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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
"Geyser Eggs" from Te Whakarewarewatangaoteopetauaawahiao, North Island, New Zealand
Brian Jones , Michael R. Rosen , Robin W. Renaut
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... KONHAUSER, K.O., PHOENIX, V.R., BOTTRELL, S.H., ADAMS, D.G., AND HEAD, I.M., 1999, Microbial-silica interactions in modern hot spring sinter...
Textural Preservation in Siliceous Hot Spring Deposits During Early Diagenesis: Examples from Yellowstone National Park and Nevada, U.S.A.
Nancy W. Hinman, Malcolm R. Walter
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Siliceous sediments of the Guaymas basin: the effect of high thermal gradients on diagenesis: Journal of Geology, v. 91, p. 629–641. Kastner, M...
Three-dimensional petroleum systems modeling of the Mensa and Thunder Horse intraslope basins, northern deep-water Gulf of Mexico: A case study
Paul Weimer, Veit Matt, Renaud Bouroullec, James Adson, Todd G. Lapinski, Aaron A. van den Berg, and John G. Roesink
AAPG Bulletin
..., S., A. Wilhelms, I. Head, M. Koopmans, A. Aplin, R. Di Primio, C. Zwach, M. Erdmann, and N. Telnaes, 2003, The controls on the composition...
Coastal Geology of Mississippi, Alabama and Adjacent Louisiana Areas: Field Trip
Ervin G. Otvos
New Orleans Geological Society
... phase, due to the blocking effect of the extensive St. Bernard subdelta (Frazier, 1967), probably less than one kilometer south of the present...
Sedimentology, Depositional Model, and Implications for Reservoir Quality
Daniel Minisini, Patricio Desjardins, Germán Otharán, Maximiliano Paz, Diego Kietzmann, Gregor Eberli, Carlos Zavala, Toni Simo, James H. Macquaker, Christian Heine
AAPG Special Volumes
... turbulent muddy flows transporting fine-grained material mainly in bedload, probably ignited upslope by the combined effect of gravity, currents, and waves...
A containment and disposition strategy for tritium-contaminated groundwater at the Savannah River Site, South Carolina, United States
Daniel R. Hitchcock, Christopher D. Barton, Karin T. Rebel, Julian Singer, John C. Seaman, J. Dan Strawbridge, Susan J. Riha, John I. Blake
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... of trees in the established forest. As water flows from the distribution pump to an individual sprinkler head, the irrigation system is comprised of a buried...
Host 2500 Development Program - the Answer to Future Cost Effective Subsea Developments for Shallow, Medium and Deep Water Applications
Bjørn Sættenes
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... is paid out sufficiently for an ROV to first pick up, then secure the anchor to the bullnose/termination head of the line to be pulled in. As the bullnose...
Pleistocene Meander-Belt Ridge Patterns in the Vicinity of Houston, Texas
DeWitt C. Van Siclen
GCAGS Transactions
..., and repeatedly branch down-slope to the southeast. The inland margin of each is marked by one of the region's longer east-flowing streams, which head just...
The Effect and Mechanism of Episodic Sea Level Events: The Record Preserved within Late Wisconsinan-Holocene Incised Valley-Fill Sequences
Mark A. Thomas , John B. Anderson
GCAGS Transactions
...The Effect and Mechanism of Episodic Sea Level Events: The Record Preserved within Late Wisconsinan-Holocene Incised Valley-Fill Sequences Mark...
Success Story of Increasing Oil Production and Sand Handling Performance by PCP Implementation in Heavy Oil Reservoir under CSS Treatment
Dias Anugrah Massewa, Fahmi Nugraha, Ferdyan Ihza Akbar, Listiawan Febrianto, Nugroho Marsiyanto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... to extensive pump stuck, poor gas handling that leads to gas lock, and has well head leaks potential. SRP also has upstroke and down stroke movement which...
Optimizing Field Development Strategy of Carbonate Gas Reservoir; An Integrated Subsurface Study of Alur Siwah Field
Brianto Adhie Setya Wardhana, Arie Fahdhomi, Iskandar Fahmi, Benny Heko Riyadi, Ardiyanto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... to 21.2 mD. As for the effect of the fluid movement in the Z direction, the average of the vertical permeability is about 0.03 of its horizontal...
Reservoir and Bitumen Heterogeneity in Athabasca Oil Sands; #20296 (2015)
Milovan Fustic, Khalis Ahmed, Sammi Brough, Barry Bennett, Lorraine Bloom, Michèle Asgar-Deen, Olufemi Jokanola, Ron Spencer, Steve Larter
Search and Discovery.com
... contact, water chemistry (salinity) and availability of nutrients (Larter et al., 2003; Head et al., 2003). The shallow burial history suggests very low...
Carboniferous Stratigraphy in the Southern Foothills of Alberta
R. J. W. Douglas
CSPG Special Publications
... a short, preliminary account of these investigations. In a report on the Mount Head map-area, Alberta, in course of preparation, the term Rundle...
Aspects Carbonate Sedimentation in Indonesia
Michael Scrutton
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... there is greater exposure to the oncoming currents and waves. The coral growths are so closely interwoven, often with many species growing on top of others...
Geology of Yucatan Platform
A. E. Weidie, William C. Ward, Robert H. Marshall
New Orleans Geological Society
... is about 260 km. On the west the bank extends to 92.5°W. The western boundary of the bank trends N-S parallel to the adjacent Campeche Canyon, the head...
Kapp Starostin Formation in Spitsbergen: A Sedimentary and Faunal Record of Late Permian Palaeoenvironments in an Arctic Region
Yoichi Ezaki, Toshio Kawamura, Koji Nakamura
CSPG Special Publications
..., C.S., Keane, S.L. and Head, P.S. 1988. Non-tropical carbonate deposits on the modern New Zealand shelf. Sedimentary Geology, v. 60, p. 71-94...
Cardium Formation 6. Stratigraphic Framework of the Cardium in Subsurface: REPLY
A. Guy Plint, Roger G. Walker, Katherine M. Bergman
CSPG Bulletin
..., 1986; mesh diagram in Bergman and Walker, 1987; Fig. 5) does not resemble a subaerial fluvial topography; for example, how could rivers head...
Turbidity Currents, Graded and Non-Graded Deposits
Ph. H. Kuenen, Henry W. Menard
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... one arrives. Generally the latter will be more dense at its head than the tail of the former, otherwise it would lag behind. Hence it dives under...
Effects of Man on the Earth: The View from the Space Shuttle
William R. Muehlberger
GCAGS Transactions
... the boundary because of spring lines that form the head of navigation and waterpower operations. Most people in the Gulf of Mexico region live near...
Subaqueous Landslides as They Affect Bottom Structures: Appendix 5-4
D. B. Prior, J. M. Coleman, J. N. Suhayda, L. E. Garrison
AAPG Special Volumes
..., is a general association with high sedimentation periods and hurricane-generated waves. But movement can also occur without such major triggering events...
Seismic Reflection Character Analysis of Stratigraphic Traps in Cretaceous Cardium Formation, Alberta, Canada
Roger M. Slatt , , John C. Robinson , , Kathe A. Lighty , , Gregory F. Moore
AAPG Bulletin
... Association of Geologists and Denver Geophysical Society, p. 95-103. Anno, P. D., 1986, Exploration of the Hunton Group, Anadarko basin, using shear waves...
Facies in a Shelf-Edge Delta--An Example from the Subsurface of the Gulf of Mexico, Middle Pliocene, Mississippi Canyon, Block 109 (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... currents, waves, or possibly river-fed underflows; (3) thinly interbedded ripple-laminated sands including (3.1) asymmetrical cross-laminations interpreted...
Applications of Pressure Analysis and Hydrodynamics to Petroleum Exploration in Indonesia
P. J. Cockroft, G. A. Edwards, R. S. K. Phoa, H. W. Reid
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., 1954-2026. Krayushkin, V.A. 1967. Effect of capillary pressure on distribution of gas and oil occurrences in lateral migration of oil and gas. Int...
Geological Aspects of Abnormal Reservoir Pressures in Gulf Coast Louisiana
George Dickinson
AAPG Bulletin
... of the formations, but there is little evidence of any other tectonic forces acting in the area under review so that the effect of compaction...
The First-Person Account of Walton Sumner: One Mans Experiences in Petroleum Exploration, 1928 1939
Ginny Kilander
Petroleum History Institute
... population – located in the Pennine hills of Northern England. From 1916 to 1924 I attended the Burnley Grammar School where my father was head...