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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,323 Results. Searched 196,923 documents.
Fundamental Concepts of Sequence Stratigraphy
Henry W. Posamentier
Special Publications of SEPM
... patterns with a significant emphasis placed on unraveling the cause-and-effect relationships between these factors and resultant stratigraphy. In addition...
Productivity Versus Preservation Controls on Two Organic-Rich Carbonate Facies in the Devonian of Alberta: Sedimentological and Organic Petrological Evidence
Nancy Chow, Jack Wendte, Lavern D. Stasiuk
CSPG Bulletin
... contributions from bacteria to sedimentary organic carbon. Nature, v. 369, p. 224-227. End_Page 457------------------------ Head, I., Farrimond, P...
Coastal Louisiana Swamps and Marshlands: Field Trip No. 9
H. R. Gould, J. P. Morgan
Houston Geological Society
... lower than at present and that the Mississippi River carried its sediments to the head of the present Mississippi submarine canyon, a seaward extension...
Road Logs: Stratigraphy and Structure of the Maverick Basin and Devils River Trend, Lower Cretaceous, Southwest Texas
C. I. Smith, B. C. Miller, P. R. Rose, R. E. Webster, G. Pat Bolden
South Texas Geological Society Special Publications
... exposure of a layer of brown, surface silicified, bored boulders within a gray limestone matrix which is about 45 feet below the top of the McKnight...
Mali: A Country on the Cusp?
Jane Whaley
GEO ExPro Magazine
... by a hard layer of ironstone or impervious conglomerates. Over a thousand years ago the short-statured Tellem people built homes which can still be seen...
New Insights on Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Bight Basin, Australia from IODP Site U1512
Carmine Wainman, Peter McCabe, Simon Holford, the IODP Expedition 369 Scientific Party
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... are from the OAE 2 layer (which is below the total depth for Site U1512), as seems likely, then a substantial change in oceanic circulation...
Production allocation of Midland Basin Wolfcamp and Spraberry oils using LTHP mobilized oil from wet cuttings as end members
Jennifer Adams, Tim Ruble, Bruno Leroux, Matt Flannery, Erik Hiemstra
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... zone characterization of 24 hours. After the head-space gas in the reactor is slowly geochemical fingerprints from reservoir rock samples (core vented...
Mystery Carbonates
Thomas Smith
GEO ExPro Magazine
... travertine and microbialites,” says head bioherm reef, now exposed along the shoreline of Great Salt Lake, Utah ; Peter Homewood of Geosolutions TRD...
Planetary Geology: The Artemis Project
Neil Hodgson, Iain Brown
GEO ExPro Magazine
... that may be caused by Earth’s tidal forces. The recordings also discovered a small 500-km-wide core with a partial melt layer near the base...
Microfossils and the World of Chalk and Chert
James Etienne
GEO ExPro Magazine
... (11 suborders including the agglutinated forams from the suborder Textulariina). Benthic forms adapted to live on, and in, the top layer...
Optimization of Cyclic Steam Stimulation Project in BTG Field Through Subsurface Analysis to Get Higher Oil Gain and Economically Viable
Imam Fathoni Rasyid, Fakhrial Anas, Bagus Surya
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... parameter acquired daily such as well head pressure and temperature, liquid level, current production and water cut, and completion type (open hole...
Note on Fossil Locality of Crabs and Cuttlefish Bone in Pleistocene Marine Sandy Clay at Sungai Kolok, Southeast-Most Thailand
H. Sawata
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... Project, Prince ofSongkhla University, Thailand On 23 June 1977, Prof. N .S. Haile, head of the Department of Geology, University of Malaya at that time...
Structural Development, Yates Area, Texas
John Emery Adams
AAPG Bulletin
... 139------------------------------ lie outside the solution-disturbed zone. In restoring this surface it was necessary to add a layer of salt...
Reconnaissance Geophysical Studies in Barents and Kara Seas--Summary: Evolution of Arctic Ocean Basin
P. R. Vogt , N. A. Ostenso
AAPG Special Volumes
.... REGIONAL MAGNETIC SURVEYS Magnetic data were obtained with a digitally recording nuclear precession magnetometer (Wold, 1964). The sensing head...
Cyberattack Tsunami: Two-year investigation finds chinks in offshore rigs' armour
Dale Granger
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... to conference delegates, Adam Rizika, Head of Strategy, Naval Dome, said: “Where systems installed on offshore platforms had traditionally been isolated...
Flysch Pebble Conglomerate of the Cap-des-rosiers Formation (Ordovician), Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec
K. R. Aalto
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... sedimentary features which may exist within the pebble conglomerate beds, summarized as follows: Zone 1: A thin layer, less than 3 cm thick, of carbonate...
Extended Abstract: Multi-Proxy Analysis of Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Lacustrine Sediment, Clark Lake, Sharkey Co., Mississippi
Stan Galicki, Jeb Galtney, Maria Bujenovic, Theresa Woehnker, Trevor H. Galicki
GCAGS Transactions
.... Four pairs of 7.6 and 10 cm diameter sediment cores were extracted from four locations in Clark Lake using a portable coring rig with a vibrating head...
Improved Cryogenic Coring Device for Sampling Wetland Soils: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER
Donald R. Cahoon , James C. Lynch , Ronald M. Knaus
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... stainless-steel hose (Fig. 1 m) with screw fittings at both ends that connect to the liquid port on the Dewar flask (F g. 1d) and the head of the inner...
Large Rectangular Cores from Submarine Canyons and Fan Valleys: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Arnold H. Bouma , Francis P. Shepard
AAPG Bulletin
... are interpreted as turbidites in Europe. The cores contain a considerable amount of organic material, some of it resembling the mats described from the head...
Evidence for Thrust Faulting in Northern Olympic Peninsula, Washington: DISCUSSION
Robert D. Brown, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... is that rock units on the Olympic Peninsula maintain their thickness, lithologic character, and age in layer-cake fashion, and that a stratigraphic section...
ABSTRACT: Quantification, Permeability and Compaction of Mudstones: Some Applications to Basin Modelling and Pore Pressure Estimation; #90007 (2002)
Yang, Yunlai, Andrew C. Aplin and Steve R. Larter
Search and Discovery.com
... of permeability or hydraulic conductivity (LT-1); A = cross section area (L2); L = length along flow path (L) and ∆h = fluid head (pressure) loss along...
Abstract: A Cost-effective Method to Isolate and Protect Shallow Aquifers in South Oman; #91204 (2023)
Hindawi Abdulkareem, Mohamed Radwan, Jawaher Maani, Mustafa Sulaimani, Saif Yaroubi, Mounir Nessal, Aamal Khatri, Nasser Azri
Search and Discovery.com
.... It is characterized with fractured flow with very high permeability. Permeability is expected to be in 10s of Darcy in this layer. There are other aquifers in UR...
3-D Geologic Modeling Toward a Site-Specific CO2 Injection Simulation; #80180 (2011)
Jianjun Zeng, Christopher L. Liner, Po Geng, and Heather King
Search and Discovery.com
... and gridding results (blue). Arrow and duck head in diagrams point to north. History Matching Block A Fs Seal Fs Seal A OWC B LCK Ss Miss. High LCK Ss...
Frontier Exploration in Sub Andean Zone of Peru, #11160 (2018).
Juan Chung, Pierre Callot,
Search and Discovery.com
...-skinned structures detached in the pre- retaceous salt layer can be considered as potential structural traps for hydrocarbons. • Jurassic Pucará Gr...
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... a gabbro layer, emplaced at 50 km depth, as it cooled and was transformed to eclogite over a billion-year period. They pointed out...