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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 11,288 Results. Searched 197,326 documents.

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Fluvial and Marginal Marine Architecture of the John Henry Member, Straight Cliffs Formation, Kelly Grade of the Kaiparowits Plateau, South-Central Utah

William N. Gallin, Cari L. Johnson, Jessica L. Allen

Utah Geological Association

... with shifts in marine shoreface architecture is a crucial step to understanding the effect of relative sea level changes on terrestrial sedimentary...


Rhythmic Linear Sand Bodies Caused by Tidal Currents

Theodore Off

AAPG Bulletin

... current velocities range between 1 and 5 knots and a supply of sediment is available. The second type is sand waves. These are large ripple marks...


River Delta Morphodynamics: Examples From the Danube Delta

Liviu Giosan, Jeffrey P. Donnelly, Emil Vespremeanu, Janok P. Bhattacharya, Cornel Olariu, Frank S. Buonaiuto

Special Publications of SEPM

... is activated by the hydraulic groin effect of the river plume, which leads to a mutually sustained progradation of the updrift coast and subaqueous delta...


Seismic Design of Fixed Offshore Platforms in Indonesia

George Khng Yew Chye

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... due to the possible presence of a sand layer, and thus ocean waves will be generated. It was reported that these waves have occurred at Timor, Mindanao...


Geohydrology of Buried Triassic Basin at Savannah River Plant, South Carolina

I. Wendell Marine

AAPG Bulletin

...-membrane phenomena. Whether the high head is general over the entire basin or only in segments of it is unknown. Barker, C., 1972, Aquathermal...


Delineation of the Reservoir by Seismic Methods: Chapter 3

Roberto Sarmiento

AAPG Special Volumes

... it impossible to detect important interfaces. Seismic modeling can be used to appraise the effect of impedance contrasts before doing expensive complementary...


Sediment Dispersal Pattern Off an Eroding Delta on the West Coast of Taiwan

James T. Liu, Ray T. Hsu, Jeong-Shang Huang, Shenn-Yu Chao

Special Publications of SEPM

...). Equation 1 does not consider the complex effect of wave–current interactions in the boundary layer, which is important (Li and Amos, 1998; Li Hs...


Fluvial Bars Reconstructed from a Deep, Straight Channel, Upper Carboniferous Coalfield of Northeast England

R. Stuart Haszeldine

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of the bar head (top) produced a coarsening-up of sand grain size. Using analogies with modern rivers, this Seaton Sluice river is interpreted...


A Calcareous Beach at John O'Groats, Scotland

Percy E. Raymond, Forbes Hutchins

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... at the locality. This sand is obviously subjected to considerable abrasion and sorting by waves. Most of the fragments, although flat, have the edges well rounded...


Presalt Reservoir Analogs: Lacustrine Microbialites Fed by Shore Zone Hot Springs, Lakeside Utah; #51508 (2018)

Peter Homewood, Michael Vanden Berg, Monique Mettraux, Anneleen Foubert, Jean-Charles Schaegis, Genevieve Atwood

Search and

... partial erosion of growth increments by waves and exposure. Benches, reefs or biostromes of Monk’s Head bioherms were oriented into swash-backwash...


Storm-dominated Sedimentation on the Inner Shelf of the Canadian Beaufort Sea

Philip R. Hill , Odette C. Nadeau

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and is interpreted to result from resuspension events by waves during storms. A nearbed region of suspended sediment concentration (SSC), observed near the 5 m...


Depositional Turbidity Currents in Diapiric Minibasins on the Continental Slope: Formulation and Theory

Horacio Toniolo, Michael Lamb, Gary Parker

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of kilometers. Each basin is bounded by ridges that have been uplifted as a compensatory effect of basin subsidence. Many but not all of these minibasins...


The Mudline: Variability of its Position Relative to Shelfbreak

Daniel Jean Stanley, Sunit K. Addy, E. William Behrens

Special Publications of SEPM

... effect of the canyon head cut deeply into the outer shelf Type IV Considerable shoaling of the mudline and a marked departure between this level...


Modern Sediments and Facies Model for a Microtidal Coastal Plain Estuary, the James Estuary, Virginia

Maynard M. Nichols, Gerald H. Johnson, Pamela C. Peebles

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... NICHOLS, M.M., 1972a, Effect of increasing depth on salinity in the James River Estuary, in Nelson, B.W., ed., Environmental Framework of Coastal...


Application of Lean Six Sigma Results in Improved Acid Stimulation Oil Gains in Duri Heavy Oil Field

Irvan Fahruri, I Gede Eka Artyasa, Sadono

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... with alternating layer of scale (68%), organic material such as paraffin, wax and asphaltene (13%) and fine silt (19%). The CaCO3 layers are soluble in 15% HCl...


A Temporal and Spatial Study of Mudflat Erosion and Deposition

Franz E. Anderson, Luther Black, Les E. Watling, William Mook, Lawrence M. Mayer

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., Effect of tidal power structures on sediment transport and loading in the Bay of Fundy-Gulf of Maine system, in Daborn, G. A., ed., Fundy Tidal Power...


Sole marks reveal deep-marine depositional process and environment: Implications for flow transformation and hybrid-event-bed models

Jaco H. Baas, Niall D. Tracey,, Jeff Peakall

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... mostly with flute marks, formed in a lobe-fringe environment. Both lobe environments also comprised turbidites with low-amplitude bed waves and large...


Sedimentology and Ichnology of the Lower Cambrian Bradore Formation, Coastal Labrador: Fluvial to Shallow-Marine Transgressive Sequence

Richard N. Hiscott, Noel P. James, S. George Pemberton

CSPG Bulletin

..., trough and planar-tabular crossbedded sandstone and pebble conglomerate. The succeeding 20 m (Crow Head Member, new name) are similar in texture...


Sediment-Hosted Contaminants and Distribution Patterns in the Mississippi and Atchafalaya River Deltas

Flocks, James G., Kindinger, Jack L., Ferina, Nicholas, and Dreher, Chandra

GCAGS Transactions

... variability in recent sediment distribution patterns. The surveys identified bedload sand waves, abandoned-channel back-fill, prodelta and distributary mouth...


An equation for deriving spatial variations in carbonate production rates from sediment deposition rates and dilution: Application to Santa Maria Island, Azores

Neil C. Mitchell, Rui Quartau, Sandra Moreira, Christoph Beier, Zhongwei Zhao, Sérgio Ávila, Elsa-Marie Portanyi, Aurora Rodrigues

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... frequently or strongly agitated by waves, although nutrient availability from occasional upwelling may also regulate growth to create this trend. Agência...


Abstract: SAGD Production Monitoring by Seismic Refraction; #90172 (2014)

D. Dubucq, Tuhin Bhakta, P. Thore

Search and

... of a fast layer, is refracted along the top of that layer, and returns to the surface as a head wave. The waves which return from the top of rock...


Shear-Derived Mixing in Dense Granular Flows

Peter J. Rowley, Peter Kokelaar, Martin Menzies, Dave Waltham

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... remobilization feature was generated; i.e., the feature is a result of activity at the base of the flow and not at its head. (3) The upper layer...


Updated Conceptual and MODFLOW Ground-Water Models of Cache Valley, Utah and Idaho

Thomas E. Lachmar, Barry Myers, J. Mike Robinson

Utah Geological Association

... was reduced by 70 cfs (2.0 cms). Figure 9. Location of general head boundary cells (dark gray) in Layer 1 (Myers, 2003). The units on each of the axes...


An Explanation of the Logarithmic Spiral Plan Shape of Headland-Bay Beaches

Paul H. Leblond

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... that the waves propagate radially from the headland to the beach. The only refractive effect considered at this stage is the retardatio of the waves...


Field guide to the Accretionary Complex and Neotectonics of South-Central Alaska, Anchorage to Seward, 2011

Susan M. Karl, Dwight C. Bradley, Marti L. Miller, Rodney A. Combellick

Alaska Geological Society

... and seiche waves, and causing wave runups as high as 10 m in town (Fig. 15), and as high as 12 m and as far as 1.5 km inland at the head of Resurrection...


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