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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Assessment and Quantification of Petroleum Alteration Processes on the Reservoir Scale Using Oil Compositional Variability and Compound Specific Isotope Ratios, #90110 (2010)
Heinz Wilkes, Andrea Vieth, Raingard Haberer, Stefanie Pötz, and Brian Horsfield,
Search and Discovery.com
... significantly biodegraded (Head et al., 2003). Main goals of our research on in reservoir alteration processes are to understand the mechanisms...
Intrabasinal and Extrabasinal Turbidites: Origin and Distinctive Characteristics; #51368 (2017)
Carlos Zavala, Mariano Arcuri, Mariano Di Meglio, Agustin Zorzano
Search and Discovery.com
.... Additionally the dynamics at flow head washes the turbulent flow from light materials resulting in normally graded beds without plant remains...
Ichnological Aspects of Incised-Valley Fill Systems from the Viking Formation of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Alberta, Canada
James A. MacEachern, S. George Pemberton
Special Publications of SEPM
.... The succession displays a tripartite zonation of facies associations corresponding to the main depositional zones of the estuary: the sandy Bay Head Delta...
Pleistocene Deposits in Foard County, Texas
Walter W. Dalquest
North Texas Geological Society
... shales, sandstones and quartzite pebbles. The basal foot or so is often a cobble layer. The color is more pinkish than the Permian clays, and even...
Mining History and Gold Placer Geology of the Northern Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Joseph M. Kurtak, Carol Huber, Nathan Rathbun
Alaska Geological Society
..., and alluvial fans. Gravel bars contain mostly flood gold (< 1.0 mm) which accumulates near the surface and near the head of the bars. These placers...
Transport Mechanisms of Sand in Deep-Marine Environments—Insights Based on Laboratory Experiments—Reply
Hedda Breien, Fabio V. De Blasio, Anders Elverhoi, Johan P. Nystuen, Carl B. Harbitz
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., transitional flow, intermediate between a turbidity current (turbulent flow) and a debris flow. The flow had a turbulent head which incorporated water...
John P. Bluemle
North Dakota Geological Society
... are veneered with a layer of till, whereas the smaller ridges usually consist entirely of sand. Streamlined glacial features...
Forest Insect Control on Utah’s North Slopes
William H. Klein
Utah Geological Association
.... The mountain pine beetle, not much larger than a match head, infests a tree in the fall by boring beneath the bark and laying anywhere from 50 to 75 eggs...
Reservoir Engineering in a Fieldman's Language
L. E. Elkins
Tulsa Geological Society
... in the sand had already drained into the river, and so there was no pressure head on the formation and, consequently, no production. At a recent hearing...
Uppermost Paleozoic Strata of Northwestern Arizona and Southwestern Utah
Edwin D. McKee
Utah Geological Association
... consisting of three distinctive members. The lowest of these is a thin (5-15 feet), but conspicuous layer of red and yellow mudstone containing scattered...
Geothermal Features of the Ozek-Suat Oil Field and of Other Regions of the Tersko-Kuma Plain
K. I. Vorob’eva
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... with maximum thermometers. The observations were at 150 meter intervals from the well head to depths of 3370 m. The thermometers were lowered...
Reinvigorating Exploration in South East Asia Delivering Sustainable Value Creation from Exploration
Arnold Volkenborn, Andrew Lea-Cox
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... of announcements of capex reductions in 2015, companies may head in the direction that they have in the past: cutting costs, exploration...
Abstract: Smectite Diagenesis in Bentonites of the Shale Wall Member of the Seabee Formation, North Slope, Alaska
J. R. Glasmann
Pacific Section SEPM
... by rectorite, an ordered mixed-layer illite/smectite (I/S). With increasing depth of burial, the percentage of expandable layers in the ordered I/S decreases...
Sedimentology and Tectonic Implications of Cretaceous Fan-Delta Conglomerates, Queen Charlotte Islands
Roger Higgs
CSPG Special Publications
... are commonly capped by a thin (centimetre to decimetre scale) layer of coarse sandstone, which generally pinches out laterally within a few metres...
Volcanic Sediments in North Texas
Raymond Sidwell, Richmond L. Bronaugh
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of the town of McAdoo. 5. Crosby County--About 11 miles End_Page 15------------------------- north of the town of Crosbyton, an eight inch layer...
Craters Formed by Air Blowers: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. Armstrong Price
AAPG Bulletin
... at once causes the top layer of the soil to seal itself over the surface of large areas, while a few vents perhaps remain open for the entrance of water...
Sea Lions as Geological Agents
C. A. Fleming
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in depth, are the nearest known source of basalt. The Snares pebbles, lying diffusely on and within a layer of post-glacial peat, cannot be attributed...
Placer Gold Discovery in Thailand
Jon L. Rau, Prinya Nutalaya
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... below the surface is a layer of iron piso11 tes , that have been weathered from a hard lateritic soil. It 1s within this gravelly zone that large gold...
Extended Abstract: Hydrocarbon Potential of the North West African Margin
Ian Davison
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... kilometers along the Central Atlantic margins. There is no defined magmatic center or plume head. The thermal weakening along the Triassic rift system...
Abstract: Condensed Section Intervals within the Cycle II (Early Miocene) of the D35 Field, Balingian Province, Offshore Sarawak: Occurrence and Significance (Poster 7)
Abdul Hadi Abd Rahman, David Martyn Ince, Kerrie L. Bann
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... reflect particularly slow accumulation rates and thereby representing a significant span of time within only a thin layer. Condensed sections commonly...
Geochemical Evaluation of Oil Reservoirs in the World's Largest Gas Field from Persian Gulf, Iran (Paper P14)
P. Hassanzadeh, M. Khaleghi, A. Ahanjan, M. Kobraei, R. Bagheri Tirtashi
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... condensates [Aali et al. 2006]. In addition to natural gas condensate reserves of South Pars field, oil bearing layer are also identified in both...
Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Paleoenvironments of the Cantwell Formation, Denali National Park, Alaska, June, 2011
Carla Susanne Tomsich, Paul J. McCarthy, Susana Salazar Jaramillo
Alaska Geological Society
... of Southern Alaska: Geological Society of America Special Paper 431, p. 549–572. Benowitz, J.A., Layer, P.J., Armstrong, P., Perry, S.E., Haeussler, P.J....
Quintessence of the Ordovician: From Rocky Mountain Beaches to the Depths of Nevada
Reuben J. Ross Jr.
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
... is reduced to a phosphatized layer less than one foot in thickness. The somewhat similar Barrel Springs Formation occurs in the northern Inyo Range...
James R. Ehrets, Don L. Kissling
Williston Basin Symposium
... bars which were subjected to moderately strong waves or currents. Additionally, all of these subenvironments had been subjected...
Facies Geometries Within Pleistocene Reefs of Barbados, West Indies
Kenneth J. Mesolella , H. A. Sealy , R. K. Matthews
AAPG Bulletin
... annularis, is at the lower part of the forereef slope. The coral-head zone grades upward into a zone dominated by the staghorn coral, Acropora...