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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
An Aspect of Sedimentary Basin Evolution: The Concentration of Mississippi Valley-Type Ores During Late Stages of Diagenesis
S. A. Jackson,, F. W. Beales
CSPG Bulletin
...: Tulsa, Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists. Tiller, K. C., and Hodgson, J. F., 1962, The specific sorption of cobalt and zinc by layer silicates...
Influence of Diagenesis On the Quality of Lower Cretaceous Pre-salt Lacustrine Carbonate Reservoirs from Northern Campos Basin, Offshore Brazil
Ronaldo Herlinger, Jr., Eveline Ellen Zambonato, Luiz Fernando De Ros
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and its effect on sonic velocity and permeability in carbonates: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, v. 93, p. 1297–1317. White, N...
Paleoecology and Diagenesis of Pleistocene Limestone on Ambergris Cay, Belize
Gordon E. Tebbutt
AAPG Special Volumes
... to be broad and flat. On the true crest of the reef, which receives the brunt of the sea waves and swells, the fronds are directed sharply toward...
Vegetation of the Uinta Mountains and its Relationship with Geology and Geomorphology
Sherel Goodrich
Utah Geological Association
... to a thin layer of duff. Stands of trees consisting only of dense lodgepole pine indicate relatively high fire frequency. Mauk and Henderson (1984...
Western North America--U.S. and Canada, After 1920: Chapter 13: PART I. CALIFORNIA
Edgar Wesley Owen
AAPG Special Volumes
... a horde of promoters and inexperienced operators rushed to get their wells down before the head blew off. Taking everything into account, however...
Reservoir Water Resistivities and Possible Hydrodynamic Flow in Denver Basin
William L. Russell
AAPG Bulletin
.... Effect of structure: In some structural basins the concentration of the water in the reservoirs increases markedly with depth. For example, in Oklahoma...
Mass Balance and Fluid Flow Constraints on Regional-Scale Dolomitization, Late Devonian, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
Michael J. Shields, Patrick V. Brady
CSPG Bulletin
... McCrossan and R.P. Glaister (eds.). Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists, p. 137-155. Stoakes, F.A. 1980. Nature and control of shale basin and its effect...
Geology of the Stansbury Mountains, Eastern Tooele County, Utah
J. Keith Rigby
Utah Geological Association
... the effect of glaciation (Pl. 7, fig 2; Pl. 8, fig 2). All three forks of South Willow, i. e., Mill Fork, Dry Lake Fork, and Pockets Fork, head in well...
Laramide Paleotectonics of Southern New Mexico: Part IV. Southern Rocky Mountains
W. R. Seager, G. H. Mack
AAPG Special Volumes
.... 205-228. Sabins, F. F., 1957, Geology of the Cochise Head and western part of the Vanar quadrangles, Arizona: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 68...
Chapter 4: Granites and Terranes in Cape Breton Island
Sandra M. Barr
Atlantic Geoscience Society Special Publications
... Grenvillian basement inliers in the Appalachian orogen, such as the Steel Mountain, Indian Head, and Long 74 Range inliers in western Newfoundland (e.g....
Radar Architecture and Evolution of Channel Bars in Wandering Gravel-Bed Rivers: Fraser and Squamish Rivers, British Columbia, Canada
C.L. Wooldridge, E.J. Hickin
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in bar-top sands (Fig. 3D). Bar surfaces are usually armored with a layer of open-framework gravels (Fig. 3C), but subsurface deposits are matrix-filled...
Dr. H. K. van Poollen, Sam J. Bateman
Williston Basin Symposium
... an adverse effect. The physical theory and the equation of tilt of the interface between a flowing-underground fluid and a static one...
The Future of Unconventional Natural Gas© as an Alternative Energy Resource
Lawrence C. Bonham
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... (1965) The effect of decrease in porosity with depth on future development of oil and gas reserves in South Louisiana: Unpublished manuscript of paper...
Water Production from Abnormally Pressured Gas Reservoirs in South Louisiana
W. E. Wallace
GCAGS Transactions
... section. EXAMPLES OF THE LIFT OF WATER I. In this case we are concerned with the release of dissolved methane in the reservoir brine. The general effect...
Developing Reliability in Hydraulic Stimulation Operations
Jason Pitcher, Jay Painter, Amanda Heitsch, Lucile Turpin
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... (often termed goat head) is a good example of utilizing this variable, as many manufacturers used inlet angles ranging from < 30 degrees to 90 degrees...
Cost Benefit Analysis of Gas Transportation Between Pipeline and CNG
Arsegianto, Darmadi, Evi Wahyuningsih, Houssene Fabrice Nissaraly, Muhammad Islahuddin, Bernard, Febi Haryadi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... with pipeline and how it faces the future prospect. Externalities include spillovers (direct effect) and linkages (secondary effect). They are distinguished...
Proppant Selection Criteria and Their Influence on Performance of North Dakota Oil-Rich Shale Wells
Craig Wilcox, Tihana Fuss, Jingyu Shi, Dan Herndon
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... a drastically negative effect on the crush performance of sand resulting in 6 times more crushed particles at 0.25 lb/ft2 compared to 4 lb/ft2. Figure 1...
Implementing Multi-Disciplinary Teams in Arco Indonesia: Facelift or Functional Improvement?
John G. Kaldi, Frila B. Yaman, James P. Westerheid
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... difficult. Each organization attempting to effect a fundamental change in the way it does its business faces challenges that are unique to itself...
Memorial: Dean A. McGee (1904-1989)
John A. Masters
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... of Petroleum Geologists Wherever McGee sat was the head of the table. However quietly expressed, his enormous talents humbled everyone around him. He never...
Preliminary Observations on Geological Use of Aerial Photographs
Frank A. Melton
AAPG Bulletin
... prints singly, without the stereo-effect. Nevertheless, the value of the stereoscopic model in purely topographic mapping has probably been...
Carbonate Diagenesis: Equilibration of Sedimentary Mineralogy to the Subaerial Environment; Coral Cap of Barbados, West Indies
R. K. Matthews
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of climatic variability exhibited on the island. Secondly, a pronounced climatic effect is evident when one compares the low rainfall--high...
Liner Hanger Installation in Challenging Offshore Well Conditions, #42003 (2017).
David Luna, Roberto Elizalde, Wantuadi Diwaku
Search and Discovery.com
... to evaluate the effect of placing different centralizer placements ion reducing of torque but also its negative effect on increasing required push down...
Petroleum Related to Middle and Upper Devonian Deltaic Facies in Central Appalachians
John M. Dennison
AAPG Bulletin
... Shale and Gordon, Fourth, Benson, and Riley sandstones. Valley Head, Pound, Briery Gap, Clearville, and Parkhead strata are locally well sorted...
Frequency, distribution, and mechanisms of evaporite karst drilling hazards in the western Delaware Basin: Learnings from historical high-density exploration in Culberson County, Texas
Andrew Roark
AAPG Bulletin
... of the Rio Grande uplift to the west (cf. Chapin and Cather, 1994). The new elevation difference created substantial hydraulic head between...
Best Practices for Production Shut Down
Rodney Reynolds, David Williams, Douglas Louis, Dissa Ediston, Fave, Rodney Reynolds, David Williams, Douglas Louis, Dissa Edmiston, Dave Nickel, Rocky Higgins,Steve Thocker
...? A clear provision in an oil and gas lease that the lease shall become null and void or cease to be in effect in the event the lessee does not pay...