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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Introduction to Offshore Geologic Hazards: Section 1: PART 2
Arnold H. Bouma
AAPG Special Volumes
..., Determination of extreme values of waves, winds, currents and tides for the design of offshore structure. Jour. Am. Assoc. Petroleum Eng., p. 166-174...
Storms and Sedimentary Processes Along the Northern British Honduras Coast
Lee R. High, Jr.
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... deposits, built up over many years by the slow but steady agents of waves, tides, or organic growth, are suddenly destroyed. Storms producing changes...
Heterogeneity within Carbonates Guidelines from Modern Examples
Paul M. (Mitch) Harris
Search and Discovery.com
... result in vastly different reservoir properties. An upper layer of muddy ooid sand, some 20 km (12.4 mi) wide and from 4 to less that 1 m (13 to less...
Abstract: Effect of Hydrodynamics and Fault Zone Heterogeneity from Membrane Seal Capacity, by Julian Strand, Jim Underschultz, Karsten Michael, Brett Freeman, and Graham Yielding; #90082 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Part 2: Discussion
Francis P. Shepard, Neil F. Marshall, Patrick A. McLoughlin, Gary G. Sullivan
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the cases where apparent downcanyon advance of internal waves occurred there is clear evidence of the of water-mass flow into the head of the canyon...
Holocene Evolution of the Inner Shelf of Southern Virginia
Donald J. P. Swift, Terry Nelsen, John McHone, Barry Holliday, Harold Palmer, Gerald Shideler
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... to flow in the inner boundary layer. Sand waves with south-facing steeper slopes occur on ridge flanks and in troughs. Sand wave spacings vary from 10...
Relationship Between Over- and Under-Thrusting as Revealed by Experiments
Theodore A. Link
AAPG Bulletin
..., is ordinarily higher than the gliding plane and, unfortunately, in many places is hidden from view. Furthermore, man of the low-angle shear planes...
Physical Oceanography of the Gulf of California: Chapter 25: Part V. Physical Oceanography, Primary Productivity, Sedimentology
N. A. Bray , J. M. Robles
AAPG Special Volumes
..., including coastally trapped waves, dominate shelf circulation on the eastern side of the Gulf, at least during summer. Although energetic currents...
Tectono-Stratigraphic Framework With 2D Palinspatic Reconstruction of Salawati Basin, Bird's Head, West Papua
Alfian Gilang, Adi Gunawan, Sandi Putrazony, Carolus Prasetyadi, Anggit Chandra Prasetyo
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Tectono-Stratigraphic Framework With 2D Palinspatic Reconstruction of Salawati Basin, Bird's Head, West Papua Alfian Gilang, Adi Gunawan, Sandi...
The Holocene Shelf Sediment Wedge Off the South and East Coast of South Africa
A. K. Martin, B. W. Flemming
CSPG Special Publications
...-scale physical processes on the continental shelf. South Africa Journal of Science, v. 79, p. 159-160. Schumann, E. H. in press. Bottom boundary layer...
Islands at Risk: Coastal Hazard Assessment and Mapping in The Hawaiian Islands
Bruce M. Richmond, Charles H. Fletcher, III, Eric E. Grossman, Ann E. Gibbs
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... by intense rainfall events are nearly an annual occurrence in the state, as are seasonal high waves generated by north Pacific storms. Coastal erosion has...
Influence of Organic Matter in Soils on Radar-Wave Reflection: Sedimentological Implications
Remke L. van Dam,, Elmer H. van den Berg, Sytze van Heteren, C. Kasse, Jeroen A.M. Kenter, Koos Groen
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and for stratigraphic and archeological studies. METHODS Ground-Penetrating Radar The GPR technique is based on propagation and reflection of electromagnetic waves...
Stratigraphy of Medinan Group, New York and Ontario
Donald W. Fisher
AAPG Bulletin
... by the deposition of the Cabot Head shale and the Grimsby sandstone. Continental sedimentation occurred during lower Whirlpool deposition and upper Grimsby...
Application of Multi-segment Well Modeling to Simulate Well Interference
Hewei Tang, Zhi Chai, Bicheng Yan, John Killough
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... infill pad. The joint effect of wellbore cross flow and stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) overlap can be observed in this case. We further investigate...
Abstract: Advantages and Disadvantages of Array Depth Placement and Longer Toolstring Apertures; #90187 (2014)
N. Verkhovtseva and J. Shaffner
Search and Discovery.com
... on the optimal toolstring placement. Presence of high velocity layers can create head waves and decrease location accuracy for the distant events...
Use of Seismic Refraction Techniques for Investigating Recent Landslides in a Tropical Rain Forest in Puerto Rico
Matthew C. Larsen
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... at the toe of the slump, and the thickness of saprolitic soil above the head scarp ranged from 4 to 8 m. Estimated depth to the top of the quartz-diorite...
Carbonate Bank Sedimentation, Eastern Shark Bay, Western Australia
G. R. Davies
AAPG Special Volumes
... exposed to tidal currents and to waves generated by strong, prevailing southerly winds. Formation and preservation of the bank in this environment...
Nearshore Bedform Patterns Along Rhode Island from Side-Scan Sonar Surveys
Andrew Morang , Robert L. McMaster
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., megaripples, and sand waves. Fields of low amplitude sand waves, 10-15 m in wave length, were discovered lying parallel to the shoreline at depths...
Late-Wisconsin Readvance of Piedmont Glaciers in Southwest Newfoundland
Ian A. Brookes
Atlantic Geology
... moraines along this coast. Therefore, marine submergence to 5 m, and possibly 10 m asl, is indicated at this section. The marine pelite layer had been...
Possibility of Outlining Gas-Oil Pools by the Method of Electrical Sounding Using Boreholes
M. A. Kirichek, Yu. S. Korol’kov, A. N. Kuznetsov, A. P. Yakovkev
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... with input electrode A at well head. 1-Boundary of upper layer; 2-boundary of lower shield. Experimental work in the Gazli gas field on clarifying...
Up-Estuary Variation of Sedimentary Facies and Ichnocoenoses in an Open-Mouthed, Macrotidal, Mixed-Energy Estuary, Gomso Bay, Korea
Byongcheon Yang, Robert W. Dalrymple, Murray K. Gingras, Seungsoo Chun, Heejun Lee
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., such that some of the mud eroded by these waves is transported into the head of the estuary, where net accumulation is most pronounced in winter...
Normal Moveout and Dip Moveout, C. L. Liner, #40037
Search and Discovery.com
Avian Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Plan in Total E & P Indonesie
Josef Susanto, Richard Morel, Eko Wahju Tjahjono, Junovi Setiono, Putu Bida
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... adds a “mechanical” layer of protection. Available PPE is head cover, safety goggles, mask, chemical suit, apron, shoe covers, and gloves. TI has...
K/T Boundary Deposits in the Paleo-western Caribbean Basin
Ryuji Tada, Manuel A. Iturralde-Vinent, Takafumi Matsui, Eiichi Tajika, Tatsuo Oji, Kazuhisa Goto, Yoichiro Nakano, Hideo Takayama, Shinji Yamamoto, Shoichi Kiyokawa, Kazuhiro Toyoda, Dora Garca-Delgado, Consuelo Daz-Otero, Reinaldo Rojas-Consuegra
AAPG Special Volumes
... complex influenced by repeating tsunami waves was deposited. Albear, J. F., and M. Iturralde-Vinent, 1985, Estratigrafa de las provincias de La Habana, in M...