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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,300 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Point-Bar Deposits, Old River Locksite, Louisiana
D. E. Frazier, A. Osanik
GCAGS Transactions
... migration of sand waves during bar deposition. History of river development in this area is well known; it was therefore possible to relate measured...
Laboratory Investigation of the Relationship Between Actual and Apparent Product Thickness in Sands
Duane R. Hampton
Pacific Section of AAPG
... of kerosene was known, a was the volume stored in the observation wells and head tanks. The remaining kerosene was in the active layer, or was a residual...
Permeability estimation from transient vadose zone pumping tests in shallow coastal-plain sediments
K. L. Dixon, R. L. Nichols
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... semiconfining layer ranged from 2.7 1010 to 2.01 d. The results from these tests can be used to establish a general range of air permeabilities for shallow...
Philmont Country: The Rocks and Landscape of a Famous New Mexico Ranch
G. D. Robinson, A. A. Wanek, W. H. Hays, M. E. McCallum, John R. Stacy
Other Technical
... on Cimarron Creek. Photographs by J. R. Stacy 14. Near the head of a typical stream in the mountain country. Photograph by M. E. McCallum 15. Waterfall...
Gas-Bearing Structures of Southern France
Daniel Schneegans
AAPG Bulletin
... FEATURES OF OIL AND GAS POOL Because of the Cenomanian unconformity the structure of Saint Marcet shows two layers of geology. The upper layer...
Sediments of the Eastern Mississippi Delta
P. C. Scruton
Special Publications of SEPM
... because the rate at which sediments are supplied is faster than the combined effect of the rate at which they are removed by waves and currents...
Submarine Sand Dunes and Sedimentary Environments in Oceanographer Canyon
Page C. Valentine, Richard A.Cooper, Joseph R. Uzmann
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... Size and topography probably have an effect on the strength of tidal and storm currents and internal waves that pass through these two canyons...
Stratigraphic Predictions of Continental Margins for the U.S. Navy
James P. Syvitski, Lincoln Pratson, Damian O'Grady
Special Publications of SEPM
... processes i e boundary layer transport of sediment by tides and waves to less than the critical angle for the generation of oversteepened delta front failures...
Deposition of Sand in Shallow Seas and Application to Reservoirs in the Western Interior Seaway
Roger Walker
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
... a sequence of events involving storm waves liquefying the substrate and/or suspending sand at the shoreline, a storm surge tide (hydraulic head...
From WHP to BHP Using Machine Learning in Multi-Fractured Horizontal Wells of the Vaca Muerta Formation
Agustín Terminiello,Matías Nasca, Juan Filipich, Donald Mc Intyre, Pablo Crespo
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... the bottom hole pressure using production data and well head information. Dynamic gradients should be run periodically in the wellbore to build vertical lift...
Artesian Salt Formations
Bailey Willis
AAPG Bulletin
... of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the writer became acquainted with the opinion which prevailed among them to the effect...
ABSTRACT: The Sorong Fault Zone Kinematics: The Evidence of Divergen and Horsetail Structure at NW Bird's Head and Salawati Basin, West Papua, Indonesia, by Riadini, Putri; Sapiie, Benyamin; #90155 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Styles of Failure in Late Holocene Highstand Prodelta Wedges on the Adriatic Shelf
A. Correggiari, F. Trincardi, L. Langone, M. Roveri
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... acts as a weak layer for sediment failure. Failure occurred in variable water depths from the northern slope of the modern Po prodelta (10-20 m water...
Prospectivity of volcanic basins: Trap delineation and acreage de-risking
Max Rohrman
AAPG Bulletin
... with all sorts of artifacts (mode conversions, head-waves), any attempt at sub-basalt amplitude analysis is currently an extremely hazardous...
Deltaic Processes
James M. Coleman, David B. Prior
AAPG Special Volumes
... range, tidal currents within the lower river channel, and the ability of waves and other forces to obstruct the outlet. Among the more important...
Abstracts: Synthetic Microseismic Files; #90173 (2015)
J. Wong, P. M. Manning, L. Han, and J. B. Bancroft
Search and Discovery.com
... by ray-tracing (RT) and convolution, or by 2D finite-difference (FD) modeling. The RTmodeled seismograms include direct and head-wave arrivals...
Lingulide response to severe storms recorded in Middle Triassic strata of northeastern British Columbia
John-Paul Zonneveld, Sarah E. Greene
... marine habitats, thus diminishing the effect of biotic crises (Robertson, 1989; Wignall and Hallam, 1992; Schubert and Bottjer, 1995; Zonneveld et al...
Towards Universal Production Forecasting via Adversarial Transfer Learning and Transformer with Application in the Shengli Oilfield, China
Ji Chang, Jin Meng, Dongwei Zhang, Tianrui Ye, Han Wang, Yitian Xiao
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... is a typical encoder-decoder structure. The encoder consists of a multi-head self-attention layer and a position-wise fully connected feed-forward layer...
Experiments on Wedge-Shaped Deep Sea Sedimentary Deposits in Minibasins and/or on Channel Levees Emplaced by Turbidity Currents. Part II. Morphodynamic Evolution of the Wedge and of the Associated Bedforms
Benoit Spinewine, Octavio E. Sequeiros, Marcelo H. Garcia, Rick T. Beaubouef, Tao Sun, Bruno Savoye, Gary Parker
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of trains of the upstream-migrating sediment waves known as cyclic steps, similar to those commonly observed on channel levees and also along...
New insights into Ordovician oil shales in Hudson Bay Basin: their number, stratigraphic position, and petroleum potential
Shunxin Zhang
CSPG Bulletin
..., Red Head Rapids Formation with conodont samples located in place. C: The two very thin layers of black shale near the top of the outcrop; the layer...
Fluid Flow
Gerard Middleton, John B. Southard
Special Publications of SEPM
... starts to develop at the fluid (Figure 3.20) . head of the planar channel bottom and grows upward toward the At some point downstream the boundary layer...
Depositional Processes of Submarine Debris Flows in the Miocene Fan Deltas, Pohang Basin, SE Korea with Special Reference to Flow Transformation
Young K. Sohn
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... around the flow head because high pressures cannot be sustained underneath the gravelly material. Detailed sedimentological measurements and estimation...
Mechanisms of Groundwater Flow and Oil Migration Associated with Leduc Reefs
Ken J. Hugo
CSPG Bulletin
.... The hydraulic head pattern is similar to the hydraulic head pattern for Nisku deposition. The pattern is similar because the effect of a lower hydraulic...
Currents in Submarine Canyons and Other Types of Seavalleys
Francis P. Shepard
Special Publications of SEPM
... the head of large outflow of water from Santa may explain the advance of internal Santa Cruz is located in Canyon where Barbara Channel This waves...
Lateral Fluid Flow in a Compacting Sand-Shale Sequence: South Caspian Basin
John D. Bredehoeft , Rashid D. Djevanshir , Kenneth R. Belitz
AAPG Bulletin
... pressure. Pore-pressure data from the South Caspian basin demonstrate that large differences in excess hydraulic head exist between sand and shale...