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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Connecting the Backwater Dynamics of Large Rivers to the Composition and Shapes of Channel Belts in the Coastal Zone
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Looking Inside Turbidity Currents: The Effects of Spatial and Temporal Changes In Velocity, Concentration and Grain Size on Depositional Properties; #90013 (2003)
Jaco H. Baas, William D. McCaffrey, Caroline Choux, Peter D. W. Haughton
Search and Discovery.com
... in more distal regions. Grain size maxima were recorded in the head. Within the flow body a consistent pattern of upward fining then coarsening...
ABSTRACT: Evolution of Coil Tubing Drilling (CTD) Unlocks Additional Resources at the Kuparuk Field, North Slope, Alaska; #90125 (2011)
Clark, Bryn, Little, Laird, Van Nostrand, Dominique, Head, Jennifer, Hinkle, Amy, Braun, Michael, Venhaus, Dan, Gantt, Lamar
Search and Discovery.com
..., Little, Laird, Van Nostrand, Dominique, Head, Jennifer, Hinkle, Amy, Braun, Michael, Venhaus, Dan, Gantt, Lamar Evolution of Coil Tubing Drilling (CTD...
Abstract: Three-Dimensional Pore Connectivity Evaluation in a Holocene Microbialite Head; #90153 (2012)
Marcelo F. Rezende, Sandra Nélis Tonietto, Michael C. Pope
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Three-Dimensional Pore Connectivity Evaluation in a Holocene Microbialite Head; #90153 (2012) Marcelo F. Rezende, Sandra Nélis Tonietto...
Abstract: Province Wide Hydrogeological Characterization Mapping of Saskatchewan; the Northeastern Margin of the Williston Basin and the Eastern Margin of the Alberta Basin; #90224 (2015)
Gavin K. S. Jensen, Ben Rostron, Dan Palombi, and Anatoly Melnik
Search and Discovery.com
... of hydraulic head and water chemistry has been conducted on aquifers ranging in age from Cambrian to the upper Cretaceous. A strict culling process...
Abstract: Ground Motions along the Long-Point Fault Derived from Continuous GPS Observations (2013 2015); #90285 (2016)
Yi-An Lin, Guoquan Wang
Search and Discovery.com
... preconsolidation head (about -40 m). It is expected that the land subsidence will continue until the groundwater levels approach the regional preconsolidation...
Abstract: Upper Ordovician Reefs in the Hudson Bay Basin; Potential for Hydrocarbon Reservoirs; #90310 (2017)
Denis Lavoie, Ariane Castagner, Omid Haeri Ardakani, André Desrochers
Search and Discovery.com
... on Southampton Island at the northern end of the Hudson Bay. These mounds belong to the Red Head Rapids Formation and consist of a massive core with thinner...
Abstract: Workflow to Design an Electrical Sumbmersible Pump for Water Dump Flooding; #90319 (2018)
Nishu Sharma, Shreya Shekhar
Search and Discovery.com
... rate. In pressure prediction step, future reservoir pressures were estimated using Petrel PI software. The equations for Total Dynamic Head (TDH...
Sedimentology, Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Architecture of the Eocene Mirador Formation, Cupiagua field, Llanos Foothills, Colombia, by Juan Carlos Ramon and Andres Fajardo-Diaz; #90052 (2006)
Search and Discovery.com
Possible Young Faulting in the Piedmont of North-Central Colorado
Daniel R. Shawe, Thomas A. Steven, Daniel H. Knepper, Jr.
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...), in part horizontally layered. Ledge of loess (shadowed), left center of the view, is about 2 ft thick. The layer above loess ledge is manmade fill...
Stratigraphy of the Silurian System of the Lower Mississippi Valley
John R. Ball
Kansas Geological Society
... of limonitic cementing material appears. Possibly this layer of nodules is sideritic. Above the base of the shale and widely scattered are flattened...
Taphonomic analyses of an early Eocene Litolophus (Perissodactyla, Chalicotherioidea) assemblage from the Erlian Basin, Inner Mongolia, China
Bin Bai, Yuanqing Wang, Jin Meng, Xun Jin, Qian Li, Ping Li
...), and the bed bearing this taxon is the same level as the small mammal-bearing layer. The Triplopus and Hyrachyus specimens are definitely from...
Late Pleistocene Deposits in the Vicinity of Houston, Texas: A Preliminary Investigation
Jules R. DuBar , Gordon Clopine
GCAGS Transactions
... development, and maintains that various slopes are in reality due to the effect of climatic control through influence on plant cover. He further...
Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Tensleep Sandstone (Pennsylvanian and Permian), Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming
Dennis R. Kerr, David M. Wheeler, David J. Rittersbacher, John C. Horne
Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)
... illustrating the regional stratigraphic architecture of the Tensleep Sandstone. At this scale, the Tensleep is “layer cake” in that eolian-marine sequences can...
Application of Machine Learning Methods to Assess Progressive Cavity Pumps (PCPs) Performance in Coal Seam Gas (CSG) Wells
Fahd Saghir, M. E. Gonzalez Perdomo, Peter Behrenbruch
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... window without considering the effect of overall PCP performance since time zero (t0). This will lead to limited representation of the overall PCP...
Rapid diagenesis and microbial biosignature degradation in spring carbonates from Crystal Geyser, Utah, U.S.A.
Jon Lima-Zaloumis, Jack D. Farmer, Elizabeth Trembath-Reichert
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... graben (Jung et al. 2014; Potter-McIntyre 2019) eventually filling the Crystal Geyser borehole. When CO2 exsolution pressure exceeds the hydrostatic head...
Depositional Analogues & Subsurface Uncertainty Management: Implications for Reservoir Characterisation & Modelling
S. P. Sadler, S. C. Lang, R. J. Seggie, K. Adamson, N. G. Marshall, D. P. Harris, J. A. Spilsbury-Schakel
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
.... This had promoted the anomalously widespread stochastic propagation of the siltstone baffle. Mitigation of this effect involved the consistent...
Coaxial Stretching or Lithospheric Simple Shear in the North Sea? Evidence from Deep Seismic Profiling and Subsidence: Chapter 33: North Sea and Barents Shelf
Simon L. Klemperer, Nicky White
AAPG Special Volumes
..., An open-system, two-layer crustal stretching model for the eastern Great Basin: Tectonics, v. 6, p. 1-12. Gibbs, A,D., 1983, Balanced cross-section...
The Paleohydrology of Lower Cretaceous Seasonal Wetlands, Isle of Wight, Southern England
V. Paul Wright , Kevin G. Taylor , Victoria H. Beck
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in Figure 3. B) Curved pedogenic slickensides. Hammer head is 20 cm wide. End_Page 625------------------------ The high concentrations of fusain...
Asphaltic Substances in Southeastern Turkey
Richard F. Lebkuchner , Ferda Orhun , Monika Wolf
AAPG Bulletin
... form straight lines in uniform-layer material. In such uniformly hard material the veins can, in places, be recognized from a distance; for example...
Stratigraphy and Depositional Setting, Kingshill Limestone, Miocene, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
Lee C. Gerhard , Stanley H. Frost , Patrick J. Curth
AAPG Bulletin
... and are discontinuous lenses, in places stacking one on the other as if sedimentation were channel controlled (Fig. 6A). Biota of this subfacies includes large head...
Fan Valleys, Channels, and Depositional Lobes on Modern Submarine Fans: Characters for Recognition of Sandy Turbidite Environments
William R. Normark
AAPG Bulletin
... travel time and meters of water depth. Prominent reflector at 4.5-sec round trip travel time is top of oceanic crust (layer 2). End_Page 923...
Impact of arid surface megacracks on hydrocarbon reservoir properties
Philipp Antrett, Anna Alexandra Vackiner, Peter Kukla, Norbert Klitzsch, Harald Stollhofen
AAPG Bulletin
... thesis, Potsdam University, Germany, 337 p.Rowell, D. L., D. Payne, and N. Ahmad, 1969, The effect of the concentration and movement of solutions...
Shallow Water Flows in Gulf of Mexico, Relating High Sedimentation Rates to Proglacial Lake Source and Mass Transport Deposits in Deepwater Sink; #30615 (2019)
Thomas Bjerstedt, Kody Kramer
Search and Discovery.com
... Memoir 58, p. 199-233. Railsback, L.B., P.L. Gibbard, M.J. Head, N.R.G. Voarintsoa, and S. Toucanne, 2015, An optimized scheme of lettered marine...
A coal-sulfur model for Sydney Coalfield (Upper Carboniferous), Nova Scotia, Canada
Erwin L. Zodrow
Atlantic Geology
... consists of the common F and unique factors LI (II is decomposable into specific and error factors), which for the sulfur effect is written as follows...