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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,323 Results. Searched 196,923 documents.
Strain Measurements in Eastern Marginal Shear Zone of Mount Sedom Salt Diapir, Israel
Israel Zak, Raphael Freund
AAPG Bulletin
... with the strike of the layers. The diapir head is cut by a dissolution salt table overlain by a residual caprock. Deformation features include, at greater depths...
Fedir Lysenko and Discovery of the Dnipro-Donets Petroleum Super-Basin: The Lost Name of the Pioneer; #70413 (2024)
Alexander Kitchka, Hanna Liventseva, Viktor Ohar
Search and Discovery.com
... supporter, who studied the fate of Prof. Lysenko and restored the hidden historical justice. Keywords: Ukraine, Devonian caprock, first oil, Stalin...
Architecture and Evolution of A Regressive, Tide-Influenced Marginal Marine Succession, Drumheller, Alberta, Canada
R.B. Ainsworth,, B.K. Vakarelov, C. Lee, J.A MacEachern, A.E. Montgomery, L.P. Ricci, S.E. Dashtgard
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... this effect. Tidal range is estimated to have been mesotidal to macrotidal. A modern partial analogue for the Horseshoe Canyon systems is identified...
Four Corners Geological Society: Field Trip Road Log: Northeastern Paradox Basin Salt Anticline Area: June 2 And 3, 1967
C. M. Molenaar
Four Corners Geological Society
... River, which has its head-waters on the south side of the Rico and San Miguel Mountains, takes a circuitous route before joining the Colorado River...
Original Source of Oil in Colombia
F. M. Anderson
AAPG Bulletin
... are either exposed at the surface or are hidden not far beneath, whereas Cretaceous rocks are rarely present at all. Furthermore, the Eocene series is more...
Cape Storm Formation -- A New Silurian Unit in the Canadian Arctic
J. Wm. Kerr
CSPG Bulletin
... 70------------------------- Figure 3. Type section of the Cape Storm Formation, on the south coast of Ellesmere Island, east of the head of Muskox...
Fluid-flow evolution in the Albanide fold-thrust belt: Insights from hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios of fluid inclusions
Stefan de Graaf, Casimir W. Nooitgedacht, Johan Le Goff, Jeroen H. J. L. van der Lubbe, Hubert B. Vonhof, and John J. G. Reijmer
AAPG Bulletin
...-and-thrust belts: AAPG Hedberg Series 1, p. 357–369. Scholz, D., C. Mühlinghaus, and A. Mangini, 2009, Modelling δ13C and δ18O in the solution layer...
Upper Carboniferous Fine-Grained Turbiditic Sandstones from Southwest England: A Model for Growth in an Ancient, Delta-Fed Subsea Fan
John Melvin
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... that include possible hummocky cross stratification and that, he believes, were formed within a shallow-shelf setting by storm waves. The limited evidence...
Development of Continental Shelf South of New England
Louis E. Garrison
AAPG Bulletin
... of these reflectors, the velocities of compressional sound waves given by Oliver and Drake (1951) for sediments in this area were used. These values are 1.65 km...
Mrar Formation of Western Libya--Evolution of An Early Carboniferous Delta System
T. Whitbread , G. Kelling
AAPG Bulletin
... and banks of the lower Mississippi River and their effect on river migration: Sedimentology, v. 2, p. 227-235. Kukal, Z., 1971, Geology of recent...
Internal Geometry, Seismic Facies, and Petroleum Potential of Canyons and Inner Fan Channels of the Indus Submarine Fan
Timothy R. McHargue , James E. Webb
AAPG Bulletin
... acoustic waves. The discontinuous nature of these high-amplitude reflectors in the H-D facies suggests that contrasting lithologies are complexly...
Planform and stratigraphic signature of proximal braided streams: remote-sensing and ground-penetrating-radar analysis of the Kicking Horse River, Canadian Rocky Mountains
Natasha N. Cyples, Alessandro Ielpi, Randy W. Dirszowsky
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., R.L., and Ethridge, F.G., 1999, Crevasse splays from the rapidly aggrading, sand-bed braided Niobrara River, Nebraska: effect of base-level rise...
Tectonic Trends in Sierra De Perija and Adjacent Parts of Venezuela and Colombia
John B. Miller
AAPG Bulletin
... and cited thicknesses at head of each column. (Full lines show section cropping out within proper confines of Sierra; dotted lines in upper part...
Sedimentological and stratigraphic characterization of Cretaceous upper McMurray deposits in the southern Athabasca oil sands, Alberta, Canada
Greg M. Baniak, and Kelly G. Kingsmith
AAPG Bulletin
... of the McMurray Formation, Alberta: 5th World Petroleum Congress, New York, May 30–June 5, 1959, v.1, p. 575–590. Carrigy, M. A., 1962, Effect of texture...
Abstract: Regionally Metamorphosed, Calc-Silicate-Hosted Deposits of the Brooks Range, Northern Alaska
R. J. Newberry, J. T. Dillon, D. D. Adams
Pacific Section SEPM
... at the head of Noatak and Allenkakat or Alatna headwaters. I found coarse gold, winter of '98, at head of Noatak like punkin seeds and same assayed 19-20 per...
Field relations, petrography, and age of plutonic units in the Saint John area of southern New Brunswick
Chris E. White, Sandra M. Barr, Mary Lou Bevier, Kevin A. Deveau
Atlantic Geology
... precambriens comme le voulait l ’opinion generate. [Traduit par le journal] INTRODUCTION The Brookville Gneiss and Green Head Group northeast...
A Collaborative Study on DFIT Interpretation: Integrating Modeling, Field Data, and Analytical Techniques
Mark McClure, Vidya Bammidi, Craig Cipolla, Dave Cramer, Lucas Martin, Alexei Savitski, Dave Sobernheim, Kate Voller
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... simulations considering the effect of residual aperture fracture after the fracture walls contact. Simulations indicate that in low permeability formations...
Retardation of Hydrocarbon Generation and Maturation by Water Pressure in Geologic Basins: An Experimental Investigation
Clement N. Ugana, Colin E. Snape, Will Meredith, Andrew D. Carr, Iain C. Scotchman, Robert C. Davis
AAPG Special Volumes
... temperature, pressure is found to have a significant effect on the phase and the amounts of hydrocarbons generated.In addition to hydrocarbon yields...
Structural Geology, Lower Kicking Horse River Region, Rocky Mountains, British Columbia
H. R. Balkwill
CSPG Bulletin
... area, Alberta - British Columbia: Ph.D. thesis (unpubl.), Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ontario. Cook, D. G., 1970, A Cambrian facies change and its effect...
Submarine Slumps
David G. Moore
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of relatively rapid accumulation. These include deltaic and canyon head environments on the inner shelf, and probably also canyon or gulley walls on the open...
Chapter 19 - Diagenesis: Dissolution
Dana S. Ulmer-Scholle, Peter A. Scholle, Juergen Schieber, Robert J. Raine
AAPG Special Volumes
...: Significance, origin, relationship to subaerial unconformities, and effect on predrill reservoir quality prediction, in M. D. Wilson, ed., Reservoir...
Utilizing a Multidisciplinary Approach to Reservoir and Completion Optimization Within the Woodford Shale Play of the Arkoma Basin
Stephen C. Zagurski, Steve Asbill, Christopher M. Smith, Dick Leonard, Juan De la Garza, Tanner Wood, Paul McColgan, Michael Smith, Brad Leonard, Steven Bourgoyne
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... and strike-slip faults during basin formation. Existing interpretation of these subsurface hazards are thought to have substantial effect on rock quality...
Calcrete in Quaternary Coastal Dunes in Southwestern Australia: A Capillary-rise Phenomenon Associated with Plants
V. Semeniuk, T. D. Meagher
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., in press, The Natural history of the Australind-Waterloo Head Coastal Area: Part 1. The geomorphology and surface processes: Roy. Soc. of W.A. SHERMAN, G...
Chapter 120: Sand Injectites in Deep-water Clastic Reservoirs: Are They There and Do They Matter?
Andrew Hurst, Mads Huuse, Joe Cartwright, Davide Duranti
AAPG Special Volumes
...-dimensional seismic data (6th ed.): AAPG Memoir 42, 541 p. Byerly, G. R., D. R. Lowe, J. L. Wooden, and X. Xie, 2002, An Archean impact layer from...
The Search for Oil in New Guinea
Arthur Wade
AAPG Bulletin
..., which flows into the Gulf of Papua, near its head in country which was then unexplored and practically unknown. The natives of the district had long...