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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Experimental and Empirical Observations Supporting a Capillary Model Involving Gas Generation, Migration, and Seal Leakage for the Origin and Occurrence of Regional Gasifers
Stephen W. Burnie Sr., Brij Maini, Bruce R. Palmer, Kaush Rakhit
AAPG Special Volumes
... the chamber (Figure 8A). To enhance the effect of gas leakage on the pressure, the gas supply was shut off, and the pressure in the chamber...
Deep-Sea Fan Bodies, Terrigenous Turbidite Sedimentation, and Petroleum Geology, Gulf of Alaska
Andrew J. Stevenson, Robert Embley
Circum Pacific Council Publications
...). This has a major effect on the depositional setting of the Zodiac fan, which reconstructs to an oceanic region 1500 km from the nearest margin...
Fluid Flow in the Offshore Monterey Bay Region
H. Gary Greene, Norman Maher, Thomas H. Naehr, Daniel L. Orange
Pacific Section of AAPG
...., Mullins, H. T., and Greene, H. G., 1986, Ascension submarine canyon, California -evolution of a multi-head canyon system along a strike-slip continental...
Geology of the Jurassic Gas Discoveries in Bintuni Bay, Western Irian Jaya
Thomas W. Perkins, Andrew R. Livsey
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... Elements, Structure, and Traps The Birds Head region of Irian Jaya experienced southwest directed compression from Oligocene to Recent. The compression...
Depositional Setting and Groundwater Quality in Coal-Bearing Sediments and Spoils in Western North Dakota
Gerald H. Groenewold, Bernd W. Rehm, John A. Cherry
Special Publications of SEPM
... ages North Dakota The Hazen and the Indian Head and Center mines Detailed premining geologic hydrogeo areas I was streams the Center...
Late Cenozoic History and Coastal Morphology of the Apalachicola River Region, Western Florida
William F. Tanner
Houston Geological Society
... S20°W). These waves must be refracted clockwise through 70 degrees in order to strike St. Joseph spit head on, as they do. The refraction...
Geology and Petroleum Exploration in Magallanes Province, Chile
C. R. Thomas
AAPG Bulletin
... this zone, but even the seismic waves are dampened by this layer and the geophysicists carefully avoid the higher hills. The thickness...
Weatherman's Smile Brings Frown To Drill Ship Workers
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... stint on the ship was experiencing ga le force winds, blowing 35 knots for several days, which generated 56 m high waves, sometimes peaking to 8-9 m...
Application of Infinite Slope Analysis to Subaqueous Sediment Instability, Mississippi Delta: Appendix 5-2
David B. Prior, Joseph N. Suhayda
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Henkel, D. J., 1970, The role of waves in causing submarine landslides. Geotechnique, 20:75-80. Hutchinson, J. N. and Bhandari, R. K., 1971...
The Effect of Collision of the Banggai-Sula Microcontinent to the Tectonic Development in Central Indonesian Region
Agus Guntoro
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...The Effect of Collision of the Banggai-Sula Microcontinent to the Tectonic Development in Central Indonesian Region Agus Guntoro CEOSEA '98...
Origins of Permanent Inlets Separating Barrier Islands and Influence of Drowned Valleys on Tidal Records Along the Gulf Coast of Texas
W. Armstrong Price , Robert H. Parker
GCAGS Transactions
... are shallow and have small to intermediate rivers furnishing a hydraulic head for tidal cycles. Where river valleys are drowned and deep -- such as those...
Peat Accumulation and Compaction in a Connecticut Coastal Marsh
Arthur L. Bloom
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of a basal "fresh-water" peat layer, which is overlain by estuarine and salt-marsh deposits. Shaler (1885, p. 364) postulated that tidal marshes form...
Migration of Fluids in Sedimentary Basins: Reply to R. E. Chapman
S. Neglia
AAPG Bulletin
... of the transgressive plastic caprock, the water expelled by deep sediments could easily reach the surface outcrop. As the caprock layer grew in thickness...
Utah Geological Association 1991 Field Symposium Road Log; Geology of East-Central Utah
Paul B. Anderson, Rodger C. Fry
Utah Geological Association
Base-Exchange and Sulphate Reduction in Salty Ground Waters Along Atlantic and Gulf Coasts
Margaret D. Foster
AAPG Bulletin
... the connate waters may have been forced seaward but may not have been completely flushed from the beds and subsequent lowering of the fres -water head relative...
Chapter 6: Parasequence Sets and Depositional Sequences
K. M. Bohacs, O. R. Lazar, J. D. Ottmann
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Wang, 2009, Modeling waves and currents produced by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma: Herndon, Virginia, US Department of the Interior, Minerals...
DAS Microseismic Monitoring and Integration With Strain Measurements in Hydraulic Fracture Profiling
Martin Karrenbach, Andrew Ridge, Steve Cole, Kevin Boone, Dan Kahn, Jamie Rich, Ken Silver, Dave Langton
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... energy. It is located a certain distance away from a sensing fiber and emits distinct P (compressional) and S (shear) waves. The strain wave fronts...
Paleobathymetric Determination of Klasafet Formation Based on Small Foraminifera Content of Klamono District, Klamono Area, Sorong Regency, West Papua
Sara L. Somba, Eric Arung Patandianan, Angelina Majesty Randa
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... foraminifera from planktonic and benthic. INTRODUCTION Tectonic of Papua island specifically at the section of bird's head is influenced by three...
Chapter Three: Lithofabric Classification and Distribution of Coarse-Grained Deep-water Clastic Depositional Systems
Bryan T. Cronin
AAPG Special Volumes
... in the head: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 4, p. 523–546. Middleton, G. V., 1970, Experimental studies related to problems of flysch...
Late Cenozoic Lava Flows in the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, Arizona
W. K. Hamblin
Four Corners Geological Society
... above the river. A widespread layer of river gravel, 20 feet thick, caps this younger sequence of flows and, because it can be traced throughout most...
William G. Pierce, Willis H. Nelson
Montana Geological Society
..., such as basement or other competent rock, by the movement of an upper stratified layer over it. During movement of rootless masses of the upper...
Optimizing Well Spacing and Completion Design Using Simulation Models Calibrated to the Hydraulic Fracture Test Site 2 (HFTS-2) Dataset
Sriram Pudugramam, Rohan J. Irvin, Mark McClure, Garrett Fowler, Fadila Bessa, Yu Zhao, Jichao Han, Han Li, Arjun Kohli, Mark D. Zoback
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... measurements were available in some cases, and in other cases, BHP was estimated from measured tubing head pressure. History Matching Objectives...
Petrographic Examination of Sedimentary Rocks in the Sem Using Backscattered Electron Detectors
Kenneth Pye, David H. Krinsley
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... Washington. National Bureau of Standards. WELLS, O. C., 1978, Effect of collector position on type 2 magnetic contrast in the SEM: Scanning Electron Microscopy...
Cyanobacterial Mats from Silurian Black Radiolarian Cherts: Phototrophic Life at the Edge of Darkness?
Barbara Kremer, Jozef Kazmierczak
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and Environmental Microbiology, v. 51, p. 398–407. Coniglio, M., 1987, Biogenic chert in the Cow Head Group (Cambro-Ordovician), western Newfoundland: Sedimentology...
Sulfate-Rich Eolian and Wet Interdune Deposits, Erebus Crater, Meridiani Planum, Mars
Joannah M. Metz, John P. Grotzinger, David M. Rubin, Kevin W. Lewis, Steven W. Squyres, James F. Bell III
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Planum, Mars: Geology, v. 34, p. 1085–1088. Head, J.W., Marchant, D.R., Agnew, M.C., Fassett, C.I., and Kreslavsky, M.A., 2006, Extensive valley glacier...