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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Laboratory Studies on the Effect of Surfactant Injection H and B to Oil Recovery from Oil Content on Carbonate Rocks
Harry Budiharjo S, Leksono Mucharam, Chyntia Bilqish Tenovina, Benny Ariandy Saputra
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Laboratory Studies on the Effect of Surfactant Injection H and B to Oil Recovery from Oil Content on Carbonate Rocks Harry Budiharjo S, Leksono...
Design and Operation of a Triaxial, High-Temperature, High-pressure Compaction Apparatus: NOTES
C. T. Sawabini , G. V. Chilingar , D. R. Allen
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and preventing subsidence: in Land Subsidence, IASH-AIHS-UNESCO, Publication No. 89, v. 2, p. 377-397. DOBRYNIN, V. M., 1962, Effect of overburden pressure...
Amelia Oil Field, Jefferson County, Texas
Ed J. Hamner
AAPG Bulletin
... and it dies out before it reaches the top of the Frio. This fault seems to have no bearing or effect on the producing formation. It is a complement...
... organisms. These features included the anterior region, outer dermal layer, ‘gut’ tissue, and dorsoventral body tissue. These encompassed multiple...
Environmental impacts of oil production on soil, bedrock, and vegetation at the U.S. Geological Survey OsageSkiatook Petroleum Environmental Research site A, Osage County, Oklahoma
James K. Otton, Robert A. Zielinski, Bruce D. Smith, Marvin M. Abbott, Bobby D. Keeland
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... in the pit. A gully extends northward from this outlet into the deeply eroded area. The eastern pit contains a thick layer of fresh hydrocarbon...
Geologic Hazards of the St. George Area, Washington County, Utah
Gary E. Christenson
Utah Geological Association
... rocks (shale, siltstone). Erosion of the underlying layer undermines the resistant bed causing failure and rock fall. Such failures commonly occur during...
Inverse Grading and Hydraulic Equivalence in Grain-Flow Deposits
Asbury H. Sallenger, Jr.
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... particles commonly produces inverse grading, a gradational decrease in grain size from top to bottom in the layer deposited by the flow. Such grading has...
Tectonics and Basin Evolution of Western North America--An Overview
David G. Howell, George W. Moore, Thomas J. Wiley
Circum Pacific Council Publications
..., azimuthal crustal motions of one plate relative to another form a continuum from head-on collision, through transcurrent slip, to orthogonal rifting...
Geomorphology and Sedimentology of Humid-Temperate Alluvial Fans, Central Virginia
R. Craig Kochel, Robert A. Johnson
CSPG Special Publications
... (Bull, 1964; Denny, 1965). Excavations, augering, and observations of cut banks in fan-head trenches suggest that most of these fans are thin, ranging...
Fracturing Fluid Chemistry and Job Placement Design Optimized for Formation Skin Damage Reduction Improves Well Performance: A Permian Midland Basin Case Study
John Blevins, Timothy C. Svarczkopf, Kira Demitrus, Jordan Gist
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... to minimize perf friction and to utilize lower stimulation rates. This has the net effect of routinely reducing friction reducer treat rates to as low as 0.15...
Late Wisconsinan Proglacial Sedimentation Along the West Chicago Moraine in Northeastern Illinois
Gordon S. Fraser, James C. Cobb
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... Second, the lake sediments are overlain by a thin layer of muddy conglomer te, similar in aspect to other muddy conglomerates that very likely...
Western North America--U.S. and Canada, After 1920: Chapter 13: PART IV. ALASKA
Edgar Wesley Owen
AAPG Special Volumes
... Peninsula--Cook Inlet (expanded above the head of the Inlet to the Matanuska--Nelchina area), and the Gulf of Alaska. In addition to geological exploration...
Preliminary Foraminiferal Zonation, Rundle Group and Uppermost Banff Formation (Lower Carboniferous), Southwestern Alberta
A. A. Petryk, B. L. Mamet, R. W. Macqueen
CSPG Bulletin
.... Overlying rocks of the Mount Head Formation (type area) are late early Visean to middle late Visean (Meramec). The Mount Head - Etherington contact...
Cross-Trails to History
J.L. Cramer
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... the famous springs at the head of Fountain Creek (Manitou Springs). After resting at the fort, the expedition entered the mountains by a new and unknown...
Regional Stratigraphic, Depositional, and Diagenetic Patterns of the Interior of St. Lawrence Platform: The Lower Ordovician Romaine Formation, Western Anticosti Basin, Quebec
Andre Desrochers, Patricia Brennan-Alpert, Denis Lavoie, Guoxiang Chi
AAPG Special Volumes
..., Megablocks of calcified algae in the Cow Head Breccia, western Newfoundland: Vestiges of a CambroOrdovician platform margin: Geological Society...
Salt deposition in ultradeep brine settings by dynamic inflow and evaporation
Alexandros Konstantinou, Garry D. Karner, Erik Kneller, and David Gombosi
AAPG Bulletin
...., 2007). In fact, at brine depths of greater than 1000 m with high pressure (∼12 MPa) and temperatures ∼15°C, the effect of decreasing solubility...
Road Log No. S9 - Cortez to Whitewater via Telluride and Naturita via U.S. 160, Colorado 145 and Colorado 141
John R. Donnell - Editor
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... slope of Wilson Peak at 10: 15, Cross Mountain (named for Whitman Cross) at 10:45, Lizard Head at 1 1 :OO, Blackface with camptonite plug at 12:00...
Offshore Exploration for Mineral Resources in South East Asia
Eoin H. MacDonald
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... and the general pattern of their distribution depends largely upon the original land configurations and the strength and direction of the waves and ocean...
Bio-Geology of a Living Coral Reef Complex on the Campeche Bank
Louis S. Kornicker, Donald W. Boyd
New Orleans Geological Society
... by many currents or waves which could shift them if they were loose debris. Similarly, an area studied on the windward reef demonstrates...
Sediment Characteristics of Mississippi River Delta-Front Mudflow Deposits
H. H. Roberts
GCAGS Transactions
... head sediments. Narrow chutes connect source areas along the sinuous mudflow tract and serve as channels through which sediments move downslope. During...
Bedding Types in Holocene Tidal Channel Sequences, Knik Arm, Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska
Susan Bartsch-Winkler , Henry R. Schmoll
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... from the shaking, even in the areas that had undergone obvious liquefaction [such as that which occurred at the head of Turnagain Ann, where eyewitness...
Tectonic Evolution of the Seram Trough, Indonesia
Angelique A. Pairault, Robert Hall, Christopher F. Elders
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... in the northern part of the Banda Arc-Australian collision zone in eastern Indonesia and is currently the site of contraction between the Bird's Head...
Cenozoic Tectonics of SE Asia and Australasia
Robert Hall
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... Arc; BH = Bird's Head; Ca = Cagayan Arc; Fj = Fiji; Ha = Halmahera Arc; IB = Izu-Bonin Arc; Ja = Japan Arc; Lo = Loyalty Islands; Lu = Luzon Arc; Mk...
Rainforest Regeneration: Kutubu Petroleum Development Project, Papua New Guinea
A. C. Hartley
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... debris and only the central core of the slip was rock dominant. The soil had an ameliorating effect on regeneration, and a wider range of plants...
Bibliography: Part I: Part I. Genesis of Petroleum, Compiled by Robert H. Dott
AAPG Special Volumes
.... 50, p. 843-846. DeGolyer, E., 1915, The effect of igneous intrusions on the accumulation of oil in the Tampico-Tuxpam region, Mexico: End_Page 228...