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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 11,300 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.

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The Influence of A Lateral Slope On Turbidite Lobe Development On A Modern Deep-Sea Slope Fan (Villafranca Deep-Sea Fan, Tyrrhenian Sea)

Fabiano Gamberi, Marzia Rovere, Alessandra Mercorella, Elisa Leidi

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... with different properties, which independently but simultaneously feed the eastern and the western lobe. In both cases, the effect of the lateral...


Variations in Large-Scale Beach Amplitude Along the Coast

Nina Fisher, Robert Dolan, Bruce P. Hayden

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... 8th Coastal Eng. Conf., New York, ASCE, p. 248-278. HUNTLEY, D. A., AND BOWEN, A. J., 1975, Field observation of edge waves and their effect...


Geological Evidence for Storm Transportation and Deposition on Ancient Shelves

Roger G. Walker

Special Publications of SEPM

... waves 20 Gilbert's deduction of 1967, The work of Hayes can be taken as Hurricanes Carla and Cindy. the beginning of "modern" geological studies...


Gravitational Salt Tectonics Triggered by Deposition of Turbiditic Lobes: a New Experimental Modeling Approach with Applications to Salt Tongues in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, #40478 (2009)

Nicolas Sellier, and Bruno C. Vendeville

Search and

... a viscous layer of silicone polymer (mobile salt). We investigated the effect of depositing several consecutive lobes on mobile salt. One experiment, two...


Wheeler Gorge Turbidite-Conglomerate Series, California; Inverse Grading

Richard V. Fisher, James M. Mattinson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... on the largest particles. The "Bernoulli boundary layer effect" may explain reverse grading in coarse-grained turbidite deposits, in mudflows, possibly...


Limitations of Ground Water as Aid in Determination of Hidden Geologic Structure

E. K. Soper

AAPG Bulletin

...Limitations of Ground Water as Aid in Determination of Hidden Geologic Structure E. K. Soper 1932 335 360 16 4. (April) The main features...


Analysis of Salt Movement

New Orleans Geological Society

... gravity head and pressure head values. Total head equals gravity head (zi) plus pressure head (Pi/ig). Total head is constant throughout layer shown...


Sequence Stratigraphy of the T Factory

Wolfgang Schlager

Special Publications of SEPM

... by a layer of cemented mud. Hydraulic gradient is the difference in hydraulic head divided by the horizontal distance. Hydraulic gradient in a sealed...


Damage Mechanism Analysis and Risk Assessment of Pressure Vessel Absorber, LP Flash Column, Rich Solution Heater at CO2 Removal Plant Unit

Laksmana Putra Leuvinadrie, Johny Wahyuadi M. Soedarsono, Budi Artono, Budiman Sarwidi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... + 4,6359 (head) and Y = -0.0161x + 1.3682 (shell) in the pressure vessel. From the criticality matrix, there are 2 pressure vessels at the risk rating...


Tidal Flat Erosion by Ice at La Pocatiere, St. Lawrence Estuary

Jean-Claude Dionne

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... during Post-glacial time. The floor of the bay is composed mainly of a stony, marine clay deposit overlain by a layer of soft mud 30 to 50 cm thick...


Abstract: Near Surface Anomalies and Solutions; #90211 (2015)

Todd Mojesky, David LeMeur, and Ali Karagul

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... algorithms (GLI, GMG, ...). These assume a layered model of the earth, with refractor head waves propagating along locally continuous boundaries. In more...


Simulations of the Origin of Fluid Pressure, Fracture Generation, and the Movement of Fluids in the Uinta Basin, Utah

J. D. Bredehoeft , J. B. Wesley , T. D. Fouch

AAPG Bulletin

... the deep productive interval at Altamont field (our layer 6 in Figure 4). Figure 7, computed from Figure 6, is the hydraulic head in the deep productive unit...


Flume Experiments on the Transition from Ripples to Lower Flat Bed with Increasing Sand Size

John B. Southard, Lawrence A. Boguchwal

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in the necessarily nonplanar bed profile in the zone of boundary-layer development or, if a false bottom at the head of the channel is used, by cross...


The Evolution of FWI and its Perceived Benefits

Tony Martin, Andrew Long

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... (Rønholt et al. 2015), i.e. energy recorded as continually refracted diving waves or post-critical head waves. This approach generates accurate high...


Slope Control on Submarine Channel Widths

Dave Waltham

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... significance of head and body spill from a channelized turbidity current: Geological Society of America, Bulletin, v. 83, p. 1151–1156. Komar, P.D., 1973...


Sedimentology of a Melange: Franciscan of Trinidad, California

K. R. Aalto

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... Grain-flow and traction transport alternately effect sediment deposition near the head of the flow. Grain-flow may again predominate as the flow...


Formation of Ripple Bands in a Wave-Convergence Zone

K. P. Black , T. R. Healy

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in Figure 10, the storm wind induces a flow pattern similar to that under waves. A gradient is set up against the coast, and currents head shorewards...


Modern Evaporite Deposition in Coastal Peru

Robert C. Morris, Parke A. Dickey

Tulsa Geological Society

... precipitated at the present time in the saline environment near the head, and halite at the extreme upper end of the Bocana (fig. 2). Black muds are found...


Dielectric Permittivity of Evaporite Minerals

Search and

... imaging. The difference in the dielectric permittivity leads to a reflection of the electromagnetic waves travelling in these layers. The GPR technique...


Case Study of the Effects on Coal Seam Gas Well Production with Installation of Well Head Compression (Oil-Flooded Rotary Screw Type): Early Outcomes of an Australian Trial of Four Wells in the Bowen Basin

Terrance Presley, Evilia Kurnia, Basia Wronski

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

...Case Study of the Effects on Coal Seam Gas Well Production with Installation of Well Head Compression (Oil-Flooded Rotary Screw Type): Early Outcomes...


Fluid Mechanics

Jeffrey S. Hanor

Special Publications of SEPM

... P / a z ) is thus negative, because z increases in the up direction, and the volume will be translated upward . The combined effect...


Turbidity Currents and Sediments in North Atlantic

D. B. Ericson , Maurice Ewing , Bruce C. Heezen

AAPG Bulletin

... on the shelf must have been exposed to the churning effect of storm waves. As previously mentioned in this paper, there is in most cores a marked decrease...


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