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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 11,300 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.

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Recent Marine Sediments of Gulf of California: PART 2

Tjeerd H. van Andel

AAPG Special Volumes

..., and it varies with the degree of exposure, fetch of waves, and current pattern . The effect of all factors of the geologic setting is clearly discernible...


High-resolution seismic imaging of shallow karstified carbonate overburden offshore Indonesia

Xiaobo Li, Yonghe Guo, Yi Xie, Barry Hung, Ilham Panggeleng, M. R. Husni Sahidu, Sarah Putri

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... of the targeted carbonate layer and the sampling limitation of the Ocean-Bottom Cable (OBC) acquisition, is a solution that handles the associated...


Use of Aquifer Stratigraphy for Building Numerical Models of Ground-Water Flow: Case Study of the Heterogeneous Gulf Coast Aquifer in Matagorda and Wharton Counties, Texas

Alan R. Dutton

GCAGS Transactions

.... Figure 4. Comparison of simulated and "observed" prepumping or steady-state values of hydraulic head in upper Chicot aquifer (layer 2). End_Page 187...


Underpressure in Mesozoic and Paleozoic rock units in the Midcontinent of the United States

Philip H. Nelson, Nicholas J. Gianoutsos, and Ronald M. Drake II

AAPG Bulletin

... in a head value that would be 30 m (100 ft) too high. The effect of variable hydrocarbon columns results in an upward bias that is randomly distributed...


West Texas Geological Society 1993 Fall Symposium

Julie Gibbs, David Cromwell

West Texas Geological Society

..., Texas. 2. The effect of Cenozoic basin development: Water Resources Research, v. 23, p. 1494-1504. Sofer, Zvi, and Gat, J. R., 1972, Activities...


Unique Mud Banks, Kerala, Southwest India: GEOLOGIC NOTES

R. R. Nair

AAPG Bulletin

... effect of the mud suspension on the incident waves. It was the extraordinary calming effect that the banks exert in the roughest weather that led...


The Fills and Stratigraphic Sequences in the Qiantangjiang Incised Paleovalley, China

Guijia Zhang, Congxian Li

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... a flood asymmetry. The effect of waves is much less important because the densely distributed archipelago (Fig. 1) limits the maximum effective depth...


Revealing the Shallow Hazards and Shallow Overburden Geology of Ubadari Gas-Field Using Integrated Geophysical, Geological, and Geotechnical Model

Sarah Putri, Stevy Wospakrik, Ilham Panggeleng, Marlon Nauw

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and infrastructures, damage to the reputation and injury and death. The presence of seabed features such as sand waves, scours and anthropomorphic...


Abstract: The Sequence Stratigraphic and Paleoclimatic Controls on Microbial Carbonates of the Carbonate-evaporite Dominated Late Carboniferous (Moscovian) Paradox Basin, Southeastern Utah; #90153 (2012)

Gianniny, Gary L., Daniel J. Powers, Shannon M. Boesch, Amanda A. Peterson, and Jordan Van Sickle

Search and

... currents or trade wind driven waves. This within sequence progradation may produce reservoir compartmentalization with highly cemented, lower permeability...


A Modern Evaporite Deposit in Mexico

Fred B Phleger

AAPG Bulletin

... the head of the lagoon. Tide ranges average about 1.5 m and have a maximum of about 2.7 m at the lagoon inlet. Some maximum tide ranges appear to be greater...


Edestus, the Strangest Shark? First Report from New Mexico, North American Paleobiogeography, and a New Hypothesis on Its Method of Predation

Wayne M. Itano

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... teeth were used to disable prey with a slicing action carried out with a vertical motion of the head, with jaws fixed relative to each other...


History of Hutchison Embayment Tidal Flat, Shark Bay, Western Australia

Gregory M. Hagan, Brian W. Logan

AAPG Special Volumes

... through postmortem accumulation and modification of the physical environment. Physical factors (waves and tidal currents) and salinity also have...


A Practical Method for Optimizing Electric Submersible Pump Designs in High Viscosity Crudes

G. C. Bihn, A. N. E. Sumantri, E. H. Utomo, G. P. D'Silva

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... be calculated by detemining the actual head produced by the pump as calculated with the downhole sensor. Our studies indicate that the number...


Spur and Groove Formation on the Florida Reef Tract

Eugene Shinn

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... modifies its growth form so that the branches can accommodate the forward thrust of impinging waves. The branches become oriented in the direction of wave...


Outstanding Features of Petroleum Development in America

David White

AAPG Bulletin

... (FOOTNOTE 4) that the fire that had been taken from the altar and hidden in a deep dry pit by the priests was found long afterward, by the sons...


Fluviatile Obstacle Marks from the Wadis of the Negev (Southern Israel)

Iaakov Karcz

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...., AND WALKER, W. S., 1951, The effect on transition of isolated surface excrescences in the boundary layer: Rept. Mem. Aero. Res. Coun. London...


Sediment characteristics of some Nova Scotian beaches

Edward Bryant

Atlantic Geology

... fountains under breaking waves in the surf zone, and longshore currents feeding into rips. These mechanisms add a suspension component to sediment...


Comparisons of Upper Devonian and Lower Silurian Tight Formations in Pennsylvania--Geological and Engineering Characteristics

Christopher D. Laughrey, John A. Harper

AAPG Special Volumes

...., 168 p. BRETT, C. E., 1982, Stratigraphy and facies relationships of Silurian (Wenlockian) Rochester Shale: layer-cake geology reinterpreted (abs...


Inverse Grading Resulting from Coarse-sediment Transport Lag

Bryce M. Hand

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... is supposed to become stratified, with particle size increasing upward; "freezing" of this traction carpet yields an inversely graded layer...


Anatomy of Margin Basins

D. S. Gorsline

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...., Champaign, Illinois, 102 p. COOK, D. O., AND D. S. GORSLINE, 1972, Field observations of sand transport by shoaling waves: Marine Geology, v. 13, p...


Sedimentation and Tidal-Flat Development, Nilemah Embayment, Shark Bay, Western Australia

Raymond G. Brown, Peter J. Woods

AAPG Special Volumes

... into the supratidal flat to the beach ridges. A further effect of storm action arises from the configuration of the coast (Fig. 3). Storm waves traveling from...


Miocene of Caliente Range and Environs, California

J. E. Eaton , U. S. Grant , H. B. Allen

AAPG Bulletin

..., erosion, slides, and alluvial debris have obliterated or hidden stretches near its mouth, both heads, and intermittently between these points...


Marine Isotope Stage 6 Canyon and Spillover Deposits of the Bryant and Eastern Canyon Systems, Northwest Gulf of Mexico: Importance of Fine-Grained Turbidites on a Delta-Fed Prograding Slope

Efthymios K. Tripsanas, William R. Bryant, Niall C. Slowey, Jin Wook Kim

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... settle on the seafloor only as aggregates (Kranck 1975; Krone 1993; Winterwerp 2002). The effect of the cyclic reduction of the boundary-layer shear...


Primary Sedimentary Structures Formed by Turbidity Currents and Related Resedimentation Mechanisms

John E. Sanders

Special Publications of SEPM

... current showing that even many metcrs behind the head of the flow the deeper invisible layer was still moving forward to supply the frontal portions...


Abstract: Sensitivity Analysis and Application of Time-lapse Full Waveform Inversion: Synthetic Testing, and Field Data Example for Monitoring An Underground Gas Blowout, The North Sea, Norway; #90254 (2016)

Hadi Balhareth, Martin Landro

Search and

... of the full waveform inversion (FWI) technique is paving the way for robustly incorporating head waves as well as diving waves into reservoir...


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