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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Nares Submarine Rift Valley and the Relative Rotation of North Greenland
J. Wm. Kerr
CSPG Bulletin
... Sund (Franklinian) geosyncline has had a compressive effect so End_Page 510------------------------ that an overthrusting has taken place...
Chapter 4: Regional Stratigraphy of the Ferron Sandstone - Geological and Petrophysical Characterization of the Ferron Sandstone for 3-D Simulation of a Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir (MP-02-6)
T.A. Ryer, P.B. Anderson
Utah Geological Survey
... of delta. The white lines represent the crests of waves approaching from the east. The northwestern side of the delta experiences lower wave energies...
The Cuyama Strike-Slip Basin, California, U.S.A.: An Exemplar of Contrasting Syntectonic and Post-Tectonic Strata
Bryce Hoppie, Robert E. Garrison
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., (2) Navajo Creek, (3) San Juan Ranch, (4) Head of Morales Canyon, (5) Rancho Rinconada, (6) Whiterock Bluff (and Russell Ranch), (7) Post Canyon, (8...
Shale gas: Opportunities and challenges
Paul Meakin, Hai Huang, Anders Malthe-Sorenssen, Kjetil Thogersen
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... in sedimentary basins that were not evaluated in the included countries, new discoveries in the included countries and the effect of improved recovery...
Mechanisms of Drape Folding in the Wyoming Province
David W. Stearns
Wyoming Geological Association
... of sedimentary rocks under confining pressure: Pore pressure tests; Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 42. p. 717-755. Heard, H. C., 1962, The effect...
Geology of Oil Basins of East Indian Archipelago
H. M. Schuppli
AAPG Bulletin
... is considered as rather insignificant in comparison with the downward bulge. He furthermore concludes that the belt of negative anomalies is a border effect...
Hypersaline Burial Diagenesis Delineated by Component Isotopic Analysis, Late Paleozoic Limestones, West Texas
J.A.D. Dickson , I.P. Montanez , A.H. Saller
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... or disprove that these stages were synchronous. Isotopic Composition Brachiopods.--The secondary shell layer from seven brachiopods was analyzed, three...
Mechanics of Basin Evolution and Its Relation to the Habitat of Oil in the Basin: Topical Papers
K. F. Dallmus
AAPG Special Volumes
.... HOFFMAN, M. G. (1939), "Structural and Magmatic Processes in the Isostatic Layer," Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Vol. 23, No. 9, pp. 1320-51...
Volcanic Hazards in the Copper River Basin, Alaska - Abstract
Donald R. Nichols
Alaska Geological Society
... the low bedrock lip at the head of Long Glacier, carrying massive amounts of rock and ice debris, and possibly forming a debris dam at the head...
Abstract: Physical and Biogenic Characteristics of Sediments from Upper Hueneme Submarine Canyon, California Coast, by B. C. Birdsall, R. M. Scott; #90972 (1976).
Search and Discovery.com
Introduction to Ground-Water Hydrology, 1993 - Glossary
New Orleans Geological Society
.... drawdown: the drop in hydraulic head from its original elevation, due, for example, to pumping. ground water: water in the ground in the saturated zone from...
Abstract: The Cliff Head Oil Field, Offshore Perth Basin, Western Australia: The Lonely Crude that Needed a Cuddle
John Doran
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
...Abstract: The Cliff Head Oil Field, Offshore Perth Basin, Western Australia: The Lonely Crude that Needed a Cuddle John Doran 2007 1 2 From its...
Abstract: Interpretation of Paleozoic - Mesozoic Tectonostratigraphy in Salawati Basin, West Papua, Indonesia as an Attempt to Seek Exploration Potentials
Eli Silalahi, Donny Miraza, Michael Sompie, Wah Adi Suseno, Edi Suwandi Utoro
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... Northwest Shelf Australia, named Bird’s Head block, in a state of passive margin and contemporaneously deposited the Aifam Group and Tipuma Formation...
Characteristics of the Component Composition and Considerations on the Genesis of Natural Combustible Gases of the Dnieper-Donets Depression
V. Ya. Klimenko
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...-head gases occurring in oil strata saturating the oil or forming a gas cap in oil pools have an altogether different component composition...
Abstract: Tectonically transported basement and platform units in the Stephenville area, western Newfoundland
J. W. F. Waldron, S. E. Palmer, C. S. Stockmal
Atlantic Geology
... extending beneath outcrop of Grenville age basement rocks in the Indian Head Range. These observations indicate that the outcropping passive margin...
Abstract: “Exceptional” Turbidite Systems in High-latitude and Tectonically Active Settings and the Obsolescence of Ubiquitous Sequence Stratigraphic Models
Dominic A. Armitage and Jacob A. Covault
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
.... Rather, tectonic activity maintained a relatively narrow shelf, which facilitated canyon-head incision across the shelf nearly to the modern beach...
ABSTRACT: Effects of Hydrodynamic Flow on Carbonate Stratigraphic Traps, Mission Canyon Formation, Billings Nose Fields, North Dakota, by Robert R. Berg and Alan R. Mitsdarffer; #91043 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Determination of protoliths and pressure-temperature conditions of metamorphic rocks in the Pocologan mylonite zone, southern New Brunswick
Elizabeth M. Grace, Sandra M. Barr
Atlantic Geology
... composite dioritic to granitic plutons of the Red Head granitoid suite. The Red Head granitoid suite is likely to be part of the varied suite of ca...
Casing-Head Gases of Oil Fields of Belorussia
A. I. Dubov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...Casing-Head Gases of Oil Fields of Belorussia A. I. Dubov 1978 91 92 Vol. 15 (1978) No. 2. (February) (Geologiya Nefti i Gaza, no.; 2, p. 72–75, 1977...
Gases of Subsurface Waters of the Crystalline Basement of the Tatar Arch
L. M. Zor’kin, Ye. V. Stadnik, G. A. Yurin
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... platform. Gases from: 1-crystalline rocks (granites) in well 20,000; 2-weathered zone on basement; 3-lower Riphean sediments; 4-casing head gases...
Formation of the Muradkhanly Oil Field
R. I. Rustamov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... head. In the Upper Cretaceous complex it ranges from 1140 to 2089 m. See Fig. 3. The highest values were recorded at the crest in well 58...
Abstract: The aeolian Triassic rift fill sediments at Red Head, Five Islands, Nova Scotia, Canada
Kenneth Martyns-Yellowe, Darragh E. O’Connor, Ricardo L. Silva, Grant D. Wach
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: The aeolian Triassic rift fill sediments at Red Head, Five Islands, Nova Scotia, Canada Kenneth Martyns-Yellowe, Darragh E. O’Connor...
ABSTRACT: Influence of Faults on Ground-Water Flow in a High-Porosity Quartz Sandstone Aquifer in Central Texas, by Leslie C. Randolph and Brann Johnson; #91022 (1989)
Search and Discovery.com