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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Bedrock geology of the Glenn Highway from Anchorage to Sheep Mountain, Alaska–Mesozoic-Cenozoic forearc basin development along an accretionary convergent margin
Jeffrey M. Trop, Thomas L. Plawman, Michael A. Belowich, G. R. Winkler
Alaska Geological Society
... of America Special Paper 371, p. 19–19. Bradley, D.C., Parrish, R., Clendenen, W., Lux, D., Layer, P.W., Heizler, M., and Donley, D.T., 2000, New...
Controls On Illite Cementation In Unayzah Sandstones, Saudi Arabia: Mineralogy, K-Ar Dating, Numerical Modeling, and Hydrothermal Experiments
Peter Birkle, Clemens Van Dijk, Kanchan Dasgupta, Michael J. Murphy, Yousif K. Kharaka, James J. Thordsen, James L. Bischoff
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... North Sea: Clay Minerals, v. 17, p. 69–77. Sawhney, B.L., 1969, Cesium uptake by layer silicates: effect on interlayer collapse and cation exchange...
Stratigraphy of the Williston Basin, 1954
North Dakota Geological Society
..., originally described by F. B. Meek and F. V. Hidden, 1862, Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc., vol. 13, PP 19, 427...
Factors affecting the variability of stray gas concentration and composition in groundwater
Anthony W. Gorody
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... in shows while drilling, produced gases, casing head gases, pipeline gases, and other potential point sources. However, transport dynamics of free...
Gravity Oil Recovery: The Target - The Method - The Economics
B. C. Cummings
Grand Junction Geological Society
... this is said and done, there will still be 290 billion barrels left in the ground. In effect, nearly double that produced since Colonel Drake drilled his...
Contribution to Salt-Dome Problem
F. M. Van Tuyl
AAPG Bulletin
... with a plunger of tool steel. A collar of shafting steel with an opening large enough to accommodate the head of the screw plug serves as a base. An opening...
Overcoming Historical Biases: An Integrated Geological and Engineering Assessment of the Coniston Prospect, Exmouth Sub-Basin
N. Smith, C. Dempsey, M. Jackson, J. Preston
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... at economic rates. In effect, the whole region was condemned with a "heavy oil" label. A review of the Exmouth Plateau and Sub-basin by BHP in 1991...
Model Studies of the Displacement Transfer Associated with Overthrust Faulting
D. A. C. Gardner, J. H. Spang
CSPG Bulletin
... and folding: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 75, p. 45-62. Douglas, R. J. W., 1958, Mount Head map-area, Alberta: Geol. Surv. Canada Mem. 291, 241 p...
Formation and Deformation of Subglacial Intrusive Clastic Sheets in the Dwyka Formation of Northern Natal, South Africa
V. Von Brunn, C. J. Talbot
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., AND SHARWOOD, D., 1971, Gravimetric determination of ocean tidal effect on the Fimbul Ice Shelf, Princess Martha Coast, Queen Maud Land: South African Journal...
Late Mississippian Prodeltaic Rhythmites in the Appalachian Basin: A Hierarchical Record of Tidal and Climatic Periodicities
Daniel J. Miller, Kenneth A. Eriksson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... layer. The thicknesses of over 100 centimeter-scale cycles and of 200 decimeter-scale cycles from the middle of the Pride Shale interval were measured...
Regional Variations in Formation Water Salinity, Hollin and Napo Formations (Cretaceous), Oriente Basin, Ecuador
Lawrence R. Smith
AAPG Bulletin
.... Palmer, S. E., 1984, Effect of water washing on C15+ hydrocarbon fraction of crude oils from northwest Palawan, Philippines: AAPG Bulletin, v. 68, p...
Trapping Mechanisms for Oil in Lower Cretaceous Muddy Sandstone at Recluse Field, Wyoming
Robert R. Berg
Wyoming Geological Association
... of the buildup plot appears to reflect a single layer, partly-bounded reservoir. That is, there is an abrupt change in reservoir properties near the well bore...
Cow Head: Limestone Boulder Conglomerate
Peter Wallace
Atlantic Geoscience Society Special Publications
...Cow Head: Limestone Boulder Conglomerate Peter Wallace Cow Head Limestone Boulder Conglomerate Purpose The peninsula of Cow Head is composed...
Kenai Fjords and the Harding Icefield
Thomas D. Hamilton, Bud Rice
Alaska Geological Society
... and 7B). The glacier’s terminus is protected from waves and currents while it remains in contact with the moraine shoal, but even a short retreat off...
Thermomechanical origin of regional fracture systems
Joseph M. English
AAPG Bulletin
...-TR-65-116, 327 p.DeGraff, J. M., and A. Aydin, 1993, Effect of thermal regime on growth increment and spacing of contraction joints in basaltic lava...
Selective Acid Treatment on High Temperature Reservoir: Fit for Purpose Mechanical and Chemical Treatment in Duri Field
Supriono Hariyadi, Nugroho Jati, Tri Djaka Sapoetra
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... This is accomplished via pressurized down-hole treatment and jetting effect through Coil Tubing Unit (CTU) to clean scale from perforations and liner. Acidizing...
Controls on Deposition within Arid Continental Basin Margin Systems: Implications for Basin-Scale Fluid Migration, #10771 (2015).
Amy Gough, Stuart Clarke, Philip Richards, Antoni Milodowski
Search and Discovery.com
... of baffles into an otherwise productive system. The net effect on fluid flow can be examined through the generation of a climate-based cyclostratigraphical...
Apache Mountains of Trans-Pecos Texas
Ronald K. Deford, A. L. Cochrum, M. E. Dehlinger, W. M. Freeman, R. B. Porter, W. E. Tipton
West Texas Geological Society
... back/435 48.5 ahead” means that 321.2 feet have been omitted, owing to a correction in measurement. The air pressure in tires has an important effect...
Integrating Geochemistry, Charge Rate and Timing, Trap Timing, and Reservoir Temperature History to Model Fluid Properties in the Frade and Roncador Fields, Campos Basin, Offshore Brazil
John Guthrie, Christian Nino, Hassan Hassan
AAPG Special Volumes
...:10.1306/01250605128.Larter, S. R., A. Wilhelms, I. Head, M. Koopsmans, A. Aplin, P. R. Di, C. Zwach, M. Erdman, and N. Telnaes, 2003, The controls...
Integrating Sedimentology and Ichnology to Shed Light on the System Dynamics and Paleogeography of an Ancient Riverine Estuary
Curtis D. Lettley, S. George Pemberton, Murray K. Gingras, Michael J. Ranger, Barton J. Blakney
Special Publications of SEPM
... and variation driven by changes in fluvial discharge. (A) Pattern of water circulation and suspension transport. The surface layer is dominated by low...
Deep Basin Gas Trap, Western Canada
John A. Masters
AAPG Bulletin
... sand layer, the resistivity exceeds 20 ohms and in places reaches 200 ohms. It never falls back below 20. There is no longer any movable water...
Living on the Edge: Louisiana's Marsh, Estuary and Barrier Island Population
Donald W. Davis
GCAGS Transactions
.... and J. C. Titus. 1984. Greenhouse effect and sea level rise: A challenge for this generation. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. Baumann, R. H...
Bottom Sediment Studies, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
J. Robert Moore, III
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... This protection from advancing waves has kept their configuration much the same since the last rise in sea level. Although Woodworth...
Morphodynamic and Stratigraphic Evolution of Self-Channelized Subaqueous Fans Emplaced by Turbidity Currents
Alessandro Cantelli, Carlos Pirmez, Sara Johnson, Gary Parker
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... Kane, I.A., McCaffrey, W.D., Peakall, J., and Kneller, B.C., 2010, Submarine channel-levee shape and sediment waves from physical experiments...
Conglomerates and Breccias in the Monterey Formation and Related Units as Reflections of Basin Margin History
Robert E. Garrison, Pedro C. Ramirez
Pacific Section SEPM
... = Mussel Rock section, 6 = Lion's Head section, 7 = Point Pedernales section, 8 = Gaviota Beach section, 9 = Naples Beach section. TERMINOLOGY...