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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Thrust Systems
Steven E. Boyer , David Elliott
AAPG Bulletin
... the fault slices form has a marked effect on the geometry of the thrust system. These systems must be identified to un erstand the provenance...
The Tertiary Princeton Submarine Valley System Beneath the Sacramento Valley, California
Lowell E. Redwine
Pacific Section of AAPG
..., the position of the thalweg of the lower Princeton Submarine Valley fill at the Willows fault, and the effect of fault movement on the fill. Well...
Rain-Lahar Generation and Sediment Delivery Systems at Mayon Volcano, Philippines
Kelvin S. Rodolfo, A. Tevfik Arguden
Special Publications of SEPM
... eruption drainage patterns drastic Before the eruption in the southeast sector of the effect on Crater lahar channel 0 Debris aggradin 9 5 km...
Post-Eocene Development of the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand: Convergent Overprint of a Passive Margin: Chapter 7: Southwest Pacific and Eastern Indian Ocean Margins
P. R. King, G. P. Thrasher
AAPG Special Volumes
... wells in the south of the Taranaki Basin (King, 1988b) and in outcrop at Abel Head, northwest Nelson (Bishop, 1971). Within the area from Kupe-1 to Abel...
Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Field Trip # 1: Meander Belt Deposition - Plaquemine Point, Mississippi River
J. M. Coleman, H. H. Roberts
New Orleans Geological Society
... and tectonic stability, climate, tides, winds, waves, water density contrasts, currents, and the innumerable interactions of all these factors. The receivinq...
Geology of Northern Utah and Vicinity; Frontmatter
Lawrence E. Spangler, Constance J. Allen
Utah Geological Association
... waves took to arrive in Fremont, Ohio from Alaska. A youthful Clyde Hardy also began honing his writing skills in Fremont. On one occasion, Clyde wrote...
The Zone of Exogyra Cancellata Traced Twenty-five Hundred Miles
L. W. Stephenson
AAPG Bulletin
... much like the Mount Laurel sand. The species is also listed from the head of Bohemia Creek in New Castle ounty, Delaware, and from Bohemia Mills...
Delta-Front Gullies as Part of Mass-Movement Phenomena: Mississippi River Delta Front
A. H. Bouma, H. H. Roberts, J. M. Coleman, D. B. Prior
Special Publications of SEPM
... of the upper delta front Note the V tions and flat floors DELTA FRONT GULLIES 101 55 171 bO HEAD o bf jSLUMPS 0 FIG lially This 5 Echo sounder...
Back Pressure Test for Dry Gas Wells
Panhandle (Texas) Geological Society
... of a critical flow prover is as follows: Take the shut-in surface pressure. Install the critical flow prover on well head as near vertical as possible. Install...
Abstract: The Tectono-Stratigraphic History of the Northern Margins of the Australian Plate from the Carnarvon Basin to Papua New Guinea
M. S. Norvick
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... selected chronostratigraphic transects for the Barrow Sub-basin, Dampier Sub-basin, northern Bonaparte-Timor island area, Bird's Head-Seram region...
Abstract: A Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Preview of the Miocene Stage III and Stage IVA of Labuan Island and Klias Peninsula, Borneo
Terrence Lukie
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... at Batu Linting, and middle to outer turbidite fan at Kampung Bebuloh. The Stage IVA was studied at the Batu Luang and Bethune Head outcrops. The lower...
Comparison of Sedimentary Processes in Twenty-Two Modern Submarine Canyons along the Northern California Margin; #30413 (2015)
Esther J. Sumner, Charles K. Paull
Search and Discovery.com
... are formed where the canyon head intersects the local littoral cell, whereas fine-grained canyons have heads on the continental shelf. Facies type, grain...
Geology and Ground Water Resources of the Winter Garden District of Texas
Samuel F. Turner, T. W. Robinson, W. N. White, D. E. Outlaw, W. O. George, others
Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society
... of the Carrizo head on the outcrops of the Indio formation or of the Cretaceous formations. Small closed drainage basins, some of them covering more than...
Proterozoic Shearing in the Area of the Old Mining Camps of Spencer and Vulcan, Gunnison Gold Belt, Gunnison and Saguache Counties, Colorado
James A. Dockal
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... it as an area “extending from the Cebolla River on the west to the head of Taylor Park and the Sawatch Range on the east.” The study area for this article...
Far-Field Proppant Imaging Offsetting Depletion: A STACK Case History
Kyle Haustveit, Mouin Almasoodi, Wadhah Al-Tailji, Souvik Mukherjee, Terry Palisch, Rusty Barber
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... surface sink electrodes – one deployed ~1.5 Km northward just above the toe of the well and the other connected to an adjacent well head farther...
Distribution and Provenance of Minerals From Continental Shelf Sediments Off the South Carolina Coast
Irving C. Stone, Jr. , Frederic R. Siegel
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 46, p. 1563-1596. MCCAULEY, C. K., 1960, Exploration for heavy minerals on Hilton Head, South Carolina: South Carolina...
Relationship of Flute Cast Morphology to Internal Sedimentary Structures in Turbidites
John W. Pett , Roger G. Walker
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Experiments on density and turbidity currents. 1, Motion of the head: Can. Jour. Earth Sci., v. 3, p. 523-546. MIDDLETON, G. V., 1967, Experiments on density...
Classification and Genesis of Calcrete and Gypsite Lithofacies in Paleodrainage Systems of Inland Australia and their Relationship to Carnotite Mineralization
Aro V. Arakel, David McConchie
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... the northwest coast of Western Australia across the interior and reaching the southcoast at the head of the Great Australian Bight (Fig 1). The nearly...
A Carbonate Submarine-Fan Sequence from the Jurassic of Portugal
V. Paul Wright, R. C. L. Wilson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... the anoxic layer was several centimeters or more below the sediment-water interface (left). Laminated mudstone and bituminous shales developed when...
Deep Disposal Systems for Radioactive Wastes
Walter G. Belter
AAPG Special Volumes
...------------------------ 1,000 ft [300 m] below ground level) is separated from the overlying unconsolidated sediments by a layer of clay called...
Sedimentology and Mineralogy of Dolomitic Coorong Lakes, South Australia
John K. Warren
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.../wackestone covered by a surface layer of wave ripples. In both areas the unit has a transitional, but abrupt, contact 1-3 cm thick into the underlying...
Synsedimentary Cemented Calcarenite Layers in Oligo-Miocene Cool-Water Shelf Limestones, Eucla Platform, Southern Australia
Noel P. James, Yvonne Bone
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... FIG. 5. [Grey Scale] The erosional, iron-stained top of a lithified layer in the lower unit of the Abrakurrie limestone in Firestick cave. End_Page...
Fluvial Response to Late Quaternary Climatic Fluctuations, Central Kobuk Valley, Northwestern Alaska
Gail M. Ashley , Thomas D. Hamilton
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., Eolian Sediments and Processes: Amsterdam, Elsevier, p. 455-482. SANCETTA, C., 1983, Effect of Pleistocene glaciation upon oceanographic...
Regional Variations in Formation Water Chemistry: Major and Minor Elements, Frio Formation Fluids, Texas (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... in the basin. The dilute nature of the Na-acetate waters is thought to result from dehydration of detrital clay minerals (as mixed-layer smectite...
Use of relational databases to evaluate regional petroleum accumulation, groundwater flow, and CO2 sequestration in Kansas
Timothy R. Carr, Daniel F. Merriam, Jeremy D. Bartley
AAPG Bulletin
... with greenhouse gas emissions and their potential effect on global climate has increased interest in ways to decrease the emission of carbon dioxide...