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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Review of Conference on Hydrology of Deep Sedimentary Basins: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Parke A. Dickey , Paul H. Jones
AAPG Bulletin
... with and perpendicular to bedding planes. The movement is caused by the compaction of sediments, phase changes in the minerals, and head differences caused...
Gunnison Bay: Present Terminus of the Great Salt Lake Drainage Basin and Naturally Low Area of the Bonneville Basin
Genevieve Atwood
Utah Geological Association
... mixed freely and the salinity and surface elevation of the bays fluctuated as a unit (Loving and others, 2002). The effect of the trestle portions...
Mud Hole: A Unique Warm-Water Submarine Spring, Located Offshore Southwestern Florida
Hugh J. Mitchell-Tapping , Joel R. Bellucci , Graham Woody , and Thomas J. Lee
GCAGS Transactions
... a temperature of 36C from one vent. The apprehensive visual blurring reported by divers entering the plume may be due to a heat-mixing effect as vision...
Distribution of Diagenetic Alterations in Fluvial, Deltaic, and Shallow Marine Sandstones Within a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework: Evidence from the Mullaghmore Formation (Carboniferous), Nw Ireland
J. Marcelo Ketzer, S. Morad, Richard Evans,, I.S. Al-Aasm
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 33, p. 664-669. MEISLER, H., LEAHY, P.P., AND KNO-BEL, L.L., 1984, Effect of eustatic sea-level changes...
Attributes and Origins of Ancient Submarine Slides and Filled Embayments: Examples from the Gulf Coast Basin
Robert A. Morton
AAPG Bulletin
... is the predominant process in the head region of the slide, whereas submarine erosion is predominant in the toe regions (Figure 1A). The slide encompasses...
Extended Abstract: Cliff Head: A 12-Year Effort
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...Extended Abstract: Cliff Head: A 12-Year Effort PESA Staff I CoMPANY Focus: SAITTA PETROLEUM CONSULTANTS Cliff Head: A 12-Year Effort T he Cliff...
Ichnological and Sedimentological Criteria for Differentiating Brackish-Water Bay-Head Deltas and Fully Marine Open-Coast Delt
Search and Discovery.com
...Ichnological and Sedimentological Criteria for Differentiating Brackish-Water Bay-Head Deltas and Fully Marine Open-Coast Delt John Ichnological...
A review of ice and tide observations in the Bay of Fundy
Con Desplanque, David J. Mossman
Atlantic Geology
... of the estuarine system at the head of the Bay of Fundy. S.R. = Shubenacadie River, C.R. = Cornwallis River, B.H. = Bum tcoat Head. 5). These peak tides come...
Comparison of biogenic gas fields in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin and Qaidam Basin: implications for essential geological controls on large microbial gas accumulations
Z. Chen, Y. Shuai, K. Osadetz, T. Hamblin, S. Grasby
CSPG Bulletin
... of Canada, Bulletin 518, 88 p. Head, I.M., Mones, D.M., and Larter, S.R. 2003. Biological activity in the deep subsurface and the origin of heavy oil...
Tepees associated with mobility of evaporite sulfate: The case of the Irati Formation, Permian of Paraná Basin, Brazil
Setembrino Petri, Paulo César Fonseca Giannini, Artur Chahud, Isaac Jamil Sayeg
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., 1984, Algal origin of peloids, peloidal intraclasts, and structure grumeleuse in Paleozoic limestones: evidence from Cow Head group, western...
The Geology of the Oil Fields of Burma
L. Dudley Stamp
AAPG Bulletin
... located, as now entirely hidden by alluvium, by Murray Stuart (1910), but correctly relocated by Vredenburg (1921). The writer located it, after...
Structural and stratigraphic control on the migration of a contaminant plume at the P Reactor area, Savannah River site, South Carolina
Antonio E. Cameron Gonzalez, Camelia C. Knapp, Michael G. Waddell, Adrian D. Addison, John M. Shafer
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... and Atlantic coastal plains: Proceedings of the 2nd Bald Head Island Conference on Coastal Plains Geology, Wilmington, North Carolina, The University of North...
Contrasts Between Braided and Meandering Stream Deposits, Beluga and Sterling Formations (Tertiary), Cook Inlet, Alaska
John B. Hayes, J. C. Harms, T. Wilson, Jr.
Alaska Geological Society
... by migrating sand waves or dunes, bed forms typical of moderate flow energies (fig. 7). Finally, the top 1 to 2 m of sandstone are cross stratified...
Basin Margin Environment: Chapter 11: PART 2
Harry E. Cook, Henry T. Mullins
AAPG Special Volumes
... are transported off the lee (west) side of the Bahama Banks by storm waves and currents (Hine and Neumann, 1977), onto the adjacent slope where...
Degradation of compressional fold belts: Deep-water Niger Delta
Pivi Heini, Richard J. Davies
AAPG Bulletin
... as a dashed black line in Figure 3C, based on the geometry of other scarps on the fold. Failures from the head scarp are relatively small in volume...
Indonesia Security Outlook 2010: Challenges Ahead for Indonesias Security
Whisnu Bharata
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... to become educated as the effect of affirmative policy conducted through special autonomy. This new layer mostly contains of the people from...
Geology of the San Andreas Fault Zone and Adjoining Terrane, Juniper Hills and Vicinity, Los Angeles County, California
Allan G. Barrows
Pacific Section of AAPG
..., Petrographic and chemical reconnaissance of some granitic and gneissic rocks near the San Andreas fault from Bodega Head to Cajon Pass, California: U.S....
The Depositional Record of SmalL, Monogenetic Volcanoes Within Terrestrial Basins
James D. L. White
Special Publications of SEPM
... prop erties and the environment into which the volcanoes erupt rich magma Head and Wilson 1989 Within monogenetic volcanic fields scoria cones...
Marine Geology of Baja California Continental Borderland, Mexico
Larry J. Doyle , Donn S. Gorsline
AAPG Bulletin
... in Figure 5 crosses Baja Gap and reveals at least two sedimentary layers in the gap fill, the uppermost about 300 m thick, the second layer about 170 m...
Palinspatic Reconstruction of the Bird Head Pop-Up Structure as a New Mechanism of the Sorong Fault
Putri Riadini, A.C. Adyagharini, A.M. Surya Nugraha, Benyamin Sapiie, Philip A. Teas
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Palinspatic Reconstruction of the Bird Head Pop-Up Structure as a New Mechanism of the Sorong Fault Putri Riadini, A.C. Adyagharini, A.M. Surya...
Sedimentology of the Mungaroo Formation in the Echo-Yodel Field: A Borehole Image Perspective
A. A. Bal, J. D. Prosser, T. J. Magee
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... are invariably sharp, planar to curved, and parallel (expressed as in-phase sine waves in images). Individual sets of Sp range from dm to m scale...
Tidal Flats and Associated Tidal Channels: PART 1
Robert J. Weimer, James D. Howard, Donald R. Lindsay
AAPG Special Volumes
... by a thin sand layer. Model of Vertical Sequence Applicable to Ancient Sequences MacKenzie (1968) compiled data from studies of the North Sea tidal...
Trilobite Biofacies Along an Ordovician (Sandbian) Carbonate Buildup to Basin Gradient, Southwestern Virginia
Jesse R. Carlucci, Stephen R. Westrop
... movement of material from the bioherm to the biostrome, we argue this has had a negligible effect on the overall biofacies patterns. Read (1982...
ABSTRACT: 3-D Modeling of Fluid Flow, Compaction, Pore Pressure and Thermal Evolution of the Paris Basin, France, Over its 250 My History; #90007 (2002)
Julio Gonçalvès, Sophie Violette, Ghislain de Marsily, Dominique
Search and Discovery.com
... geometry and the distribution of lithologies. Then, hydrodynamic, thermal and mechanical properties are attributed to the material of each layer...
Field Evidence for Erosion-Induced Underpressuring in Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary Strata, West Central Alberta, Canada.
Kevin P. Parks, Jozsef Toth
CSPG Bulletin
...-Pleistocene times. This effect was numerically modelled by Corbet and Bethke (1992). Similarly, Putnam (1993) attributed underpressures in the Belly...