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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 11,242 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Fluviatile Obstacle Marks from the Wadis of the Negev (Southern Israel)

Iaakov Karcz

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...., AND WALKER, W. S., 1951, The effect on transition of isolated surface excrescences in the boundary layer: Rept. Mem. Aero. Res. Coun. London...


Anatomy of Margin Basins

D. S. Gorsline

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...., Champaign, Illinois, 102 p. COOK, D. O., AND D. S. GORSLINE, 1972, Field observations of sand transport by shoaling waves: Marine Geology, v. 13, p...


Outstanding Features of Petroleum Development in America

David White

AAPG Bulletin

... (FOOTNOTE 4) that the fire that had been taken from the altar and hidden in a deep dry pit by the priests was found long afterward, by the sons...


Sedimentation and Tidal-Flat Development, Nilemah Embayment, Shark Bay, Western Australia

Raymond G. Brown, Peter J. Woods

AAPG Special Volumes

... into the supratidal flat to the beach ridges. A further effect of storm action arises from the configuration of the coast (Fig. 3). Storm waves traveling from...


Comparisons of Upper Devonian and Lower Silurian Tight Formations in Pennsylvania--Geological and Engineering Characteristics

Christopher D. Laughrey, John A. Harper

AAPG Special Volumes

...., 168 p. BRETT, C. E., 1982, Stratigraphy and facies relationships of Silurian (Wenlockian) Rochester Shale: layer-cake geology reinterpreted (abs...


Marine Isotope Stage 6 Canyon and Spillover Deposits of the Bryant and Eastern Canyon Systems, Northwest Gulf of Mexico: Importance of Fine-Grained Turbidites on a Delta-Fed Prograding Slope

Efthymios K. Tripsanas, William R. Bryant, Niall C. Slowey, Jin Wook Kim

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... settle on the seafloor only as aggregates (Kranck 1975; Krone 1993; Winterwerp 2002). The effect of the cyclic reduction of the boundary-layer shear...


A Practical Method for Optimizing Electric Submersible Pump Designs in High Viscosity Crudes

G. C. Bihn, A. N. E. Sumantri, E. H. Utomo, G. P. D'Silva

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... be calculated by detemining the actual head produced by the pump as calculated with the downhole sensor. Our studies indicate that the number...


Miocene of Caliente Range and Environs, California

J. E. Eaton , U. S. Grant , H. B. Allen

AAPG Bulletin

..., erosion, slides, and alluvial debris have obliterated or hidden stretches near its mouth, both heads, and intermittently between these points...


Inverse Grading Resulting from Coarse-sediment Transport Lag

Bryce M. Hand

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... is supposed to become stratified, with particle size increasing upward; "freezing" of this traction carpet yields an inversely graded layer...


Primary Sedimentary Structures Formed by Turbidity Currents and Related Resedimentation Mechanisms

John E. Sanders

Special Publications of SEPM

... current showing that even many metcrs behind the head of the flow the deeper invisible layer was still moving forward to supply the frontal portions...


Abstract: Sensitivity Analysis and Application of Time-lapse Full Waveform Inversion: Synthetic Testing, and Field Data Example for Monitoring An Underground Gas Blowout, The North Sea, Norway; #90254 (2016)

Hadi Balhareth, Martin Landro

Search and

... of the full waveform inversion (FWI) technique is paving the way for robustly incorporating head waves as well as diving waves into reservoir...


Optimization of Wave Parameters in the "a-b-c- ..." Model

R. Craig Starns , Robert C. Glassen

GCAGS Transactions

... wave height, wave period, and azimuth of approach) and a bathymetric grid (x - y matrix) for each study area. The program brings the input sample waves...


Regional-Scale Variation of Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Fluid Inclusions and Thermal Conditions Along the Paleozoic Laurentian Continental Margin in Eastern Quebec, Canada

G. Chi, D. Lavoie, R. Bertrand

CSPG Bulletin

... of the White Head Formation - evaluation of the hydrocarbon reservoir potential in Northeastern Gaspe. In: The Silurian - Devonian Succession in Northeastern...


Analogue modeling of domino-style extensional basement fault systems with prekinematic salt

O. Ferrer, E. Carola, K. McClay, and N. Bufaliza

AAPG Bulletin

... layer. Salt Internal Deformation during Extension At the beginning of extension, the main factor triggering salt flow is the elevation head produced...


Field Trip B6: The Macrotidal Environment of the Minas Basin, Nova Scotia: Sedimentology, Morphology, and Human Impact

Ian Spooner, Andrew MacRae, Danika van Proosdij, Gary Yeo

Atlantic Geoscience Society Special Publications

... at the head of the Bay (the northern Chignecto Bay arm and the eastern Minas Basin-Cobequeid Bay arm) are experiencing rapid accumulation of sediment...


The Canyon of the San Juan River

Gary C. Huber

Four Corners Geological Society

... description of sand waves: “A series of waves starts at the downstream end of a swift stretch of water and travels slowly upstream to the head...


Effects of Bioturbation on Sediment Properties

A. A. Ekdale, R. G. Bromley, S. G. Pemberton

Special Publications of SEPM

...) trace element concentration and (C) redox potential. Sediment stability can be increased by the baffling effect of rigid dwelling tubes, or it can...


SALEM LIMESTONE - TSOP 2019 Pre-Conference Field Trip Guidebook

Brian D. Keith, Todd A. Thompson

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

.... It is possible that this layer represents a microbial film, which may be simultaneously both a cause and an effect of substrate stabilization...


Biogenic Structures Produced by Sand-Swimming Snakes: A Modern Analog for Interpreting Continental Ichnofossils

Daniel I. Hembree, Stephen T. Hasiotis

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... body, short tail, blunt head, and small eyes (Zug et al. 2001). Kenyan sand boas are fossorial sand swimmers that inhabit loose, sandy soils in semiarid...


Abstract: Loading the Laurentian margin: correlating foreland basin subsidence with eclogite metamorphism

John W. F. Waldron, R. A. Jamieson, G. S. Stockmal, L. A. Quinn

Atlantic Geology

... beginning in Early Ordovician time. Middle Ordovician ('Taconian ') foreland basin sediments (Table Head and Goose Tickle groups), in part derived from...


The Cliff Head Oil Discovery - Offshore Perth Basin

N. T. Jones, A. D. Hall

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...The Cliff Head Oil Discovery - Offshore Perth Basin N. T. Jones, A. D. Hall The Cliff Head Oil Discovery- Offshore Perth Basin N.T. Jones 1 & A.D....


Upwelling, Thermoclines and Wave-Sweeping on an Equatorial Carbonate Ramp: Lower Carboniferous Strata of Western Canada

Richard T. Brandley, Federico F. Krause

Special Publications of SEPM

... Calgary Alberta Canada T2N IN4 Head Livingstone and Turner Valley Formations of southwest Canada accumulated on a westward of Pangea The ramp developed...


Resources and Resourcefulness

Ira H. Cram

AAPG Bulletin

...Resources and Resourcefulness Ira H. Cram 1945 857 864 29 7. (July) Standing at the very head of a long list of difficulties which consistently...


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