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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
The Inter-Discipline Approach to Paleoenvironmental Interpretations
B. J. Scull, C. J. Felix, S. B. McCaleb, W. G. Shaw
GCAGS Transactions
... waves: Am. Soc. Civil Engineers Proc., v. 90, HY 5, p. 105-119. End_of_Record - Last_Page 117------- The use of paleoenvironmental interpretations...
Ediacaran (Vendian)-period alluvial and coastal geomorphology applied to development of Verkhnechonskoye and Yaraktinskoye fields, East Siberia, Russian Federation
Robert S. Tye, Donald R. Lowe, J.J. Hickey
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... effect on estimates of in-place hydrocarbon volumes. Model differences in porosity and permeability distribution and lithofacies connectivity show large...
Trace Fossil Assemblages and their Occurrence in Silesian (Mid-Carboniferous) Deltaic Sediments of the Central Pennine Basin, England
R. M. C. Eagar, J. G. Baines, J. D. Colllnson, P. G. Hardy, S. A. Okolo, J. E. Pollard
Special Publications of SEPM
... effect around resistant vertical burrow In this example the funnel lies immediately above the scour within the sandstone slab Pendleian Delta Top...
Sediments of Three Bays of Baja California: Sebastian Viscaino, San Cristobal, and Todos Santos
K. O. Emery, D. S. Gorsline, E. Uchupi, R. D. Terry
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Waves and swells of Sebastian Viscaino Bay are chiefly from the northwest. They produce a southward shore drift of sand which must then accumulate...
Geology of the Lisbon Valley Sandstone-Hosted Disseminated Copper Deposits, San Juan County, Utah
Gregory A. Hahn, Jon P. Thorson
Utah Geological Association
... sections with 5 appendices. Rose, A.W., 1976, The effect of cuprous chloride complexes in the origin of red bed copper and related deposits: Economic Geology...
Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy of Colorado Springs Quadrangle, Colorado
Kenneth P. McLaughlin
AAPG Bulletin
... sections of the Glen Eyrie formation were measured and described near the head of Black Canyon in the northern part of the embayment. In the southwestern...
The Geochemistry of Qatar Coastal Waters and its Impact on Carbonate Sediment Chemistry and Early Marine Diagenesis
John M. Rivers, Linso Varghese, Ruqaiya Yousif, Fiona F. Whitaker, Sabrina L. Skeat, Ismail Al-Shaikh
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., and Thornton, B.P., 2017, The effect of temperature on stoichiometry, cation ordering, and reaction rate in high-temperature dolomitization experiments: Chemical...
Characteristics of Displacement Transfer Zones Associated with Thrust Faults
F.X. O'Keefe, David W. Stearns
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... a thin (less than 1 cm) layer of gouge material. The gouge is lighter colored than the surrounding limestone, very fine grained, and contains...
Evolution and origin of deep reservoir water at the Activo Luna oil field, Gulf of Mexico, Mexico
P. Birkle, J. J. Rosillo Aragon, E. Portugal, J. L. Fong Aguilar
AAPG Bulletin
... taken directly at the well head and placed in sealed Nalgene bottles for their AMS measurement. The homogeneous range of 14C concentrations from both...
Open or closed geochemical systems during diagenesis in sedimentary basins: Constraints on mass transfer during diagenesis and the prediction of porosity in sandstone and carbonate reservoirs
Knut Bjorlykke, Jens Jahren
AAPG Bulletin
... and transport in rocks: Mechanisms and effect: London, United Kingdom, Chapman and Hall, p. 1534.Bjorlykke, K., 1999, Principal aspects of compaction...
Tectonics and Economic Geology of Central Colorado - Three-Day Field Trip: Denver, Buffalo, Bailey, Fairplay, Dillon, Leadville, Florissant, Cripple Creek, Divide, Colorado Springs, and Denver, via U.S. Highways 285, 6, 24, 85, 87 and Colorado Highways 74, 93, 126, 143, 67 and Local Roads
Robert M. Hutchinson, J.K. Trimble, John R. Hayes
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... a stop northeast of the batholith at (2) a catazonal-type of emplacement of the pre-Pikes Peakean Double head pluton. In rocks of the Pikes Peak...
The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - U.S. Geological Survey Program for the Atlantic Continental Margin: Status at end of 1965
K. O. Emery
Atlantic Geology
... BUREAU OF COMMERICAL FISHERIES for improvement of the fishing industry, by the U.S. ARMY BEACH EROSION BOARD mostly for gaining information about waves...
Sedimentation Survey of Lake Carl Blackwell, Payne and Noble Counties, Oklahoma
Joseph F. Schreiber Jr.
Oklahoma City Geological Society
...; the head of the backwater extends an additional mile to the west. Maximum width of the lake near the dam is 0.87 miles and to the west it narrows...
Sediment Zones Bordering the Barrier Islands of Central Texas Coast
Francis P. Shepard, David G. Moore
Special Publications of SEPM
... advantages. One of the larger rivers of Texas enters San Antonio Bay and has built an extensive delta into the bay head. All of the bays have oyster...
Mineral Deposits at the Shelfbreak
Michael J. Cruickshank, T. John Rowland Jr.
Special Publications of SEPM
... concentrations of heavy minerals such gold resulting from eustatic changes surface and internal waves and geostrophic currents biological deposits...
The Environmental Significance of Conglomerates
W. H. Twenhofel
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... because the shallow waters bordering the coast limit the erosive power of the waves or because the coastal materials can not furnish gravels. Where...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Relationship Between Upper Miocene-Pliocene Depocenters in Offshore Southern Laguna Madre-Tuxpan and Modern River Axes in Eastern Mexico: Clues to Neogene Sediment Dispersal in the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico
Guevara, E. H., Ambrose, W. A., Aranda-Garcia, M., Dunlap, D. B., Wawrzyniec, T. F., Fouad, K., and Hernandez-Romano, U.
GCAGS Transactions
... currents and waves. Also, local sand-rich facies along the coast and older beach ridges at Cabo Rojo (a prominent coastal feature south...
Coastal Sediments and Patterns of Bioturbation, Eastern Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
Robert W. Frey, James D. Howard, Jurgen Dorjes
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Forms of sediment accumulation in the beach zone, in Meyer, R. E., ed., Waves on Beaches and Resulting Sediment Transport: New York, Academic Press...
Identification of Short-Term Changes in Sediment Depositional Rates: Importance in Environmental Analysis and Impact Investigations
Wayne C. Isphording , F. Dewayne Imsand , Gregory W. Isphording
GCAGS Transactions
... to identify, however, not only how much sediment has been eroded, but also the effect that this erosion has had on local depositional basins (ponds...
Facies Architecture of the Permian Park City Formation, Utah and Wyoming: Implications for the Paleogeography and Oceanographic Setting of Western Pangea
Michael T. Whalen
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
... at the top of a yellow-brown calcareous siltstone is overlain by granular red, calcareous paleosol. Head of hammer is 15 cm long. C. Large domed...
Field Trip A3: Intrusion-related Mineralization in Southwestern New Brunswick: The Mount Pleasant and Clarence Stream Deposits
Kathleen Thorne, David Lentz
Atlantic Geoscience Society Special Publications
.... This boundary is hidden beneath the Saint George Batholith in New Brunswick (Fig. 5) but is exposed along the Turtle Head Fault in adjacent Maine...
Utah Mining 2010 (C-114)
Mark Gwynn, Ken Krahulec, Michael Vanden Berg
Utah Geological Survey
... R A N D Whisky Creek Green Nephi N 24 0 10 20 miles Hidden Valley Coal facility Active coal mine Coal loadout Closed coal mine (not all...
Economic and Parametric Analysis Coalbed Methane: Chapter 17
Vello A. Kuuskraa, Charles M. Boyer II
AAPG Special Volumes
... that will establish the gas volumes to be consumed and the gas price that can afford to be paid. Here the distance between the producing well-head and the end...
Sequence Stratigraphy and Diagenetic Facies the Second Frontier Formation, Moxa Arch, Wyoming
Sharon A. Stonecipher
Special Publications of SEPM
... Formation of Wyoming will be examined to illustrate these patterns and their effect on reservoir quality. Specifically, we will look...
How Did Thin Submarine Debris Flows Carry Boulder-Sized Intraclasts for Remarkable Distances Across Low Gradients to the Far Reaches of the Mississippi Fan?
Peter J. Talling, Russell B. Wynn, Daniela N. Schmmidt, Rebecca Rixon, Esther Sumner, Lawrence Amy
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... if the density of the clasts was less than that of the surrounding debris flow. Emplacement of the basal clean sand layer appears closely linked to debris flow...