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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Characteristics of Sediments on Modern and Ancient Continental Slopes
Harry E. Cook, Michael E. Field, James V. Gardner
AAPG Special Volumes
... for two-layer, sediment gravity flows from the Sekwi Formation (Lowre Cambrian), Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada: Canadian Jour...
The Permian Formations of the Pecos Valley of New Mexico and Texas
Walter B. Lang
AAPG Bulletin
... that was of major importance in its effect upon sedimentation. PERMIAN PROVINCES AND BASINS IN THE UNITED STATES The Permian deposits of the United States, except...
Drilling and Completion Techniques
E. C. Taylor, Jr., W. A. Huffaker, J. A. Harmon, William E. Hinchliffe, J. P. Myers, Frank Perkins, Jr., Clarence Stumpf, Newt Winn, V. A. Brockman
North Texas Geological Society
.... This investigation is sufficient to completely overcome the effect of invasion of mud filtrate in 85 to 90 per cent of Strawn wells in North Texas...
Sediment Volume and Grain-Size Partitioning Between Submarine Channel−Levee Systems and Lobes: An Experimental Study
Jan de Leeuw, Joris T. Eggenhuisen, Yvonne T. Spychala, Maarten S. Heijnen, Florian Pohl, Matthieu J.B. Cartigny
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... All boundary conditions, except for channel dimensions, were identical for all experiments (Table 1). The entire basin floor was covered with a layer...
Petroleum System Modeling of Northern Alaska
Oliver Schenk, Leslie B. Magoon, Kenneth J. Bird, Kenneth E. Peters
AAPG Special Volumes
... and Beaufortian sequences are characterized by layer cake geology. Details of individual pre-Brookian formations were incorporated using isopach maps...
Mojave Playa Crusts: Physical Properties and Mineral Content
Arthur M. Langer, Paul F. Kerr
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... to the increase in the number of size classes present and their effect on sorting; that is, the voids are successively filled by smaller size...
Experimental Measurement of the Relative Importance of Controls on Shoreline Migration
Wonsuck Kim, Chris Paola, Vaughan R. Voller, John B. Swenson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... the underlying gravel layer. Base level is controlled independently with a siphon attached to a movable constant-head tank in the downstream end...
Paleozoic Carbonate Facies of the Central Appalachian Shelf
Leo F. Laporte
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...; Rondout-Keyser, Harper, 1969a, 1969b; Keyser-Helderberg, Head, 1969; Laporte, 1967, 1969; Onondaga, Lindholm, 1967; Portland Point, McCave, 1968; and Tully...
Optimizing Composition of Sodium Lignosulfonate and Oleic Acid to Reach IFT 10-3 Mixed Surfactant on EOR Operation
Muhammad Faisal Afif, Arini Muthiah Rosmaya Putri, Kurniasiwi Rahmawati, Utari Nuravifah
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... two parts known as head and tail. The head is hydrophilic and the tail is hydrophobic, the two parts give a tendency for the surfactant to slip...
Holocene Shoreline Change and Sediment Supply in Mugu Lagoon/Barrier System, California
James L. Sadd, Ronald Karpilo
Pacific Section SEPM
.../suburban land use. The Mugu spit is located at the head of the Mugu submarine canyon, marking the terminus of a major littoral cell of net southeastward...
Integrated Engineering and Production Operation to Revitalize Brown Field Oil Production
Tejo Sukotrihadiyono, Aldani Malau, Erwin Dharmawan, M Arief Salman A, Dedi Miswar, Balok Sutarto L
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... single flowline system. ESP installation at wells with single flowline would minimize additional back pressure effect on the NF wells, so...
Hydrocarbon Generation and Migration Modeling in the Barmer Basin of Western Rajasthan, India: Lessons for Exploration in Rift Basins with Late-Stage Inversion, Uplift, and Tilting
Bodapati S. Naidu, V. R. Sunder, Vachaspati Kothari, Pinak Mohapatra, Stuart D. Burley, John Dolson, Paul Farrimond
AAPG Special Volumes
..., Hidden beneath desert sands—Discovery of the Barmer Basin: AAPG Annual Convention, Search and Discovery Article #10345. Burtell, S. G., and V. T. Jones...
Geologic Applications of Infrared Microscopy
Andrew R. Campbell
Special Publications of SEPM
.... binocular sample stage, objectives, image converter tube, and binocular head; this is similar in principle to a microscope developed by Bailly (1948...
Mississippian Succession in Mount Head Area, Alberta: Carboniferous
R. J. W. Douglas , P. Harker
AAPG Special Volumes
...Mississippian Succession in Mount Head Area, Alberta: Carboniferous R. J. W. Douglas , P. Harker 1958 177 189 SP 17: Jurassic and Carboniferous...
Re-assessment of the Mississippi River "Delta Model" Curve
J.A. Lopez
GCAGS Transactions
... of a laucustrine phase, bay head delta phase, and shelf delta phase. The abandoned or inactive phase is composed of erosion headland, barrier island...
Typical Trapping Mechanisms of the Paleocene Meganos Channel in the Sacramento Valley, California
Richard W. Boyd
Pacific Section of AAPG
... or head of the channel, and the shaley facies deposited farther down channel. The sandy facies tend to be deposited along the axis of the channel while...
Diamond Drilling Against High Gas Pressure in Turner Valley, Calgary, Alberta: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
J. Bilterijst
AAPG Bulletin
... and hard strata steeply inclined, (3) very hard, metamorphosed reservoir limestone, (4) high gas pressure, and (5) freezing effect of the expanding gas...
Settling Velocity Tube Apparatus for Successive Determination of Fall Velocities of Sand Size Particles: NOTES
Hassan G. Modarresi
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and plunger method is used, the End_Page 1354----------------------- wall effect of the funnel on the large grains is less than on the small grains, when...
Abstract: A Practical Approach and Workflow to Assess the Storage Capacity of CCS Projects at Early Stage; #91204 (2023)
Tushar Patil, Ayman Samy, Atul Kshirsagar, Colin Bertrand Cranfield, Timothy Mark Salter
Search and Discovery.com
... material balance method used in the oil and gas industry, where the effect of instantaneous mixing of the remaining gas in place and the injected CO2 can...
Detrital Zircon U-Pb geochronology and provenance of the Eocene Willwood Formation, Northern Absaroka Basin, Wyoming
David H. Malone, John P. Craddock, Jessica L. Welch, Brady Z. Foreman
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... and one ash layer in the Willwood Formation at the base of Jim Mountain in the North Fork Shoshone River Valley. K-S statistical analysis indicates...
Carboniferous Deltaic Sedimentation in Eastern Scotland: A Review and Reappraisal
J. Trevor Greensmith
Houston Geological Society
... in deltaic plain siltstones and silty shales. Figure 5. Two-inch ganister layer (dipping to left) resting on delta-front sandstone. Internal contortion...
Bioturbation in a Dysaerobic, Bathyal Basin: California Borderland
Brian D. Edwards
Special Publications of SEPM
... become zone and have a surface mixed layer to a 2 Below 300 m the basin waters Fig dysaerobic m and below 500 everywhere m they contain less than...
Mississippian Carbonate Deposits of the Ozark Region
Raymond C. Moore
Special Publications of SEPM
... that approximately at the base of that layer over there should be the boundary between our Osagian and Meramecian, between Lower and Upper...
Development of Geopressure by Ductile Shear: An Example from Offshore Louisiana
Jeffrey A. Nunn
GCAGS Transactions
.... 21-42. Mello, U.T., and G.D. Karner, 1996, Development of sediment overpressures and its effect on thermal maturation: Application to the Gulf of Mexico...
Dolomitization in a Mixing Zone of Near-Seawater Composition, Late Pleistocene, Northeastern Yucatan Peninsula
W. C. Ward, R. B. Halley
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of the dolomitized sediment is 3-15 µm, the size varying from layer to layer in direct proportion to the grain size of the original deposit. Dolospar Cements...