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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Tectonic Settings of Continental Extensional Provinces and Their Impact on Ssedimentation and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity
Chris K. Morley
Special Publications of SEPM
... of the brittle layer and and consequent reduction in thickness of the brittle layer and reduced effective elastic thickness Fig 5 Mohr 1987 Ebinger et reduced...
Production, Destruction, and DilutionThe Many Paths to Source-Rock Development
Kevin M. Bohacs, George J. Grabowski Jr., Alan R. Carroll, Paul J. Mankiewicz, Kimberlee J. Miskell-Gerhardt, Jon R. Schwalbach, Mary Beth Wegner, J.A. (Toni) Simo
Special Publications of SEPM
... Formation and Mowry Formation examples—see also discussion in Tyson, 1995). This effect is particularly significant in strata younger than Early...
Cross-Sections of the Parry Islands Fold Belt on Melville Island, Canadian Arctic Islands: Implications for the Timing and Kinematic History of Some Thin-Skinned Decollement Systems
Harrison, J.C., Bally, A.W.
CSPG Bulletin
... (subsurface only, see Fig. 7); 6. Consett Head Anticline; 7. Dealy Island Anticline; 8. Hearne Point Anticline; 9. King Point Anticline; 10. Mecham...
Wasatch Plateau Gas Fields, Utah
Paul T. Walton
AAPG Bulletin
... in drilling the Gordon Creek well. Kaibab limestone: The Kaibab is marine limestone of predominantly gray color with a 25-foot white sandstone layer near...
Structural Analysis of Devils River Uplift-Southern Val Verde Basin, Southwest Texas
Robert E. Webster
AAPG Bulletin
...) that "The effect of this craton-margin positive element was to shield the Pennsylvanian and Permian siliciclastic rocks of the adjacent Val Verde basin from...
Use of outcrop observations, geostatistical analysis, and flow simulation to investigate structural controls on secondary hydrocarbon migration in the Anacacho Limestone, Uvalde, Texas
Christopher E. Wilson, Atilla Aydin, Louis J. Durlofsky, Alexandre Boucher, Darrell T. Brownlow
AAPG Bulletin
.... 184187, doi:10.1190/1.1452610.Masalmeh, S. K., 2002, The effect of wettability on saturation functions and impact on carbonate reservoirs in the Middle...
Current Environmental Legislation, Proposals for Reform and Compensation to Landowners for Environmental Damage
M. L. Wright
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... of project and the Minister forms an opinion that the project may have a “significant effect upon the environment”. There is no definition in the EP Act...
Geology of Portions of Sunwapta and Southesk Map-Areas: Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada
Richard D. Hughes
CSPG Special Publications
.... Piran formation on a mountain at the head of Oldman Creek, where it is exposed for 1,000 feet along the strike. Ten miles to the south-east a 60-foot bed...
The Changing Exploration Scene in Australasia*
Leslie R. Beddoes, Jr.
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... cubic feet of gas reserves have been found under this scheme of encouragement. The general effect of these restraints has been a predictable...
Brownfield modifications to convert existing gas production facilities for CCS operations
Christopher Jones
Australian Energy Producers Journal
... is very sensitive to changes in ambient temperature; this can have a considerable effect on the pressure of the shut-in system. Best intentions Australian...
Magnetotelluric Investigation of the Pleistocene Nueces River Incised Valley, Mustang Island, Texas
Egon T. Weber, Richard Hay, James R. Garrison, Jr.
GCAGS Transactions
... by a valley-fill sequence consisting of fluvial, bay head delta and estuarine facies that were deposited upon a Pleistocene erosional surface at a depth...
Design and Implementation of Calibration Plug as a Key to Success of Tubingless Completion in Tunu Field
Sergio Giorgi, Dominique Larrondo, Christian Labeyrie, Andre Glowacz, Alain Bourgeois
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... To be able to latch at the float collar, a one way taper latch is designed at the head of the plug. It is made from Aluminum T6061. To be able to withstand...
Landslide at km 56.4 along the Irbid-Amman Highway, Northern Jordan
Nabil S. Abderahman
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
.... This was double the mean annual rainfall, based on 40 years of records before the landsliding. The most important effect of rainfall is related...
Montana Geological Society
... of major proportions would probably have a bad effect on this presently delicate balance between supply and demand...
Internal Corrosion Control Program for the Badak Gas Production Facilities
James W. Ward, Yadi Mulyadi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... Schematic of Well Head Equipment and Flowline Injection Facilities Attachment 8–11 are cumulative data plots. They show the correlation, or lack...
Mining At Aspen
Bruce Bryant
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... -in October 1887. From a starting point at Red Cliff, near the head of the Eagle River and west of the continental divide, that railroad built a narrow...
High Angle Dips at Erosional Edge of Overthrust Faults
Gray W. Crosby
CSPG Bulletin
... of Rocky Mountains foreland: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 49, p. 966-992. Raleigh, C. B., and Griggs, D. T., 1963, Effect of the toe...
Geology of the Prong Creek Field, Crook County, Wyoming
E. L. Heisey
Wyoming Geological Association
... in detail because of the effect of post-Minnelusa erosion which has removed the "A" sandstone in certain areas of the Prong Creek structure...
Factors Affecting Delay of Upstream Oil and Gas Development Projectors in Indonesia: Case Study 2012-2013
Josia T. Simanjuntak, Anggono Mahendrawan
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... to the contractor due to fixed costs. There is also the inflation effect manifested in the increasing prices of material and other factors (Assaf...
Gippsland Basin 3D forward modelling in Badlands
Xuemei Yang, Greg Smith
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... models using empirical data for a rift basin. The theoretical models are used to assess and measure the relative effect of significant variables...
Tatums Pool, Carter County, Oklahoma
Glenn Grimes
AAPG Bulletin
...: at intervals, as the over-burden became great enough, a small zone would move down the dip and effect a drag on the formations. There is one apparent exception...
Gas in Place and Reservoir Characterization Estimation Using Dynamic Production Data, a Comparative Study
Tri Firmanto, Aditya Zulfa, Jufenilamora Nurak
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... designed as zero intervention wells, therefore the reservoir pressures were estimated from the well head pressures. First production was in 1994 from...
High Order Polynomic Composition Approach for Early Pump Cavitation Detection to Maximize Heavy Oil Flow Production
Arii Bowo Yudhaprasetya, Arie Nugroho, Muhammad Ferry Vaizal, Andi Rustandi, Achmad Mohan Sifai
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... The severe condition happens along incoming pipeline of ZUB-ZUF and considered as an adverse effect to the process stability. This incoming line must...
Exploring the Overlooked Seurula Potential in Arun Field; A Preliminary Study from Outcrops and Subsurface Data in North Sumatra Basin
Brianto Adhie Setya Wardhana, Ibnu Hafizh, Hafidl Arsyi, Wiendra Ahmad Faridsyah, Nailul Marom
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...-filled reservoir. However, alternating sands and shales seriously suppressed this effect in these wells. Crossovers do not necessarily mean gas versus non...
Responses of Aquifers to Ground Water Pumping Increases and Decreases in the Houston, Texas, Metropolitan Area
John W. Nelson
GCAGS Transactions
... in the hydrostatic head in the aquifers and a decline in the static water level in wells. Large static water-level declines of approximately 130 to 300...