux, Adam B. Coderre, Per K. Pedersen, David J. Cronkwright
CSPG Bulletin
... environment, sheltered from storm waves and below fair-weather wave base (Pemberton et al., 2001). Brackish water conditions indicated by the trace fossil...
Origin of Fluvial Grain-Size Trends in a Foreland Basin: The Pocono Formation on the Central Appalachian Basin
Ruth A.J. Robinson , Rudy L. Slingerland
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... DIETRICH, W.E., KIRCHNER, J.W., IKEDA, H., AND ISEYA, F., 1989, Sediment supply and the development of the coarse surface layer in gravel-bedded...
The impact of fine-scale turbidite channel architecture on deep-water reservoir performance
Faruk O. Alpak, Mark D. Barton, Stephen J. Naruk
AAPG Bulletin
... a methodology for generating effective properties at multiple geologic scales, incorporating the effect of channel architecture and reservoir...
Identification and Recording of Particulate Sedimentary Organic Matter
Stanley A.J. Pocock
Special Publications of SEPM
..., and the phloem towards the cortex. The cambium consists of a layer of cells located between the xylem and the phloem, 20 o Uf r-re 4- o E...
Springflow Augmentation Possibilities at Comal and San Marcos Springs, Edwards Aquifer
Matthew M. Uliana, John M. Sharp, Jr.
GCAGS Transactions
... outcropping at the base of the bluff is the Regional Dense Member of the Person Formation. This unit may act as a local confining layer which would...
Geology of the Northern Wasatch Front, Utah: Utah Geological Association Field Trip Road Log September 11, 1999
W. Adolph Yonkee, Jeffrey G. Eaton
Utah Geological Association
... beds crop out in quarry to the east. 0.7 3.7 VEER LEFT onto entrance to I-15 and head NORTH. 2.2 5.9 The Bonneville and Provo shorelines...
Pressure Solution and Porosity
Alan Thomson
Special Publications of SEPM
... 65.25 tangential 1.5 fair 1.3 good 1.4 * Grains in pressolved zones vvere considered to be in contact even when separated by a thin layer of clay...
The Effect of Major Faults and Folds in Hard Rock Groundwater Potential Mapping: An Example from Langat Basin, Selangor
Khairul Anam Musa, Juhari Mat Akhir, Ibrahim Abdullah
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...The Effect of Major Faults and Folds in Hard Rock Groundwater Potential Mapping: An Example from Langat Basin, Selangor Khairul Anam Musa, Juhari Mat...
Field Trip Guidebook: Boquillas Formation (Eagle Ford) and Associated Strata in Road Cuts along U.S. Highway 90, Northwest of Del Rio, Texas
Barry Wawak, Thomas Gentzis
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... century, was the first Texas river to be given a prominent place on European maps. It is identifiable as the Río Escondido ("Hidden...
Marginal Sediments of Mississippi Delta
Francis P. Shepard
AAPG Bulletin
... as to have little effect on sedimentation in this area. The more usual storm waves exercise a control on the depths of the shallow platforms especially...
Michael S. Manholt
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... from smooth to moderately rough terrain. At the fan head, six miles from Highway 93, the trail enters a wash and continues up the wash for another two...
Facies and Stratigraphic Sequences Analysis Based on Well Log, Mud Log, and 2D Seismic Data of GHC Field, Baong Formation, Aru Sub-Basin, North Sumatera Basin
Rizka Alifia Winarni, Yusmansyah Siregar, Dinda Novia Ramadani
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... in each layer along with the depth of the well. Mud log data is used to determine the type of lithology at a depth of the well, and is useful...
Develop the Community Development Program to Implement Sustainable Development
Firsta Jusra Iskandar
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... resources within the village, public resources and local administration (village head and his apparatus) and resources from Medco E&P Indonesia. Since...
Permian Tethys and Indian Ocean
Maurice Kamen-Kaye
AAPG Bulletin
...), Suess repeated earlier observations to the effect that his thinking on Tethys had been influenced by the concept of a "Central Mediterranean...
The Dead Sea Rift: Impact of Climate and Tectonism on Pleistocene and Holocene Sedimentation
Warren Manspeizer
Special Publications of SEPM
... a large delta of very fine grained clastic at the head of the Dead Sea The orographic effect annual precipitation is on the order of 30 mm for stream...
Cambrian Orsten Lagerstätte from the Alum Shale Formation: Fecal pellets as a probable source of phosphorus preservation
Haruyoshi Maeda, Gengo Tanaka, Norimasa Shimobayashi, Terufumi Ohno, Hiroshige Matsuoka
... were prepared (Fig. 2A, C). Preservation of phosphatized fossils was checked layer by layer, using a 5% acetic acid treatment at approximately 5–30...
Geology and Petrophysics of the Bakken Unconventional Petroleum System
H. Scott Hamlin, Katie Smye, Robin Dommisse, Ray Eastwood, Casee R. Lemons, Guinevere McDaid
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... wireline log suites include GR, bulk density (RHOB), neutron porosity (NPHI), sonic travel time (DT), photoelectric effect (PEF), and resistivity. We...
Geochemistry of a Modern Marine Evaporite: Bocana De Virrila, Peru
Susan L. Brantley, David A. Crerar, Nancy E. Moller, John H. Weare
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., The natural history of crystalline calcium carbonate: Effect of magnesium content and salinity: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 44, p. 40-53. FRIEDMAN, G. M., 1978...
Evidence of Fluid Flow in Microfractures in Geopressured Shales
R. M. Capuano
AAPG Bulletin
.... Organic material is also a common fracture-fill deposit in all the shales, with the exception of the thick shale layer at the base of SKR1. Fracture...
Anatomy of Collapsed and Re-established Delta Front in Lower Cretaceous of Eastern Spitsbergen: Gravitational Sliding and Sedimentation Processes
W. Nemec , R. J. Steel , J. Gjelberg , J. D. Collinson , E. Prestholm , I. E. Oxnevad
AAPG Bulletin
... further reduced by such factors as crustal tectonism and earthquakes, slope scour, cyclic loading by sea waves, and tidal sea level fluctuations (see...
Pore pressure and stress regime in a thick extensional basin with active shale diapirism (western Mediterranean)
Fermín Fernández-Ibáñez, and Juan I. Soto
AAPG Bulletin
... indicators of regional stress and pressurized layer depth: Tectonophysics, v. 494, p. 32–47, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2010.08.006. Breckels, I. M., and H. A. M...